Rating:  Summary: You Won't Believe Your World's Lies Anymore Review: The beauty of any book written by Jim Marrs is that, even at a hardcover price, it's well worth the investment. Marrs manages to pack his books (ALIEN AGENDA and RULE BY SECRECY, especially) full of facts, figures, analogies, and explanations coinciding with the central theme of his works ... that being the world is not quite what you've been raised to think it is.RULE BY SECRECY starts extraordinarily academic; the money trail that Marrs investigates does weigh down the first quarter of the book, almost so much so that it should've been excised. However, as the reader continues to explore the latter sections of RULE, he gains tremendous insight into why the facts were a necessary evil. However, the reward in the last two sections, dealing largely with biblical histories and ancient mysteris of the planet Earth are incredibly insightful and well-documented for the serious researcher. Arguably, the last two sections of RULE should be required reading for any person considering himself a resident of the planet Earth ... after reading this, you might begin to think otherwise. Wade through the first 1/4, and get to the real meat of the story. Keep the lights on, and enjoy the read!
Rating:  Summary: A comendable peice of research. Review: I've read many books concerning the New World Order, but in my opinion, this is one of the best in terms of quality of writing and solid research. Jim Marrs is, in my humble estimation, one of the most thought-provoking and couragous journalists alive today. Even if 25% or 50% true of this book is true, it would shatter most of our preconcived ideas of what we know of the history of the human race. I look forward to reading some of his other books too. I would also recomend "and the truth shall set you free" by David Icke.
Rating:  Summary: GEORGE ORWELL'S OMITTED DETAILS Review: Unless you still believe that JFK was murdered by a "lone gunman" with a "magic bullit," this book will pull together many of the loose threads of the conspiracy to control. All thinking persons know that the "powers that be" have no use for democracy and justice. Marrs brings together in one book many of the pieces of the conspiracy puzzle. The federal and state governments bring conspiracy charges against citizens every week of the year and no one finds this "crazy." Yet when people charge that there is a conspiracy in which governments are merely pawns in the game, many reactionaries foam at the mouth screaming that anyone who believes in conspiracy is paranoid! Marrs does a good job even if most of his material is quoted from other sources. You can ignore reviewers who claim his sources are not reliable. On page 13 Marrs quotes British prime minister Disraeli, President Wilson, Supreme Court Justice Frankfurter among other RELIABLE sources who admit knowledge of world conspiracy. On page 7, one of the most eminent historians, Dr. Carroll Quigley of Harvard, states in his TRAGEDY AND HOPE that he believes his book was suppressed when it was "withdrawn suddenly by a major New York publisher." Dr. Quigley's book explains that he was an "insider" and knew the facts of world conspiracy. (this is an interesting 1300 page tome that gives the reader the feeling that Quigley absolutely knew of the conspiracy and approved of it!) How much more reliable can a source be? Of course there will always be those who will argue that Quigley, Disraeli, Wilson and Frankfurter were delusional too! Perhaps the negative reviewers should be seen as either: 1) paid off to launch attacks, 2) angry and bitter about anyone who would disturb their little view of how everything's okay, or 3) wrong. Again, if you are satisfied with the Warren Commission's explanation of JFK's assasination then this book is not for you. However, if you have more courage than the bleating sheep and more integrity than the lying wolves, you will find this book an extremely fine resource in sorting out what is really happening in the world. I have listed this book in the bibliography of my book which is about what to DO once we understand that there is a conspiracy afoot. HOW TO SAVE AMERICA AND THE WORLD: The Elimination of Terrorism, Greed and Other Evils, by Joseph Francione explains many of the other problems in our society and how to solve them. Once you know that there are those who would steal your freedom, health and wealth, you need to know what to do about it.
Rating:  Summary: Entertaining, but not good research Review: Tips for readers: 1. There is not one original thought in this book. He draws on other's work and stitches it together into a bizarre patchwork. This book is a passable overview and introduction into the bizarre side of conspiracy theory. 2. If you want entertaining conspiracy theory try Robert Anton Wilson's "Everything is Under Control". If you really want vaugely plausible conspiracies try Noam Chomsky's political writings. 3. The subtitle leads one to believe there is a connection between the Trilateral Commission and the Great Pyramids. If there is, the author never states what it is. Most of the conspiracies aren't connected by the author. Tips for the author: 1. Just because somebody printed their idea in a book doesn't mean it's true. Research involves a bit more than simply finding authors who agree with you and quoting them. 2. Adults do not use encyclopedias as reference materials. You should have outgrown that in Junior High School. 3. Bibliography: try using one. -1 star for research. 2 stars for entertainment value.
