Rating:  Summary: Truly insightful... Review: When I first picked up this tome almost three years ago, I was a timid, weak-minded "wannabe" atheist--just like most of those sort, I wasn't exactly sure of what I believed in. I knew what wasn't, but not what was. I'll admit that upon my first reading of LaVey's diabolical doctrine, I was unsure of its validity. Even though I recognized myself as the "ideal Satanist" immediately, I thought of myself as too much of a humanist to adopt such a strong label as the dreaded "S-word". But then I started noticing the behavior of the average human. I realized that LaVey was absolutely right in that most people do not deserve to be treated kindly. I sympathized with his Satanic Statements: "Kindness to those who deserve it, instead of love wasted on ingrates!" and "Responsibility to the responsible, instead of concern for psychic vampires!" I am now proud to call myself a Satanist. If others are not intelligent enough to come to the same conclusions, then I am grateful...after all, they are not worthy of the many wondrous gifts that Doktor LaVey has given each and every one of his followers. Hail Satan!
Rating:  Summary: Empowerment for the psychotic. Review: ..., This book is finely crafted to give people a false sense of power through proxy. I intuit that Levey himself wrote the book mocking the satanic seeker, if you read other articles by him (like 'how to be a sorcerer', where he unabashadely tells people that if they don't have it, they never will, seems to bee an energy drain for his own selfish purposes, which is ok in satanic terms). It does offer a few good tidbits, and it is a great book to get yourself free from christianities evil and hypocritical grip. However I recommend that this book be read with a grain of salt, it is written masterfully and can hypnotize you into its illusory spell of being the final answer to everything. If you want true information, you will never have it! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA, seriously though, there are other books available, knowledge reveals itself to the seeker. I recommend a book from a great serpent brother, mark amaru pinkham, "letters from the goddess" for a little more insight on who lucifer really is. Satan is not to be feared, satan is a title, not a name, nor a person (like moses). Anyone who opposes an idea is a satan. Levey just used the title against christianity. Which is a great little energy pool in itself. I freely give you a gem. Do not be discouraged by those who deny you your power. You can be anything you want. Those who tell you you cannot, or will not, or never will be are attempting to drain you of your power vampirically. Which is ironic, since lavey has a whole chapter written on the destruction of psychic vampires when many of his attitudes and teachings are vampiric in nature. I suppose all bibles contradict themselves *smile* -Draconis
Rating:  Summary: It opened my eyes even more to the lies of christianity! Review: I am a pagan/Hindu and I loved this book. Anton is very intellectual, and straight forward. Its about time, cause if this was written 300 years ago, he would have been burnt at the stake. I already knew that all the so called Christian holidays are actually pagan ones. The whole Christian thing is a lie used to control the masses, through religion/guilt, and abstenence. We are entitled to the truth of our purpose, and mankinds after life existense. We need to forget all about the Christian dogma, and learn more about our ancient ancestors, ie American Indian, Buddist, Hindu, and Wiccan/Pagan beliefs. There is truth in these old religions, after all where did the pyramids, and Easter Island statues come from? Where has our modern civilization taken us...!? Looking for some "eye opening knowledge"? Look no more this book could change your life! I also recommend reading about DMT the spirit molecule.
Rating:  Summary: An honest look at humanity Review: La vey was on to the fact that for all the lip service and holy words and slogans spoken in the name of this or that god humanity's real religion in everyday life is more a religion of self gratification.Though this book is rather 2nd rate in its philosophy and full of silly rituals and assorted nonsense it does manage to be raw and honest.The ironic thing is that there doesn't need to be an advocate of the philosophy of Satanism because when you get right down to it Satanism has been the most believed in and practiced way of life since the beginning of human civilization anyway,especially by the churches.The only real miracle humanity has witnessed is the ability of those who've been the biggest criminals to claim virtue and holiness to whatever it is they've done and give a bad name to those whom they've victimized.This has been the miraculous inversion of reality perpetrated by the "men of god" for age upon age.La vey recognized this twisted state of human affairs and drew the appropriate conclusions.If you don't have the guts or intellectual honesty to confront the harsh and the ugly then stay away from this book.
Rating:  Summary: A waste of time Review: It took me 5 or so hours to read this book. No, I'm not incompetant or a slow reader, it's just that I was laughing more than half of the time I was reading. I am not a whining christian, feeling threatened by more anti-god blasphemy. I am an atheist. I do agree with some opinions expressed throughout this book, but it's nothing original. Only more of Nietzsche-like philiosophy peppered with violence and set upon a flashy background of LaVey's choice. And I have no clue what the hell he was thinking when he wrote the third chapter. Horrible, incoherent ramblings of black magic and crazy rituals. Overall, I feel this is better time spent with more renowned philosophical materials.
