Rating:  Summary: And then lucifer would say... Review: Bottom line, this is the creator of the Necronomicon, the master blueprint of all magic. It is the Zemus in the Final Fantasy, the one time that the devil makes a point without being foul mouthed and actually speaks without any desire to destroy the church of Christ. It is simply a reminder to all God-fearing people: what the Satanist is, you once were, so wield your double-edged sword with equity, not pusilamnity.
Rating:  Summary: On the subject of lucifer Review: "...I beheld lucifer falling from heaven as lightning...". If one didn't know any better one would confuse the concepts of lucifer(i.e...lust, jealousy, murderous intent, wrath, sloth, gluttony, pride) with something out of L. Ron Hubbard's world. the defining line between good and evil ultimately has to, whether by divine influence or unintentional notoriety, fall upon the battle between Shaitan and the armies of Heaven. Ol sonuf vaeoresaji, gohu IAD Balata, elanusaha caelazod means nothing because Sha, the Breath of God is responsible for the existence of "that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan...". If one were to view the world and the devil from the "what would I do if I were in that situation" perspective, then you do not need to read the Satanic Bible. You already live it. If, however, You are one of the die hard phenatics who proselytizes in the name of a God who you do not personally know in your own heart, then either learn more about your God or sit down and think about your life.If this were just another book about demons I would not have bought it after reading it in a bookstore. The arguments of the late Lavey are a bit japanese. I mean, from his perspective, the gods of this world are merely the latent thoughts and desires we all have within us. Someone gave each desire a name. Knowledge, vengeance, justice, all came from Lucifer's famous "nay, you will not die, but you will become wise as gods, knowing good and evil.". The two things Jehovah asks for are fear and blind obedience. The devil asks for nothing, and he never judges us. Why? Because he never rejected us. He is a fan of man. Now, you do not have to believe anything I say. The God of Fire will be justified by neither my judgements and opinions nor the next mans, but he does exist because of the Word. It was once stated in the movie Legend that Good and Evil are brothers. What do you believe?
Rating:  Summary: Let the god you glorify be yourself! Review: The Satanic Bible by Anton LaVey, founder of the Church of Satan in 1965, is the key to first studying in the C of S and lays out the philosophy underlying his movement and exposes many hypocritical aspects of mainstream religion. The tenet that the world is a brutal cutthroat world reeking of Social Darwinism, and one must struggle to go above it, but there are other considerations. Mainstream religion has communitarianism, belief in God, love one another, the Golden Rule, temperance, etc. while the Church of Satan emphasizes individualism, belief in one self, a revised Golden Rule I'll detail later, and indulgence. The most important question though, is, "Who is God?" Answer: in my case, it's me. This is an underlying current, especially in self-glorification. For example, look at some of our holidays. Some workplaces get Easter and Christmas off. For a Satanist, the holiest day is one's own birthday, so one should be allowed to take that day off, or better yet, make it a paid holiday for oneself. After that, Walpurgisnacht (30 April/1 May) which may also be Beltane, Halloween, and then the solstices and equinoxes, as the latter celebrate the first day of the seasons. There are also Marxist undertones to this argument, as LaVey points out that man created God. Yet here's another thing to make clear: LaVey clearly points out that Satanists do NOT, I repeat, do NOT sacrifice living people or animals. LaVey's book unveils the many hypocrisies underlying Christian society. For example, in a chapter on hate, LaVey questions that necessity of degrading oneself and thinking something like, "They'll be punished by God." The truth is, not all people are loving, so why not hate them? But by all means, give love to people who actually DESERVE it, not on ingrates. Oh, and how's this for a revision of the Golden Rule: "Do unto others as others do unto you." If someone is nice to you, sure, be nice to them. If someone hits you, hit them back! Pacifists may quake at this, but self-defense is justifiable. And what is the difference of sin in Christianity and Satanism? In the former, one asks for forgiveness at confession. Confessing to another human being is degrading. Why not go the route the latter recommends, basically to recognize one has made a mistake, to learn from it, and not do it again. Seems more pragmatic to me. Hope and prayer and not seen as productive. Prayer means one will sit back and wait for a situation favourable to happen instead of taking direct action. In other words, positive thinking + positive action = results. Some parts of his creed turn Biblical phrases on their head. His take on the Seven Deadly Sins is revealing. Greed simply means wanting more than one has. Envy means looking with favour on the possession of others and wanting to get the same things for oneself. The two together combine to be a huge positive motivational factor. The latter sixty percent of the book concentrates on the ritual aspects and the incantations which one might pass over or read if one has leisure. It affirms man's need for the emotional and ritual as a balance with the logical and secular. A revealing and thought-provoking look at this often misunderstood religion. Written by the God whom I glorify, i.e. me.
