Rating:  Summary: A new religion? Review: Good book. Well writen. Can't seem to understand why everyone thinks it's a religion. A cult, more likely. I mean, to have a religion you gotta have something original/ (or divenly true). To twist things about from christianity.. well, that's a cult. It's still a good read though. I just wanted the above settled.
Rating:  Summary: Pure Genius Review: This Fella Has Got His Head Screwed On 100% Tight!! The First Impression That You Get When The Word "Satnist" Is Heard Is A Weirdo Who Likes To Sacrafice Babies!! This Is All Crap!! I Now Have A Totally Different View On Satanism And I Think Anyone With Any Queries Or Doubts About What I Say Should Grab A Copy And Read It!! After All, You'll Never Know What Is Is Truely Like Until You Read This Book
Rating:  Summary: Great rhetoric, but beware... Review: This book has a lot of common sense maxims in it, such as the fact that religion is basically composed of a hatred of the self, and that most are hypocritical institutions to drain the weak of monetary resources. I'll give it that. However, this book is basically a threat. LaVey, in a nutshell, tells the reader that Satanism will eventually rule the world, and that the weak will be exposed for frauds. Satanists, as said, are the elites, and the herd (everyone else) will be ruled by them. Very much like a Nieztche philosophe, LaVey claims strength and prominence over people. However, when you strip it down, you'll realize that YOU will become part of a herd when joining the Satanic Church. LaVey says to rid yourself of conformist tendencies, but yet you must conform to his philosphy just to be a Satanist! You must take up his rules and alternatives, and if you do not, he labels you a fake. Satanists may deny that there are rules or penalties in Satanism, but anyone reading this book will soon see the opposite unfold. Shunning, the main punishment of Satanism, is a historically tested and very effective punishment. Be yourself. Use your head. You don't need any book to tell you how to live your life, and that includes this one. Read this for enlightenment in some areas (because, if anything, LaVey was a very bright man), but don't take it to heart. AIM - Infinity Driven
Rating:  Summary: The Foundation of the Future Review: ... It is not hard to see what Modern Satanism is about. Simple natural laws and not over fantisized dogma that Christianity pours down the throats of society. Heaven, Hell, God and Satan are myths. Satan as explained in the SB is a Force of Nature representing the carnal side of man. I have been a Satanist for many years now and I has been the best thing that has ever happend to me. Satanism as said in the Satanic Bible could be called Humanist Atheism. Satanism is living life as one sees fit. In Satanism there is only one true god, the self.
Rating:  Summary: Don't waste your money Review: This is a stupid book. The author goes on about himself. He does not tell me why Satanism is so great, he just bashes religion.
Rating:  Summary: I Like this Book! Review: Even though I am not a satanist (I'm actually an atheist), I don't own an official copy of the Satanic bible, but I have read all the chapters off of a satanic webpage. I personally think that most of what Anton Lavey is saying is true. Especially about the psychic vampire and indulgence stuff. There are a few minor things that I don't agree with in this book, like the occult, magick, and so forth. Most of the book I agree with completely.
Rating:  Summary: Changed My Life Review: There are more holes in Xtianity than a slice of Swiss cheese. I see the Holy Bible as a novel, a way of life, and as a work of literature it stands with a big pile of contradictions and idiocy. Some Xtians would have you believe God is somehow superior to Satan. That is not true, because their whole basis is to keep you out of hell. Xtians are what is wrong with this world. Enough about that now. As for The Satanic Bible, LaVey offers a plethora of logic. People may seek this out for a philosophical approach to life, but it is also a religion whose rites and ceremonies is the inverse of Xtianity. This may seem rather silly to some, like a white supremacist organization but on Xtians. But, LaVey is no bigot. These are deserving targets. LaVey made a fortune out of this, and rightfully so. Slaves of god, you should read this and witness the millenium.
Rating:  Summary: believe in yourself Review: you don't have to believe every thing you read or hear, or see... this book seems silly in some parts of it (the magic, the church, the chants and spells) but have some strong powerful and logical thoughts, that I really try to use in my day to day life... (so, if that makes me a satanist, fine!!!) So read it, before you judged it, and take the important parts for your life. you have to find them for yourself...
Rating:  Summary: At Least, Entertaining...At Most, Enlightening Review: Okay, now looking at this book, throw out the words "Satanic" and "Bible" from your consideration. Can you do that? If so, you're ready to embrace everything this book has to offer without the weight of societal prejudice to weigh you down. This book isn't talking about hating deity or being the Antichrist or any kind of dross like that. Shock of shocks--this is a book of PHILOSOPHY. Whether LaVey himself originally conceived of these ideas or not is unimportant; he did write them down so that you and I could use our own minds to read, ponder, and draw our own conclusions. Here's my tip, folks. LaVey has five Satanic tomes to his credit. Most people begin with the Satanic Bible, but I think this is a mistake. If you are just beginning to explore LaVey's world, read the Devil's Notebook or Satan Speaks! before attempting this one. I say this because the other books are examples of philosophy in action, and the Satanic Bible might be clearer for a reader with this background. And if you get easily offended at the word "Satanic", remember there are plenty of people around who would get offended by the word "Bible".
Rating:  Summary: I stumbled upon this book... Review: I read this book from mere curiosity. Once I began to read it I could not put it down. I read the book twice in two nights, and have continued to read it again, and again. It has since changed my life, and dilated my mind. ... Those of you who'll understand this book will have been born to understand. Let the critics critisize, and grin inside as they attempt to "classify" it.