Rating:  Summary: Mme Blavatsky Review: Mme. Blavatsky was one of the most incredible impostors in the entire history of the occult. One of her greatest contributions to the benighting of mankind was her racist theory which fed like maggots on the diseased imaginations of the proto-nazi Ariosophists. Mme. Blavatsky was also famous for her fraudulent communications with a fantasy Lama in Tibet. She was quite the farty old pontif of late Victorian European bourgeois salons. Strange how her twaddle echoes on and on. Students of the occult need spend their time more productively than read this trash.
Rating:  Summary: If you believe it the gods will laugh at you!.... Review: No religion higher than the truth. But the truth has to make sence before it can be considered. This book is far from simplicity even I consider it as a tool to add more confusion to our conscience by challenging our intelligence and making fun of our higher self with hab-hab-toz words. in case you believe it, the gods will laugh at you ,lol,:)))) read the "the Biggest secret" by David icke
Rating:  Summary: Wow negative 20 reviews because I couldn't read the book Review: Ok so you people do not like that fact that I gave this book a 1 star (20 negative and 1 positive ratings on my review) so this is what I originally said: "I didn't take head of the word of thy brotheren of ours who WARNED us to think twice... now I have a book that I don't think I will get the honor of spending the years to work with it to "appreciate" it." The reason that I said this was that I knew that this book was going to be a very advanced read, and it was, but that it also seemed to be written in a very reader unfriendly manner unless you have somewhat of a large grasp and deep interest in the Theosophical views and can take very very large doses of a dry read. Now I love myself a good non-fiction book and it is read the quicker for actually being written with some wit. This book was about as exciting as picking up a dictionary for me though. Putting it into context it would be a very old dictionary. Now I wish I could write a review that would be to a higher standing... please ignore this review if you already have some deep knowledge into the Theosophical ideas... because I am writing to the casual spiritual reader. If you have no idea of the Theosophical Society and haven't read Blavastky before... then I will again say look at the book before you buy it... unless you want to send it back to Amazon.com if you return it. I did keep my copy so maybe some day I can actually get into a very exorbent mood to read the book... And if you think this review was long winded then let you know the book is quite large.
Rating:  Summary: Saint-Germain did not write the Secret Doctrine Review: Speaking as one who is interested in reading comments about the Secret Doctrine, it seems that reviews should be of the book and not the life story of an unrelated person who has nothing to do with the book (swooten@icok.net). I know that Theosophy says in part that we must become our own authority and not depend on "chosen ones" channeling/speaking-for "Ascended Masters". Why is this review here ???
Rating:  Summary: A must for those who want to join the 6th Root Race Review: The development of the 6th sub race of the 5th Root Race has begun in California.The root stock Aryans from India are reaching there to take part in this divine plan of evolution.Soon the beginnings of the 6th Root Race would commence.Those on the threshold must read this book.To know if you are on the threshold read 'The Lives of Alcyone' by CWLeadbeater. It can be read more easily on the computer in the PDF format as indexing helps finding the desired topic.I can arrange the book in PDF cheaply.Contactnavinkumar46@hotmail.com
Rating:  Summary: This book is foolish and idiotic Review: This book has no real facts and makes outstandingly stupid claims that have no basis in reality, a real waste of my time.
Rating:  Summary: The #1 referrence for the library of the Esotericist Review: This book is the compilation of a vast knowledge of the history of the races of humanity. It is occult, because this knowledge is not known to the young, material, modern scientists. It is knowledge that was inhereted from ancient Indo-Tibetan manuscripts and from the lips of Masters such as KH.: and M.: This book is an invaluable supplement to the study of esotericism because all of the ancient religions were used to shed light and objectivity to the matters discussed. The description of the Manvantaras, Pralayas, the 7 Root and Sub races, the teachings on the duties of the Avatars (Vaivasvatas), the various clues on practicle occultism etc are keys for the student who is willing to knock on the door of the mysteries. This book was one of many that clears the way for the teachings of VM Samael Aun Weor (gnosticinstitute.org) because within the books of the mentioned author, the Great Arcanum is exposed. Yet to find a book that is clearer and more practicle in this day and age in regards to the matters discussed in "The Secret Doctrine" find Samael Aun Weor's book entitled: "The Revolution of Beelzebub".