Rating:  Summary: Former Satanist Review: I am a former Satanist. I was affiliated with the Church of S.A.T.A.N. in Allentown Pennsylvania. I was also a forming member of the Order of the New Aeon in P-burg New Jersey. Today I am a believer in Jesus as Messiah, but I do not belong to any denomination. I am a Brethren and a Separatist Seeker. I highly recommend this book to both Believers and Non-Believers. I think that it is one of the most honest books ever written about human behavior and motives. "Since man's natural instincts lead him to sin, all men are sinners; and all sinners go to hell." [LaVey pg. 47 "Some Evidence of a New Satanic Age"] My exhortation to so-called Christians is this: Do not be afraid of this book. There are profound insights herein. And my exhortation to so-called Satanists is this: Do not confuse indulgence with compulsion. [LaVey pg. 81 "Indulgence... Not Compulsion] As for a a brief overview of the Four Parts of the Book itself: Part One [The Book of Satan] serves as an excellent challenge to the hypocrisy and judgmentalism of the Christian denominations. It is very humbling in its honesty. Part Two [The Book of Lucifer] is an honest review of LaVey's own doctrine. It primarily centers around his Nine Satanic Statements. Part Three [The Book of Belial] is a simplistic yet practical manual for Magick. Part Four [The Book of Leviathan] is a Satanic rendition of the Enochian Keys. Shalom - Soror Samhain
Rating:  Summary: The definitive work of Satanic literature Review: Forget all of the hype, propaganda, lies, and misinformation that's come your way on the topic. Here is unswervingly bedrock information on the religion/philosophy that is Satanism. LaVey spells out in no uncertain terms the tenets of what is often perceived as "the world's most dangerous religion" -- dangerous, because it champions total self-responsibility, carnal exploration, the questioning of all, and the denial of spirituality and other means of holding back the mindful beast that is man. Herein, find information on basic Satanic ritual (and the reasons for it), insight into the human condition, and the illustrated praising of human potential in the face of stagnation and superstition. THIS is the basic text to understanding Satanism!
Rating:  Summary: The Truth About Satanism Review: Anyone interested in true Satanic thought and willing to let go of their pre-concieved notions of "evil" absolutely must read the Satanic Bible. Here you will find the bedrock of modern Satanic philosophy and magic as outlined by Anton Szandor LaVey, the founder of the Church of Satan. For those of you expecting to find out how to make a pact with the Devil, you will be sorely disapointed. For those of you who have always felt different from the herd, you will be enlightened. For Satanist and non-Satanist alike, the Satanic Bible offers great insight to the true nature of man, and well crafted thought from LaVey who was one of our most interesting iconoclasts. I cannot recommend this book highly enough.
Rating:  Summary: Great book Review: Greatest "Religion" ever! I agreed with every sentence!A lot of people say this book is "Negative." I think it is just the opposite! It is a very positive, and at the same time, realistic view of the world. Always skeptical, I never believed in magic until I read this book. It explains magic better than any other book. If everybody read this book, the world would be a better place.
Rating:  Summary: The Satanic Bible - a breath of fresh air! Review: The S.B. has been consistently misquoted & taken out of context for years by those looking for a little 'shock' value. Maybe it's only now, post-millenial, that the general public can read this book and take it on it's own merits. Anton LaVey drew on a wide range of philosophies, from Nietzche to Shaw, and distilled their basic teachings to apply them in an easily understood format. The result is a book that is influencing new generations even now. Even the magical formulaes are easily applied and generate real results. This book gave people a name to the way they lived their lives. Satanist. And it gave them pride in that title, and in themselves.
Rating:  Summary: Just think about it for a second... Review: Many questioned the legitimacy of the late Anton LaVey as to whether he was full of you know what or if he actually believed what he preached. I for one believe that this man believed every word he said, which is why I chose to write a report on The Satanic Bible while I was in high school. His philosophy is what enchanted me, the entire "be your own God" passage had me clinging to every word, which helped me draw the conclusion that this was an inteligent man who had grown tired of the self conscious, oppressive belief structure we call Christianity. I will tell you now that when I gave my report on The Satanic Bible I could not believe the gasps and dirty looks in the room. I believe the reason so many people condemn this book, as well as LaVey's other works and anything else dealing with Satanism, is because they have been brainwashed all of they're lives to believe that anything outside the norm of Christianity is evil and taboo. That my friends is bigotry, as opposed to what another reviewer referred to Lavey as; the last time I checked the point of Christianity was to tolerate right? Can we say hypocritical? Anyway, I found The Satanic Bible to be an enlightening work, and I recommend it to anyone who is looking for something different. And no, I'm not a Satanist, but I will be surprised if this review is posted.