Rating:  Summary: Excellent work - Nine Stars Review: I love the way this book is written, makes it easy to read. I have read the entire story in a dash, as if it were the best crime novel, full of suspense, although I am more than familiar with the subject. More than any other book I have read on the subject, this book rings true to my intellect as well as to my heart. For me, the most wonderful thing was to find 'authentication' for many concepts, which were brewing in my own head over many years. Also, it is always comforting to hear that there are others who communicate to advanced souls outside the acknowledged level of existence, that is, the life on Earth. Now, there may be readers who will question the author's encounters with the otherworldly spiritual guides - to those I would say, just read this part as if it were fiction. Read the whole book as if it were a fiction, if you will, but DO heed the message that this book has to offer! DO heed the guidelines and try to invest some effort in changing your 'life style'. At first, it may feel hard to adjust, but if you are sincere, the rewards are guaranteed. This book did not change my life because I have undergone the needed changes - for the better - a while ago. But this book, to a great extent, told my own story on the path to enlightenment. I am happy that Charles Graybar has put it in words so nicely, now others won't have to suffer as much. I hope this book will find a way to many, many people. More importantly, that it will touch their very souls and set them on a path for their own betterment, thus for the betterment of All. I also hope that Chuck is already writing another book, which will cover the questions that he had to bypass this time round. I just know that he has encountered many more enlightening insights, which would be worthy of sharing with his fellow souls. For the time being I will read this book again and again, it really is brilliant.
Rating:  Summary: Take the Journey Review: I suggest that everyone take the journey with Charles Graybar. As others have suggested this is a great spiritual read. It certainly opened up my mind to new ideas on how I can live my life. The book makes sense. If you enjoy other insightful books, take the journey with Charles Graybar.
Rating:  Summary: Challenge to think and grow Review: I'm amused by the scant reviews here of a negative nature. These people apparently want to deny the author -- and likely anyone -- the right to share (or even have?) their own spiritual expeiences and insights. Being a natural skeptic, I was doubtful that I would be even informed by this work. By the time I'd made it 1/3 of the way through the book, I had a deep sense that the author is sharing completely authentic expeiences; a truth manifested on the pages that in my case, made sense to my entire being. I would be surprised as time goes by if Beyond the Broken Gate isn't recognized as one of the more insightful and thought-provoking spiritual works to come along in a very long time.
Rating:  Summary: Change your life; read this book. Review: I've read many, many books in my life, none that woke me up to the extent this brilliant work did. I'd never heard of Charles Graybar before but frankly, who ever heard of Gary Zukov, Sylvia Browne or the rest of them before they started making all those appearances on Oprah? If you are unsatisfied with your life or feel empty, or, feel that there has been something "calling to you" for as long as you can remember -- something that you can't quite put your finger on, read this book. Your eyes and your heart will open and your soul will soar. There's another posting here that talks about waiting for the author's next book and I second that opinion completely!
Rating:  Summary: ... And Into Some Broken Prose Review: If you like: 1.) A narrative tone that drones like a dentist drill. 2.) Authors who think divine entities must sound like fortune cookies. 3.) Geradl 4.) cover art by Thomas Kinkade 5.) Loaning books that have disappointed you out simply to spread the misery... then by all means order this book. If not, stay behind the gate... there's nothing to see (or think about) here.
Rating:  Summary: BTBG: An inspiring spiritual "wake up" call Review: In my Holistic Psychotherapy practice, I am always looking for books that inspire, enlighten and encourage. BTBG does this and more. Beyond the Broken Gate is an extraordinary book of inspiration and transformation written in a unique format of dialoguing with wise advanced beings from the spirit realm who share profound and enlightening insights about the origins of the universe, how we came into being, our purpose for being on this earth, and the reasons for karma and reincarnation. It has the capacity to deeply challenge long held beliefs which may raise ego resistance to the idea of self responsibility, but it also has the capacity to transform through the universal principles of love, compassion, and empathy. The book communicates on a soul level beyond the words on the page for those that are open and ready to ponder the questions raised. There are many paths and languages to describe the indescribable. What is remarkable in this case is that Charles, a sucessful business man (not a psychic or near death experiencer) gained the information from DIRECT first hand multidimensional experience. He has done an amazing job of explaining metaphysical principles in a way that is not overly simplistic nor overly complex. On another level, this book serves as inspiration to those who have suffered in life and want to understand how to break the cycle of victim and victimizer. Charles, from his own personal background, demonstrates that is is possible to journey "Beyond the Broken Gate" of a limited (broken) self to the remembrance of a Self that is "irrefutably and essentially connected with God and to each other." I was deeply impacted by the message of this book and am grateful to Charles Graybar for having the courage to share his experience and wisdom. I highly recommend this book for those that are ready to "wake up".
Rating:  Summary: relatively speaking Review: may be interesting to those looking for something more than mainstream religions. it is in the beginner category of spiritual exploration.
Rating:  Summary: Distinctly Average Review: Nothing new here, just the usual New Age blandness masquerading as profundity for those with no real knowledge of spirituality or meditation.
Rating:  Summary: Charles Graybar's experiences ring true in my soul. Review: Reading about this mans experience, was like returning to a wonderful memory that had been tucked far, far away. As I read his words I understood that, all of the things I have beleived in my heart since I was a child, rang true to my very core. While I read his words, my soul felt that it had come home again.
Rating:  Summary: Lame marketing attempt, lame book!~ Review: The author and apparently the 9 readers of it, are going to every top selling book, regardless of subject, and listing this book as a "read in addition to" recommendation. It is a diet book, a political book, a self help book, a cure all everything book. If only it were a good book!