Rating:  Summary: The #1 referrence for the library of the Esotericist Review: This book is the compilation of a vast knowledge of the history of the races of humanity. It is occult, because this knowledge is not known to the young, material, modern scientists. It is knowledge that was inhereted from ancient Indo-Tibetan manuscripts and from the lips of Masters such as KH.: and M.: This book is an invaluable supplement to the study of esotericism because all of the ancient religions were used to shed light and objectivity to the matters discussed. The description of the Manvantaras, Pralayas, the 7 Root and Sub races, the teachings on the duties of the Avatars (Vaivasvatas), the various clues on practicle occultism etc are keys for the student who is willing to knock on the door of the mysteries. This book was one of many that clears the way for the teachings of VM Samael Aun Weor (gnosticinstitute.org) because within the books of the mentioned author, the Great Arcanum is exposed. Yet to find a book that is clearer and more practicle in this day and age in regards to the matters discussed in "The Secret Doctrine" find Samael Aun Weor's book entitled: "The Revolution of Beelzebub".
Rating:  Summary: Worth six stars, but complex and difficult. Review: This book was a startling and controversial spiritual landmark in 1888 when it first appeared. It covers cosmic, planetary, and human evolution, as well as science, religion, and mythology. It is based on the esoteric Stanzas of Dzyan, with reference data from over 1,200 sources. It was virtually the Bible for the early Theosophical Society, and has continued to be so even today in the 21st century. The work comprises three volumes: Cosmogenesis, Anthropogenesis and a further volume with index and bibliography adding immense value as a study tool. Cosmogenesis is the origin of the universe, while Anthropogenesis is the origin of humanity. In many countries around the world there are study groups dedicated to understanding this book. It is a compendium of nearly all religious and esoteric knowledge available at the time, but gathered psychically by the author. If you know about the life of the author (Blavatsky) the psychic guidance method seems the most plausible means of her obtaining the remarkable content for the Secret Doctrine. The impact of this book is so great that it should be an essential for anyone into the spiritual growth areas of today. Aside from theosophy, the work in this book is the starting point for all New Age philosophies. It grew out of a social climate of spiritualist seances and psychic phenomena, generalising all that was known then and integrating it in spectacular fashion. Many of the intelligencia of the day were influenced by this work, and wrote books on many aspects of this. It also led a prolonged Western excursion into the Eastern mysteries and religions. The book adds depth and insights to so many religions and philosophies, and yet follows the edict, "there is no religion higher than truth". For example, it adds to Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism, Jainism, Cabbala, Rosicrucianism, etc you name it! It also has a lot to say about the science of the late 19th century. Examples of modern New Age philosophies dependent either directly or indirectly on the Secret Doctrine are:- the Alice A Bailey schools including the University of the Seven Rays, Summit Lighthouse, the I AM movement, Steiner's Anthroposophy, Wicca, many yoga schools, healing energy techniques like Reiki, Shiatsu, etc. There is still much ambivalence even today about the Secret Doctrine and its writings and its esoteric traditions associated with the Himalayan Masters of Wisdom. The best way to resolve these issues is to read the book for yourself. It is a difficult book, even impossible for some students who may be surprised at how strange its language seems at times to those new to such things. But it was written not as a "suck it and see" book, but as a "live with me forever" book. I'm very pleased to recommend it to you.
Rating:  Summary: The Beginning of the New Age Review: This book, and H.P.B.'s spiritual movement introduced us to the New Age Aquiarius. Every watered down pseduo-esoteric and spiritual sect has its roots in what this book gives us. This book is profound and holds many great truths and today these groups don't give the layman a fair representation. There are some misconceptions of H.P.B. found in this book. However, none of them are as bantant as the ones posted within these reviews. For example, the true essense of the seven races are often distored by those who don't really understand. This book contains information for the person in Esoteric Kindergarden, misconceptions found in this book are transcended when in depth work begins. H.P.B. said that her entire work is merely an introduction to something larger. That something larger is found with the works, writings, and life of Samael Aun Weor -- a man hardly known in the US, 25 years after his death.