Rating:  Summary: Not worth your time Review: All I see here is a watered-down version of Nietzsche and other philosophers combined with the trendy "Satan" tag. My advice? If you're a true individualist, show you're not so trendy that you will follow this book.
Rating:  Summary: Intresting but... Review: It is quite intresting to see how originel Satanism has become a pure product to sell.Satanism has more to teach and is not that heteroclite from the point of view of all the religions that formed La vey's opinion(for it is an opinion not a religion).
Rating:  Summary: Satan: The Rebel Review: Its understandable how this book can upset people. Either Christians, pagans, occultists or whomever. However, regardless of the word Satan, I found this to be a good base to start out for anyone looking to understand ourselves in a new way. You could probably go over the book and replace the word Satan with God, or even with Your Own Name and the results will be similar (if not more profound). From what I can tell, LaVey is not presuming Satan to be a mythical figure from the Bible. Although he trashes Christianity, I believe he does this because Christians have a human conception of God, so therefore Satan must be human, which LaVey is showing you how to change your perception of what Satan means. The book, to me, is about questioning authority. To not let otehrs decide your fate or likes or dislikes, but for your self to determine what makes you happy. Furthermore, to question yourself as an authority. Who controls your thoughts, what controls your thoughts and how did they get there? Control them! The book has a masterialistic ring to it all, but I think the essence is in questioning what authorities are controlling your life and to be released from it. I think its irrelevant that he may have 'stole' rituals from older Orders (as other reviewers yelled about). Crowley has done that, Regardie and so many others have used rituals from the past and revised them to their liking. Picasso said "Good artists copy, great ones steal." Its up to you to determine the level of ingenuity LaVey has. The Satanic Bible offers some good advice, but can misconstrued as evil (easily so) if not taken lightly and religiously. I enjoyed the book and the message LaVey sends, for I dont see it as Satanic in the childish perspective, but as a means to get the neurons firing and the blood pumping and to stretch those muscles at the corners of your mouth upwards.
Rating:  Summary: A very good book Review: I am a Satanist.... And the bible says everything....if you've read this....u can call yourself a 100% Satanist. So do it.
Rating:  Summary: Overrated Book Review: My conception of this book is "Satan Sells". It is just a packaged commodity with "Satan" stamped on it so as to appeal to the person looking for meaning in his meaningless life. This book is just another American commodity; its whole purpose is to create a false sense of superiority in the reader; that of wanting to 'belong' to an elite (the Satanists). The book as usual relies on the doctrine of the 'other' (the hypocritical Xtian who is suffering from spriritual pipe dreams) in order to create the much needed adversary of Satan (the Adversary). I remember when I first read this book. I remember how agreeable it was. I have learned to be weary of books you agree too much with.
Rating:  Summary: The Full Truth about The Satanic Bible Review: The Satanic Bible written by Lavey, who dropped out of high school in his junior year, is foul. Lavey complains about other religions' hypocrisy, all the while this book is filled with it. Lavey only tells what intelligent and wise people already know about humans. The rituals leave much to be disired. All in all, I was extremely disapointed I wasted money on this book, even if it was only seven dollars. The only book written by Lavey I would recommend is The Satanic Rituals, because it contains rituals from orders the likes of the Illuminati, and the Freemasons.
Rating:  Summary: LAVEY's Ideas are all stolen from other sources! Review: I picked this book up a few years back, it was the first book on magick, satanism, or whatever you want to call it, that i had ever read. Its been about three years now and ive learned a few things about satanism, and religion in general. This book, first of all, is an ignorantly written USURP from earlier pagan religions, and its Ritualistic section was stolen from a system of magick known as ENOCHIAn, which is not satanic at ALL! After La vey's attempt to destroy ones sense of illusion which is inherant in the occult, such as the astral plane and spiritualness, he takes from there ideas and alters them slightly to suit his Supposed satanic ideas. Shemhamforash is his Ignorat version of the Kabbalists Shem (Name) Ha(of) Mephorash (Extension). Shem Ha'Mephorash means "The name of extension". A Name of God YHVH, the jehovah that he earlier cracked open his skull, remember? Replaceing SHIATAN for AIDA in the Enochian Keys was even more stupid, for the SHIATAN is not even an ENOCHIAN word. HE MADE IT UP! IADA- means the most high, or GOD, in ENOCHIAN. If he doesnt belive in spiritual planes and the such why does he use a language which was derived through skrying experements, and he claims that they are the reason that all magick works. WRONG AGIN MR> LAVEY! In any event, he did point out that the Idea of HELL is a misconception of the hebrew SHEOL-GRAVE, and the greek Gehenah-garbage dump, tartarus-the earthly status of fallen angles, and HADES-greek equivelant of hebrew SHEOL-GRAVE.Though he tries to equate SATAN with the pagan God pan, which is an insult to the new and old religions of paganism. They had no satan, niether do they now, he even points that out, but contradicts himself by later saying that Pan and satan are the same. His useing the bible to build his philosophy is a weak attempt to promote satan. The bible uses the word satan many times to mean simplt OPPOSITION. The angle that stood in front of SAUL was SATAN, or OPPOSING him. And that is the way it is written in the origional language. the Idea of an all powerfull dark force is an ignorant one indeed, for the mystery schools of old pointed out, there are no good or evil, but a balance in all things. THERE IS NO SATAN, nor will this book help you find anything but lies and misconceptions of the author about what HE thinks the world is all about.
Rating:  Summary: Common Sense Review: This book is not what you would expect. It's not all about killing and animal sacrifice, but rather a way to live a good productive life. DO NOT LET THE TITLE SPEAK FOR ITSELF for satan has gotten a very bad reputation over the years. This book will teach you a lot and give you a good way to live.
Rating:  Summary: Excellent! Review: very good if your into that kind of stuff
Rating:  Summary: The Church of Satan's Confusing Bible Review: A rather confusing collection of essays and verse that comprises The Church of Satan's bible and philosophy. Like the books of the Christian bible, the essays and verse contained here are not necessarily sequential. This book is a "must read" if one is to understand The Church of Satan, but its use of vague imagery sometimes masks the underlying philosophy. I suggest that after reading "The Satanic Bible", one read "The Satanic Rituals" (five star) for a clearer picture.