Rating:  Summary: Lavey was a clever, clever man Review: The Satanic Bible presents a very logical and appealing philosophy that is at the same time spiritually bankrupt and destined to leave you unfufilled. No, I am not a Christian. I am a Satanist, and was a follower of Lavey for about a week. In this book, Lavey paints a lovely diabolical doctrine based on indulgence and little else. Obviously, from a Satanic perspective indulgence is fine, even encouraged. However, it is not everything. Lavey was a blatant materialist and atheist and these two leanings show through. To him, Satan was merely a symbol of man's carnal desire. A symbol capable of motivating mankind to the purual of selfish pleasure. Obviosly, Satan is that but he is also a great deal more. By completely emphasizing the material, Lavey leaves out the elements of defiance and self betterment that are the foundations of real Satanism. Lavey realized that the world is a horrible place but never changed it for the better, he merely sat back and grumbled and insured a good living for himself by making other people feel (falsely) empowered. The Satanic Bible is a manual for making Satanism an entertaining role playing game, NOT a real system for self overcoming. Lavey's sorcery techniques, however, are quite brilliant and if used properly can get you what you want. However, there are no suggestions in this book that offer the means for a student to make himself a better person, or in other words, be more Satanic. Using the principles in this book will satisfy you materially, but will leave you spiritually wanting and weak. If you want real, dangerous, dark and fufilling Satanism check out the works of the Order of Nine Angles and Pacts With The Devil by Christopher S. Hyatt and S. Jason Black. But most importantly, experience Satanism for yourself. Stop reading, and start living. Bravo, Mr. Lavey for weaving an entertaining fantasy that paid your rent for years. That was quite the accomplishment. To others, read this book with doubt in your heart.
Rating:  Summary: Uuuugghh........ Review: So, i'm very interested in reading about different religions and i wanted to see what the big "hype" was about Satanism. So i read it and i'm kind of mixed on it. La Vey's philosophies (it's spelled wrong, i know...) are very interesting, but at the same time very confusing. One minute he's talking about the Four Princes of Hell and he doesn't even go into detail about them. And what i find very odd is that a commmon Satanist says that the Satanist doesn't believe in a god, but yet the first sentence in his book tells about how it's a common MISCONCEPTION that the Satanist DOESN'T believe in a god. Then La Vey talks about the Satanic rituals and really doesn't explain much about the infernal names and he still doesn't even elaborate about the Four Princes of Hell. So, all in all, this religion is kind of confusing, but i do agree with some of his philosophies..... I gave this book 1 star mainly because it feels like a big void and you're yearning for so many unanswered questions. But, again, i do agree with some of his philosophies.
Rating:  Summary: Yeah, OK, Whatever Review: Let me first start out by saying for the record that I am a Satanist. I became interested in Satanism through the Satanic Bible, and at the time I read it, this book impressed me. However, the reason I give it two stars is that half the book is common sense that everyone should know already. The other half is just (...) made-up languages and silly theatrics disguised as powerful rituals. There is so much healthy and vital about Satanism, and while this book may be a good primer for it, it should NEVER be treated as a "Bible," only as an introduction, and one opinion out of many.
Rating:  Summary: hmmm... Review: I will give this book credit for its promoting of thinking for yourself, and the realities of the past. Having said that I do have some major faults with the book. First off, I could have written this book( and no that isn't a good thing), Lavay's vocabulary is horrible, and more often then not becomes redundant. I do have an open mind, especially when it comes to religion (My favorite quote to this day is George Carlin's "I was a Catholic until I reached the age of reason.") and consider myself Atheist/Agnostic. Now on to the largest, most overwhelming problem is the Satanic Bible, it's lack of critiquing of God itself. I mean yes, all the points he maskes about Christian, are relatively true, but he never goes into the beliefs of God or Jesus (If they exist). Couple this with not even mentioning evolution, and after chapter 3 or 4 the book is already things I know. The problems are rooted with Levay's reasons for starting his own religion, and writing this book. He had no problems with God but how Christianity was carried out. His hatred for Christians consumes the book, and you begin to realize how he forged his beliefs. He stated that the reason he broke off form the Christian religion was he saw religious hypocracy, well so what? So do I and everyone else. He worshiped because he hated Cristians, well what about God? or Darwin? The book doesn't delve into any of it. Hs quazi-intellectualism doesn't impress me, and none of the things he says can't be found in other books. If you want that then listen to Bill Hicks, or read 1984 by George Orwell.
Rating:  Summary: Have a open mind before you read this book Review: I think that overall this book "The Satanic Bible" is very good indeed. However, there are some confusions that are made as well. In order to read this book, you must read it more than just once to truly understand what Anton Lavey is really talking about, and you also must have an "open mind". Anybody that thinks the book is "rubbish" or "BS"..should look some where else to find a path they want to travel. The book also focuses that you DO NOT have to be Satanic in order to understand what is inside the writings of this book, just be aware what is around you as a whole and that is all.