Rating:  Summary: Reiki The Ultimate Guide. By Steve Murray. Review: I would like to say, that this book is really amazing. I am happy that I found it. I just became a Reiki Master in December of 2003. And I have been practicing Reiki a lot. And I did the Initiations already. But I found out that this book has so much Information that I don't know yet. I would really recommend this Book to everyone who is Interested in Natural Healings. Or even to people who never had experience with Reiki. Its a great new Journey of your Life. Reiki has changed my Life a lot. And it will change yours too. I want to thank Steve for his wounderful work, writing this book.Lana G. Reiki-Master.
Rating:  Summary: It's about time!! Review: It's about time someone step up and write a book to show how to pass attunements. This book shows how to do so quite easily. I was very impressed with the content, esp. the pictures showing step by step how to pass attunements for each degree, and even how to pass psychic and healing attunements. Also included is additional info that everyone will find helpful. It's so simple to understand, much simpler than the way I was taught. I wish I would have had this book after I rec'd my Master's Degree. Thanks Steve for putting out a much needed book!!
Rating:  Summary: Life changing attunements! Review: Life changing attunements! My friend and I had been interested in learning Reiki so that we could help others that needed healing. So, we started reading as many books as we could find on the subject. We felt we had a pretty good knowledge about Reiki and now only needed to find someone to attune us. After endless searching, all we found out was that nobody would attune us unless we took their Reiki classes. And, that of course meant spending thousands of dollars! There was no way that either one of us could afford that! Not with us just living from paycheck to paycheck! We were discouraged, but not defeated. Finally by chance, while looking for more books on the subject, we happened upon some reviews of Steve's book and DVD's. All of the reviews sounded good and sincere. And, the price was a lot better than the thousands of dollars every one else was wanting! We decided to take a chance. The book is AWESOME! It's full of wonderful and informative information. And, it's written in a way that anyone can understand. But, I must admit, even though we were desperate for attunements, we were both a little skeptical of attunements by just watching a DVD. Well, to make a long story short. We both just completed the Master attunement, and what a believer it made out of us! The intense and overwhelming feelings we felt after watching these DVD's was unbelievable! And, it wasn't just physical sensations. We both feel as if we have been attuned on every level, mentally, physically and spiritually! Our thanks to Steve, the Rogue Reiki Master, who had a vision to make Reiki affordable to everyone, and did so. Phillip & Laura
Rating:  Summary: Best Reiki Book Out There Review: No holds barred, this book tells all. When I first took Reiki there were many secrets that weren't supposed to even be discussed with others who were not attuned. So many hushed truths. I just mean there were stuff taught that you're not suppose to share to others until they pay and take the class. So I understand how this book must have shocked many Reiki Masters. It shows the secret Reiki Symbols and how to use them. And you know what? I think it's time to share the powers of this healing technique to anyone and everyone who wants/needs it. And it should be taught at an affordable price. This book does all that.
Rating:  Summary: Sure to raise a few eyebrows... Review: Steve Murray's _Reiki: The Ultimate Guide_ is a very well written guide to the art of Reiki healing. There is no 'shrouded in secrecy' mumbo-jumbo here, just a straightforward description of what Reiki energy is, the levels of training, how to use Reiki, what attunements are and what they are like, and (although they have appeared in other books over the years) the Reiki sacred symbols are also included. Steve also describes in detail (along with photographs of each step) how to give the attunements for each level of Reiki. For those who seek a clear, cogent explanation of Reiki healing, this book is one of the best. It includes just about everything one would want to know, except for Reiki history, which, as Steve notes, "the majority of readers are fully aware of." A bibliography is included for those who desire to read further. As a Reiki Master Teacher, this book will be a great asset to my classes, as well as being a wonderful supplement to my Reiki training. I only wish it had been around when I was in training. Traditional Reiki Masters will be upset by this book, because it, like Toto, dares to peer behind the curtain of secrecy they want to keep so tightly closed. Some of my own training was rather traditional (i.e., fundamentalist), and I have to admit that as I read the book for the first time, I looked over my shoulder to make sure the Reiki Police were not lurking in the shadows. But, more modern Reiki Masters (and people who simply want to learn more about Reiki) should welcome this book with open arms, hearts and minds.
Rating:  Summary: For a new Reiki Master, the Ultimate Guide is a blessing Review: Steve's book gives a very honest look at how some Reiki Masters view the symbols as something only to be shared with someone who is willing to pay for the knowledge. I believe the Masters that would be angry with Steve's book, are totally missing the purpose behind why we are called to healing in the first place. We who heal, do not do it for the glory for ourselves, but to give glory to God who uses us as an instrument of healing. God knows there are so many that need healing. If some Masters become angry, well they will have to contend with this self- created negativity and I feel sorry for them. The Guide has proven to be an excellent reference book for me. You won't be sorry that you made this investment.
Rating:  Summary: Truly the Best! Clear, concise and spiritually founded Review: Steve's book is very fresh and very open - pure. It is written from a truly spiritually perspective, does not discount other methods of healing and therefore is very secure and mature in its beautiful clear writing. I appreciate the fact that Steve says Reiki can be used with other modalities of healing and does not try to take away or compare Reiki with other sciences. This book rises above the level of human insecurity and competition and strife and takes the shroud and mystery away. It is written on a humble approach and is very honest. It has what I believe to be a truly spiritual approach because of these inner qualities that emerge in the material. It is no wonder so many people are attracted to his wonderful material. Steve explains the reiki approach, the use of the symbols, and the attitude and intent of the healer. I am also a healer and minister and appreciate Steve's approach which is that the Universal power, (I call the God power)is a divine gift for all people to be shared for the betterment of all. Steve's book and videos and DVD's are based on these true healing principles. I think anyone who gets the book and videos and DVD's will appreciate their value many times over.
Rating:  Summary: A library worth having for every healer Review: There are books which pretend to be a reference point, and there are those which not only are, but also exceed readers' expectations. These are some of those! Read them twice and heal the universe. A library worth having for every healer. (1). Reiki The Ultimate Guide Learn Sacred Symbols & Attunements by Steve Murray (2). The Power of Divine: A Healer's Guide - Tapping into the Miracle by Tiffany Snow (3). The Reiki Sourcebook by Bronwen & Frans Stiene (4). Reiki: The Healing Touch by William Lee Rand (5). The Healing Energy of Your Hands by Michael Bradford
Rating:  Summary: Answers all your questions and how-to's Review: This book comes with me wherever I go. It is a great quick reference guide for the symbols, how to give an attunement, and answers any questions you may have. After reading this book, I was able to give myself Reiki with a renewed belief and spirit. After purchasing this book, I purchased Steve's DVD's. I highly recommend all of the Reiki programs Steve Murray has to offer. They are indeed awe-inspiring.
Rating:  Summary: reiki Review: This book delivers. It is a very good book to have. It tells of things that most reiki masters omit or dont know. The section on protecting oneself against negative energies is worth the price of the book alone. It also incorporates other less known ideas on healing and sealing auras and other energy work associated with reiki.This book may be upsetting some reiki masters, but in this day and age , reiki and healing should be open to everyone.All through the book steve tells you that you still should be attuned by a master and this is the truth ,but in this book he shows how to do things,how to access others, what to do in certain healings,and how to protect yourself.