Rating:  Summary: You are what you thinketh. Review: A coffeehouse friend loaned me this thin book and encouraged me to read it. "It's one of my favorites," she said, smiling enthusiatically. Derived from his own "meditation and experience," James Allen (1864-1912) wrote this inspirational, turn-of-the-century book on the eve of the Industrial Revolution in England. He gets right to the point of his book in its opening sentence: "As a man thinketh in his heart so is he." We are literally what we think, Allen explains, and our character is the sum of all our thoughts. "Good thoughts and actions can never produce bad results; bad thoughts and actions can never produce good results," he writes. "This is but saying that nothing can come from corn but corn, nothing from nettles but nettles. Men understand this law in the natural world, and work with it; but few understand it in the mental and moral world."Life is complicated and Allen is frequently simplistic, but his little book should not be underestimated. Short in length but deep in content, it will take you on a life-affirming journey through seven chapters in which Allen asserts that life is better lived with self-control, right thought, and calmness. His observations will appeal to deep-thinking contemplatives and visionaries, alike. A calm, contemplative man, he observes, is like "a shade-giving tree in a thirsty land, or a sheltering rock in a storm. 'Who does not love a tranquil heart, a sweet-tempered, balanced life? It does not matter whether it rains or shines, or what changes come to those possessing these blessings, for they are always sweet, serene, and calm'." The dreamers are "the saviors of the world," Allen writes, and our dreams are "the seedlings of realities." "The oak sleeps in the acorn; the bird waits in the egg; and in the highest vision of the soul a waking angel stirs." And for those "tempest-tossed souls" seeking more tranquility and balance in their life, Allen's book offers an excellent starting point to a sweeter life. G. Merritt
Rating:  Summary: Caution. Only read if you plan to take responsiblity Review: Ancient wisdom explained and simplified. After reading this book several times, I realize more and more who is at the core of my success or failure...me. The beauty, however, is that Mr. Allen guides you to a place where correction can be made. I am convinced that I would have avoided many pitfalls if I had been exposed to the richness of the principles in this book years ago. Read and reread this book and buy a copy for a friend. This is a "must have" for anyone seeking to improve their world by imporoving themselves.
Rating:  Summary: TRULY A MUST READ! SHORT AND EVERY PAGE IS A GEM! Review: As a Man Thinketh is inspiring, honest and liberating! This book attempts to explain what many of us are too stubborn or too lazy to hear, WE CONTROL OUR OWN DESTINEY! Unfortunately, some people live their lives from the generosity of others. Expecting charity, government handouts, luck, religion, or something else to the carry them along. Many people wine and moan about the unfortunate circumstances that seem to constantly follow them around. "WHY ME, WHY?" many ask. Well (according to James Allen) it's because of the way you think. If you want control of your life then take it. If you want to be happy and successful then do it. It's easy to fall into the trap of, "Well my days are short with work and...(you know the rest)." If a person can begin to understand why they have the thoughts that they have and they can process these considerations, then they can realize that their world is a direct result of the way they think. We are not a product of our circumstances, our circumstances are a product of us. If a person understands this they can then begin to make up their own mind and make up their own destiny. As a Man Thinketh claims nothing that isn't true and claims no more that what can be understood. If you think you are afraid then you are afraid. If you truly think you are happy then you are happy. But that is just the tip of the iceberg! In the garden of our mind if we plant the seeds of beautiful flowers then beautiful flowers will grow, if we plant nothing then weeds will surely grow instead. It is not easy to understand every thought premeditated or not that comes to our mind. The author protests that once a person understands why and how they have come to think the way they think they can then understand how to think differently, if it's necessary for them to do so. Why read or recommend such a book? I would answer because, 'I want to become a better person. If we all could become better people, we all could make a better world. The world we live in is the way it is because of what we collectively make of it. I can't control you and you can't control me, but we each can control ourselves." Please read this very short book. It may be small but it packs a powerful punch! Best wishes to you all and good thinking! -Stratos
Rating:  Summary: Surprisingly I didn't like it! Review: I bought this because it's considered one of the all time classics. I have to say with some surpise that it failed to inspire me and did nothing for me! I found the old English and style of writing rather bland, yet "The Richest Man in Babylon" is also written in old English and I'm really enjoying it! I also found "Think and grow rich" to be superb. I do not recommend this book, read the other two instead!