Rating:  Summary: Good Conspiracy Book for Conspiracy Buffs Review: 3.5stars: After reading some of the negetive reviews of this book here on amazon, I must say that some people are taking this book too seriously. This is a good book if you are a conspiracy buff or even someone who likes to explore alternative history. The historical background in this book is excellent and that would be the main reason I would recommened it. As for believeing Marrs theories, it is up to the reader to decide. Either you can accept them at face value or take them as fiction. I don't understand why a book like this has to be vilified by others, unless it is so threatening to their world view. Conspiracy buffs will love this book, and non-conspiracy types will be introduced to some new information. A healthy amount of skeptism for whatever kind of book you like will make this an enjoyable read.
Rating:  Summary: Extraordinary! Review: Thank you Mr. Marrs! This book is the best - the most well researched, comprehensive book of its kind. It is a must read for every human being on this earth!
Rating:  Summary: A book that makes you go hmm Review: I had fun reading this book! If you're into conspiracy books this is a must read. Detailed on who's been running the world and who's going to be running the one world government. This book takes you back all the way to the times of the Sumeraians and thier Annunaki gods.
Rating:  Summary: The Holy Grail of Conspiracy. Review: We've known for a long time that between the Illuminati, the Freemasons, the Jewish bankers, the Federal Reserve, the Knights Templar, the Nazis, the CFR, and the Trilaterals, we're all collectively screwed, this isn't new. Nevertheless, this book is interesting for what it reveals about those secret societies which have been formed for the sole purpose of world domination -grandiose power-plots by megalomaniacs. The New World Order is quickly encroaching upon us, and we must do something to take back our freedom. It's an apocalyptic battle between good and evil. The globalists in their effort to create a one-world empire have severely hampered United States sovereignity and the sovereignity of the individual. Crush the New World Order and globalist elite! The only problem I have with this book is that the author seems to go a tad overboard in his incessant bashing of Christianity and the Roman Church (totally uncalled for in my opinion), giving into ideas promulgated by such mindboggling idiots as Laurence Gardner and the writers of _Holy Blood, Holy Grail_. Also, maybe it's just me, but I have a problem with the whole notion of aliens. The author's theories become so much patch-work at this point that it's impossible to sort them out or to derive any more meaning out of them than that we're all slaves to alien masters. To the devil with this! Personally, I like to imagine a universe free of all aliens, cf. the Anthropic Cosmological Principle. Although, I'm not nearly arrogant enough to assert that the existence of aliens can be ruled out a priori. These counter-Christian and alien mythologies are really more products of a decadent modern world lacking a traditionalist foundation, and a restoration of various Gnostic and Manichean heresies. In my opinion, Christianity is our only hope. The information on the Federal Reserve, Rockefellers, and Rothschilds is very good. These evil individuals along with their Freemasonic and Illuminati pals have consistently betrayed the national interests of America. Abolish the Fed! There are better sources for the Illuminati (one scholarly source is _Fire in the Minds of Men_). The information on the Nazis is scant (a good source is _The Occult Roots of Nazism_). With regard to the Nazis, the theories of one Trevor Ravenscroft should be taken with a grain of salt. Overall, this book is a hodge-podge of conspiracy theories. Take what you like and leave the rest.
Rating:  Summary: Highly-entertaining conspiracy primer Review: I was amazed at the multitude of subjects and conspiracies that Marrs touches on - from the Reagan assasination attempt, to JFK, to Vietnam and Korea, Pearl Harbor, the Fed, the rise of international bankers, freemasons, Knight Templar crusaders, Merovingians, etc. Amazingly enough, Marrs is able to link much of it together in, if nothing else, rough-shod form. However, although much of the content is glossed over, this book is invaluable because of all of the references he draws from which enable the beginning conpiracy-student to stake-out on their own continued research in-depth. It seems that Marrs brings up few original thoughts, but takes the content from a vast multitude of conspiracy research, all the while citing the sources. Naturally, the more Marrs goes back into history, it seems the more speculative and less concrete the material becomes. When Marrs reaches back into antiquity, covering Judaism and Sumer, the book becomes markedly more entertaining, yet almost pure speculation at that point. For those new to conspiracy-studies and seeking an alternative view of history, this book is a great starting point. For that, it must be read with a critical and discerning eye. Marrs himself frequently interjects a cautionary tone to remind us of exactly that.
Rating:  Summary: An interesting read, but take it with a grain of salt. Review: Marr's has said before that Marr's has said that "Unless it was an act of God, it was a conspiracy". With that concept in mind, he penned this book. Marr's starts with recent history and works his way back through time trying to uncover what might have been conspiracies, some times begin, but other times sinister. Jim Marr's book is a very interesting read, however sometimes it plays fast with the facts which is why I suggest taking it with a grain of salt and don't be afraid to do your own research and come to your own conclusions. The book is very informative but some times vital facts are left out and the arguments he puts fourth aren't always clear. Marr's does however provide research into how historal events were or might have been shaped. Such as: *The formation of the Federal Reserve Banking system, *The Rothschild family of Europe financing both the North and South during the civil war. *Many other people and events that "may" have been brought about an unseen hand starting with the Kennedy Administration dating back to the days of Moses. An exciting book, but take it with a grain of salt.