Rating:  Summary: WOW ! Review: I was told about this book back 1996 , And I have found the book of all books !!, This book is well researched and easily to read and understand ,After reading the book ,Some topics I have had first and inside knowledge of some of what the this book discusses . No hocus pocus here ! The resaon I am giving this 5 stars is that it is broken down so you can start at any point !Get this book !
Rating:  Summary: The Seeker Review: Is there intelligent life in our galaxy? If you are not sure then you don't consider human beings intelligent! Open your mind, buy this book, read it and then start paying attention to what is going on in the world. Bill Cooper is only one story teller amoung thousands. During his life and experiences he discovered information that he felt that he had to publish. There are other publishings that fill in the holes of this book. Only a fool dismisses information without investigation. Our personal views of the World and our Universe don't matter. All that matters is the Truth, no matter how wonderful or terrible it is. This book is a great way to begin that journey.
Rating:  Summary: Almost Unbelievable Review: This book is so far fetched that it is believable. All of the information that is coming out now from many years ago that we once belived were true, we now know as being a FLAT OUT LIE !!!
Rating:  Summary: I'm a Believer! Review: I borrowed this book and am not quite finished yet. Having been raised on military bases all over the world, I can verify the truth of his writings so far. Indeed, there were many "strange", unexplained, surreal things that happened frequently during and a few years after WW2. He doesn't even tell it all. I agree with him, and am familiar (due to my own experiences and personal knowledge), about the Illuminati, the strageties & diversions that are used on the masses, and just about everything he says to the point of my reading. It is odd that he was recently killed, but does not surprise me at all. As he said, only a select few that are privvy to certain well-hidden information, can understand even the gist of his experiences...
Rating:  Summary: Dissecting the government machine Review: Having read this book over.. and over.. and over.. I must say that his conclusions are not paranoid, are not schizoid, but actually very rational. A good addendum to this, is the MAJESTY TWELVE document found on Cooper's homepage. Although there's some alien/ufo garbage in this book, further research led Cooper to retract his opinion about aliens when he wrote MAJESTY TWELVE. Anyone who wants to listen will heed his words. Some of the very things Cooper predicted more than 10 years ago are coming true. This book is a foretaste of our future unless we revolt when the times gradually worsen. Conspiracy newbies should read A. Ralph Epperson's "The Unseen Hand" for a primer before reading this book. Epperson reliably documents sources that can be cross referenced with Cooper's book.
Rating:  Summary: way to paranoid Review: I thought when i bought this book i would be enlightened.I wasnt.he obviously was raised in the seventh day adventist church so he was taught that catholics are evil evil people.his whole mindset is off.why would catholics be working with freemasons? freemasons despise catholics and the same vice versa.ive never heard off pope john paul II rescinding the papal ban on catholics.catholic bishops still excommunicate catholics who are freemasons.that secret oath he used in that one chapter was proven [wrong] years ago. and even if the oath was authentic it bashes freemasons...if you like reading mumbo jumbo by schizos than this is the book for you.what a waste of paper and money.
Rating:  Summary: Great book for those who wonder excatly what's going on. Review: This book was definitely a eye opener for me. I always had the feeling that there was a lot more going on behind the scenes of our 'great democracy' than our government was letting on. Mr. Cooper dives into all types of juicy secretive societies, cover-ups, and scandals that have been going on for much of modern history. Some events happened even before that! I must say that the most interesting part of the book for me was when he wrote about one of the most infamous groups compromised exclusively of societies elite that are known simply as the 'Illuminati.' I don't doubt their existence one bit and am convinced that they wield every bit of power that Mr. Cooper describes. Along with other groups like the Masons and even FEMA, he successfully breaks down their veil of mystery to the point were you really have to wonder if their intentions are as innocent as they proclaim. He takes on everything from how these groups were conceived, some in ancient times, to how they have evolved into the organizations they are today. Very interesting stuff. The author does however go of on paranoid tangents sometimes. For example, he recommends not being home on Thanksgiving because the government is just waiting to unleash their heinous plans on us when we are least expecting. But I guess you can't take everything he says for face value. There is still a great amount of useful and eye opening information in this book.
Rating:  Summary: I'm Not Sure I Wanted to Know So Much Secret Information! Review: I have to admit that I had trouble getting to sleep for the first couple of nights after reading this book. I feel like I know too much now and the things that are going on in our government give me the chills. I had no idea what our government had planned for us all along from trying to abolish our Constitution and introduce Martial Law to the whole UFO cover-up to the planned New World Order. My God! I can't believe what's going on. It makes me want to pack my bags and head for South America! I only had one disagreement in the whole UFO abduction theory. I disagreed with the reasoning behind why aliens abduct humans for our body parts -- because their bodies are dying and they need our enzymes, etc. to help rebuild their systems. And yet a couple of chapters later Cooper explains that aliens were the ones who created us! If that's the fact, then why do they need to come and get our body parts? Can't they create their own if they created us to begin with? I disagreed with that whole contradiction. However, everything else just blew me away. If you want to get the crap scared out of you, READ THIS BOOK! Then start planning your escape route to South America...Seriously!
Rating:  Summary: Chilling and Thought Provoking Review: Reading this book will change your perceptions of the world as we know it. William Cooper gave his life to share with us secrets that he uncovered about our government, the military, and our future as a whole. It was hard to put down, very unnerving. If half of what he has exposed in this book is true, God help us all.
Rating:  Summary: Wow! Review: As far as keeping intrest this book is a 5 star book...But it scared the hell out of me! I got rid of it and have done nothing but pray ever since!