Rating:  Summary: Science and the Evolution of the Soul Review: "The Seat of the Soul" wants to please both the scientific and the spiritualistic mentality. For the first category, it uses terms such as evolution, energy, Newtonian physics, relativity, quantum physics, and others; for the second, terms such as multi-sensory, intuition, karma, reincarnation, evil, ghost, and others. At some level, "The Seat of the Soul" is another attempt at making the link between the world of science and the world of spirituality. There have been other attempts in the past. They have all failed. For one very simple reason: Science is not at all interested in the world of spirituality. Science can find its own explanations relying on its own world alone. From the beginning of everything in a broken-symmetry-singularity, to the appearance of man as a result of a glorious accident, to the end of everything in a monotonous and tasteless entropy soup. This is not to say that the world of science is the correct one and the world of spirituality is the incorrect one. That is not the point. The point, is that science does not need spirituality in order to be correct or incorrect.In order to further clarify this point, let us take the central theme of "The Seat of the Soul": The evolution of the soul. Science is not at all interested in the evolution of the soul. Science does not take into account the law of karma because this law applies only to the evolution of the soul, while science is only interested in the mechanical evolution of organisms (including the evolution of man's mechanical instinct). These two kind of evolution are radically different. One is conscious evolution (the evolution of the soul, at least from some point on); the other is mechanical evolution (the evolution of organisms). "The Seat of the Soul" envisions a future in which science will be interested in the evolution of the soul. This is wishful thinking at its best. If the present is a good indication of the future, as it is, the science of the future will depart even more from a possible interest in the evolution of the soul than in the past, even from an interest in the evolution of organisms. The science of tomorrow will focus mainly on the evolution of non-organisms. The evolution of quantum computers and artificial intelligent machines. It is towards the evolution of machine-like features rather than soul-like features that the science of tomorrow will gravitate. Science is fully engaged in the development of the next link in the evolutionary chain, the man-machine being of the future. It may very well be that this being is within the requirements of Nature. Whatever the science of tomorrow will be, one thing we know for sure about the science of today: It has no answers for the man in crisis. That is, for the man searching for the deep meaning of life, and even less for the man searching for his place in the Universe. Therefore, we cannot use contemporary science as a tool to guide us in the search for a deeper meaning of life and our place in the Universe. We have to abandon science altogether, as we know it today, if we want to embark on a deeper understanding of God, the Universe, Life and our Purpose. We need a new science. A science focused on the search for the meaning of existence. Fortunately, this new science has existed since the dawn of humanity. It is known as The Science of the Whole -"As Above, so below." It has been reformulated in these modern times as Objective Science by G. I. Gurdjieff in his Magnum Opus Beelzebub's Tales to His Grandson: An Objectively Impartial Criticism of the Life of Man (All and Everything Series 1) (see this reader's review of this book under the title "The Unofficial Story," as well as other important reviews, in Amazon), paperback edition, Penguin USA. Granted, Gurdjieff's book is not easy to follow, but it accounts for what is wrong with contemporary science and, more importantly, for what the new/old science is.
Rating:  Summary: A TOUCH OF SPIRITUALITY AND A LOT OF INSPIRATION Review: While I must admit, I found "Soul Stories" to be quite repetitious of this book, I thoroughly enjoyed, "The Seat of the Soul." Based on the principle humans are immortal souls first, physical beings second, and that once we become conscious of this transformation we will stimulate personal growth, Zukav inspires and enlightens the reader. To know one's soul is to know one's true self. Zukav speaks of how emerging values of the spirit are changing marriages into spiritual partnerships, psychology into spiritual psychology and, in the process, changing our lives for the better. Much like Eastern philosophies, the author illuminates deeper causes of physical experience. Zukav has an important message to convey to the world and a style all his own. The only reason this book did not seem deserving of a five-star rating had nothing to do with the content but the author's rather, short choppy writing style, which is truly representative of Zukav's material. It is still a book well worth reading for the wisdom it contains.
Rating:  Summary: Truly a life transformation Review: I bought this book after seeing Gary on Oprah, thinking it was going to be a self help book! And it was, but one with a difference. This book shows you how to help yourself by letting go of the need for external power (money, prestige, performance and approval from those around us) and teaches us to be still, listen to the soul, present in all of us. The soul has much more important, divine tasks to fulfill than those that can be measured in wordly terms. Sometimes, a soul completes its task to perfection when, to the eyes of the world, the person (the seat of that particular soul) is a failure. Authentic power happens when the person listens to the voice of the soul, performs its tasks and seeks no external reward. Gary looks at our society, analyses it using element out of western and eastern ideology and comes up with a new way of life.
Rating:  Summary: No Substance - Completely In the Clouds Review: Save your time & money! This is classic "new age" babble with no substance for the beliefs presented. Very sad actually.... I purchased this due to Oprah's special - what was talked about on the show had nothing to do with the substance of the material in this book. I say this is classic "new age" babble because there is no rhyme or reason to what is presented...just believe whatever you want (w/ no substance behind it) do whatever you want...etc.... Very disappointing!
Rating:  Summary: Waste of time Review: New-age psycho-babble at it's worst. Complete garbage. Save your time and money.
Rating:  Summary: Still skeptical Review: What the author fails to do is to provide any logical reasons to believe all that he is writing. Although interesting, there is no energy in his book; therefore the average person will have difficulty believing its legitimacy. If this reason is not good enough to NOT endorse this book, this book puts you to sleep.
Rating:  Summary: Seat of the Soul by Gary Zukav Review: Mr. Zukav has succeeded in joining the material world with the Spiritual world in this book. With an open mind and heart, one can advance further into their Soul's Journey by reading this book.
Rating:  Summary: The Seat of the Soul Review: A few books really touch your life in a significant way. This is one of those...one that allows you to grow...to become a better person....to understand life a little better...to see it through more positive eyes....to see others with kindness and understand their behavior even when they seem "bad people"....few books make you understand how not judging others is possible and teaches not to be to tough with ourselves...that our "addictions" or "defects" can be overcomed and that there is a reason for them to be part of our pesronality. That the saying "there is a reason for everything" or "everything happens for a reason" are not just sayings these are simply wise simple reminders of quantum physics concepts...of a universe that is compassionate and perfect and that is designed to allow us to grow. This is an amazing book that explains things at a level that I had never found on any other book before....This books connects all the dots.....is the missing piece in the puzzle....its the Eureka I got it!!!! Please read it...it will be amazing !! It will help you...and help you help others...it already touched many lives in Turkey...Costa Rica and New York ...that I can guarantee you!
Rating:  Summary: Déjà vu Review: Mr. Zukav would have us believe he is not a "new ager" (from his web site) and yet the theories in his book emerge directly from that cult. The only dazzling part of the book is Mr. Zukav dense writing style.
Rating:  Summary: A Life Changer Review: Mr Zukav is along these same lines, but for me he gave lessons in how to find the spiritual (NO not religious) depth that all healthy people need if they are to be whole and happy. He reminds me of that favorite person some of us have had in our lives, who sits under a big oak tree, or on a dock with our feet in the cool water on a hot summer day, and simply sharing questions and answers about life, and in the course of an afternoon, we come away refreshed and renewed. Hopeful and not hopeless. Helped and not helpless. Again he is one of the authors who does NOT play the excuse game, but pushes the reader toward personal responsibility.