Rating:  Summary: Shamanism with an Indian flavor Review: Although, I use this book in my Shamanistic practice, I do not regard it to be about Native American teachings. In fact, my Seneca and Abenaki friends tell me that the writings of Ms. Sams are more about a White person's version of Native beliefs. There is too much New Age in her writings to be followed by a serious student of Native American religions. However, as a tool for Shamans, the cards and book are effective. Ms. Sams' writings present a safe approach to traveling between worlds. She encourages people to see beyond themselves.
One caveat: Seneca, Hopi, Lakota, and Yaqui teachings not interchangeable. Each group has a different perspective and belief system. People should understand that Native American beliefs are community and tribal based. To learn the ceremonies, they have to go to the tribe.
Rating:  Summary: Mix a Ouiji board with stereotypes of Native Spirituality Review: and you have Sams' Sacred Path Cards. No Indians I have ever encountered use playing cards to help them with life's problems. Why should you? These cards would be laughable if not for the fact they are "best sellers." There is something wrong in a world where, in the Native American section of a bookstore, you find the name Sams next to Silko. Save your money. There is nothing remotely "Native" about these cards. The author is relying on your ignorance about Native religions in order to push her own brand of "Indian Mysticism."
Rating:  Summary: Been there...done that....Highly recommend 'em Review: As I was reading through the customer reviews for the Sacred Path Cards, I was intrigued by the two reviewers who gave this item 1 star. One reviewer gives everything she reviews 1 star. The other apparently based her review on reading other reviews vs any first hand knowlege. I have used Sacred Path Cards for over 10 years and consider them to be an invaluable tool for spiritual growth. These are not meant to be fortune telling cards. To misconstrue this would be like calling your mother a fortune teller because she told you to "bundle up or you'll get sick" on a cold day. It is difficult to be objective to one's own issues. Our humanness seems to cloud the facts. Lots of people pray for spiritual growth and blame Satan for throwing obstacles in their path when it may just be God answering their prayers. If you don't understand this, I challenge you to pray for the ability to trust God fully. If you're not that brave try praying for patience. Will your discomfort make it more difficult to hear God's guidance? Sacred Path Cards help cut through the illusions we hold of ourselves. They bypass the tendency of our rational minds to justify and defend our motives or desires and tap into the truth in our own subconscious. I have always found Sacred Path Cards to provide a dead-on accurate reflection of what is going on in my life. With the accurate reflection also comes "the fix". The future holds the logical consequences of one's actions or inactions. No hocus-pocus involved. I would liken Ms. Sam's teachings to a Native American version of parable-style teaching. She gives insightful cultural history and mixes it with the lesson(s). The result for me has been the ability to limit the amount of time I would normally spend wallowing in my own misery and allowing me to focus on bringing my life back into balance. "Thank you, Jamie Sams." is inadequate to express my heartfelt gratitude.
Rating:  Summary: THE BOOK THAT CHANGED MY LIFE! Review: For anyone interested in Native American Spirituality and in learning how they can apply these Ancient Teachings in their own modern-day lives, this book is a MUST READ (and USE!) It is a tool that can help anyone who WANTS help. I believe the reviewer who commented that "no Indian he (or she) knows uses CARDS" - must be ignorant to the fact that this book was NOT written for those who were taught these teachings from birth, but rather was written for people like myself who are NEW to the Sacred Path and who don't KNOW how to get on it (and STAY on it!) I thank you, Jamie Sams, for sharing your Native Teachings with those of us who are IGNORANT about these teachings (like the reviewer said) and NEED and WANT to know! This book with the cards and the companion workbook have helped me to make tremendous changes in my life which I hope will make the world a better place for those whose paths will cross mine in the future!
Rating:  Summary: THE BOOK THAT CHANGED MY LIFE! Review: For anyone interested in Native American Spirituality and in learning how they can apply these Ancient Teachings in their own modern-day lives, this book is a MUST READ (and USE!) It is a tool that can help anyone who WANTS help. I believe the reviewer who commented that "no Indian he (or she) knows uses CARDS" - must be ignorant to the fact that this book was NOT written for those who were taught these teachings from birth, but rather was written for people like myself who are NEW to the Sacred Path and who don't KNOW how to get on it (and STAY on it!) I thank you, Jamie Sams, for sharing your Native Teachings with those of us who are IGNORANT about these teachings (like the reviewer said) and NEED and WANT to know! This book with the cards and the companion workbook have helped me to make tremendous changes in my life which I hope will make the world a better place for those whose paths will cross mine in the future!