Rating:  Summary: I don't see what the big deal is Review: I didn't really enjoy this book too much, and still don;t understand why it is so widely read. Maybe its just not my my type. I have read many similar titles from authors like Napoleon Hill, Orison Swett Marden, Charles Haanel, etc., and I must say I thought the works by those authors were clearly better than this one. I would not recommend this book.
Rating:  Summary: As A Man Thinketh- Self understanding, self confidence Review: I picked up this book because of the title, how we think and why is an interesting subject, but this book goes beyond that. I loved how the book immediately went to the point of it's subject. It explains how we as human thinking machines can alter our lives for the better just through our thought process, James Allen gives a simple explanation on how what we think is what we are. As deep and way out there as it may sound, he doesn't just babble, he gets to the point with examples and explanations of why this is so. The book just gives you the key to this power we all have and can easily develop by just changing our thoughts. There's a chapter for different aspects of our lives, and it's easily read in a short time, I've read it 5 times myself, and love it everytime. It's a very positive and inspirational book, and written decades ago by a man "I Beleive" really cares, and was not out just to make money on this "New Age Generation" (with no offense to other authors, there are good ones out there)
Rating:  Summary: Inspiring and life-changing Review: I ran into this little book in a bargain bin. And what a bargain it was! It clearly shows how the workings of your mind have a direct effect on your life. Like the old computer adage, "Garbage in, garbage out", it shows how we sabotage ourselves with our own thoughts and further reduce our energy to deal with whatever comes our way. It also made me think of the people I have known who have inspired me or brought me down, what kind of person they were, and how they thought about life. Negatives will get you nowhere! Although I'm in my 60's now, I wish I had read this book as a teenager. The precepts in this book can only help you to be more fulfilled, successful, giving, centered, wise, and happy to be you! Buy this book, or even more to give away, because you won't want to let yours go. I just keep going back to mine. After reading this little gem, I got the book called "The Wisdom of James Allen, which contains 5 of his inspiring essays, including this one. We should share the word about this amazing and under-appreciated writer to those around us.
Rating:  Summary: The Most Profound Little Book On Earth Review: I read this book and was blown away. It wasn't that I have never seen nor heard the main crux of the substance that Allen is putting across here, but I have to say, the angle from which he approaches it hit me right between the eyes. I have studied and read the Bible for decades and the wisdom of King Solomon and other inspired writers is echoed here. Allen started a revolution of thought with this book and it is well worth reading and reading often.
Rating:  Summary: "A true gem" Review: I've read many self-improvement books, and this is one of my favorites. It has sat on the shelf for years without me reading it. I picked it up the other day and read it in about half an hour. I now understand the significance of this book, even though it was written long ago. This book truly makes one look at how they've lived their life, their thoughts, and actions. Each of us has room for improvement, that's what life is about. We have all undoubtedly errored in our judgement, or in how we have treated others, and had to live with the consequences. This book brings contemplation of these subjects and others to the surface of our minds. This is not a how-to book. It is also not a hell-fire and brimstone, shame inducing book. Rather, it is just a reminder, letting us know that we can reach for, and achieve a higher level of being. I love this book! You will love it as well!
Rating:  Summary: james allen Review: it is always strange to read a book which seems - in some ways - to be written out of a "god-like" perspective, and it keeps me wondering, how anybody could be wise enough or consider himself to be. strangely enough, the more you believe in the writings of james allen, the more they will come true (I believe). you dont need to test that in your own life, its common sense, regardless of the "absolutistic" claims here. when I think about the fact that a human being has written this, sometimes i get annoyed, because the words come across as if written by someone who can not err. however, i also dont feel I want to ask questions like: well, mr. allan, what did YOU achieve? what I care about is if there is value in the writings for myself. after all, I think that any blah blah trying to contradict him would lead nowhere and be counter-productive. what it boils down to is that it is okay to be educated by someone who is - for sure - a master when it comes to thinking about things...(and thoughts, of course) - a philosopher. the lectures go down smoothely. reading the little book is almost like a prayer, a reversed one, some high, strict authority is talking to you. the words may sting you, depending on who you are, maybe a little, but they dont leave you unguided at the same time. it is the essence of many books written. this one is a must-read. short. and sweet. and bitter.