Rating:  Summary: Incredibly On Target! Review: I have been using Jamie Sams profoundly wise book and card deck since 1995, and each time I did a self- reading, I found the wisdom of the Native American sacred teachings to be completely on target, bringing me great wisdom, and knowledge of the valuable insights she has brought us all in this wonderful book. Ironically, in 1995 I did the "KIVA" spread, which you are only allowed to do one time, and I saved it, and now, nine years later, I find that all of the wisdom applies to this day. If you are interested in learning the special and timeless wisdom of Native American teachings, while gaining a clearer understanding of yourself and your life path, then this book will be a wonderful tool to help you embrace your wholeness and bring understanding and transformation into your life. Highly Recommended! Barbara Rose, author of, 'Individual Power' and 'If God Was Like Man'
Rating:  Summary: The Sacred Path cards and companion book are fantastic. Review: I have recently begun using the Sacred Path cards, companion book, and workbook. Although I have been reading the Tarot for several years, it has never been as accurate and informative as the Sacred Path cards. The cards are universally understandable and easily applicable. I have used the Sacred Path cards with both the companion book and the workbook. Each book details various cards spreads and provides insights into the card meanings. Both books also detail how to do readings combining the Sacred Path and Medicine cards. In the past month, I have done three readings using three different spreads. Uncannily I have picked many of the same cards in each reading, which have ultimately reinforced a global message. They really have enabled me to grow and transform during a very interesting period in my life. I highly recommend the Sacred Path cards, the companion book, and the workbook. They have been invaluable to me in my "personal vision quest." They will help you to change your life by the way you perceive yourself and the world. They will also allow you to perceive how others view you. They are thought-provoking and inspiring.
Rating:  Summary: Life changing Review: I was looking to touch my native american roots when I began searching for a book to guide me. The readings are accurate and can easily be put into place in our every day lives. If you are looking to become more understanding of living within all the realms, this is the book for you! Sams writes easy to understand but not simplistic books! Very good author who is helping me to open my spiritual doorway!
Rating:  Summary: Life changing Review: I was looking to touch my native american roots when I began searching for a book to guide me. The readings are accurate and can easily be put into place in our every day lives. If you are looking to become more understanding of living within all the realms, this is the book for you! Sams writes easy to understand but not simplistic books! Very good author who is helping me to open my spiritual doorway!
Rating:  Summary: This deck held a lot of surprises NOT mentioned in the book. Review: I won't bore you with how I really liked the book and the cards. I do like them. I usually don't use this deck a lot, but I have found out that this deck has a way to let you know when something needs to be done. The first night I have ever slept with this deck in the same room was when I was visiting friends in Chicago. I had just bought the deck and had it along to become familiar with it. Now I've been to my friends' home too many times to feel like I can't sleep in their house. On that night, however, I could hardly sleep. When I did, I kept dreaming that the deck was purposefully keeping my mind half-awake -- "You can't fall asleep just yet!... Wake up, wake up..." Now I'm familiar with lucid dreaming, but this was too strange. It was now 4 am, and I knew that deck wouldn't let me sleep. Then it hit me -- as if I was back home in Michigan -- wandering over to the pole barn where the sheep were. The water tank heater that keeps the water from freezing was attached to a very long, heavy-duty extension cord. That extension cord had a faulty ground wire -- I could see it! I ran to the phone and called a good friend of mine that only lived nine miles away from my farm, successfully waking her out of a deep slumber. I know I must have sounded like a lunatic when I demanded that she go to the farm RIGHT NOW and replace the faulty cord with a new one. The moment I hung up the phone after she promised she would, a deep, overwhelming peace came over me. At that time, I moved the deck to another room and fell instantly asleep. I must have slept only 4 hours, but it was if I had 12. To this day, I know that deck saved the barn as well as my sheep. Of all the decks in the house, that one always is in a place of great honor. Has anyone else had any such experiences with this deck??