Rating:  Summary: It just made sense Review: This book was very inspirational for me. It's definately not for everyone, but you'll know after reading a few pages whether or not to continue. This is a book for people honestly seeking the truth about life, death and God and not for those who want a scientific proof for the existence of anything and everything. The author is not trying to prove anything. He is simply sharing his experience as he sees it and you can either take it or leave it. If you have your mind made up about what you think "truth" is, don't read it. However if you are seeking another piece to the puzzle, this book can help. It completely changed the way I look at myself in relation to my environment. Whether or not any of it is absolute truth, I don't know. What I do know is that it changed my life for the better, and this is good... I highly recommend it.
Rating:  Summary: We've heard it all before Review: I have read all of the CWG books, and must say that I did not find anything in there that I had not read or heard before. I found it interesting that traditional ideas which have stood the test of time were casually dismissed, while every new-age idea was endorsed and embraced (with the exception of pyramid power-I did not see that in his books I must confess.) The author is well versed in eastern religions and metaphysical thought. His ideas are thought worthy, but I feel I must caution readers who are seekers not to accept everything in this book as "Truth." Mr. Walsch does admit that he is an imperfect "filter."
Rating:  Summary: conversation with god is on a par with a course in mericals Review: there are no words to describe these books. i have read them and re-read them and Im reading them again, I can't get enought of the wisdom, the love, clarity and great humour of god. I now see god as ordinary approachable being who has a great sense of humour. About 5 months ago I was talking to a friend on the phone we were talking about life and its mysteries. At that time I was reflecting on my life and life in general and I came to the conclusion that life was a game and all what I was doing, was a great game and I was pretty fed up with it all. Then one day as I was out shopping I went into my favorite book shop and seen conversation with god when I read the line its all a game and we are making it up as we go along, I couldnt stop laughting. I now know Im on the right track. THANK YOU GOD FOR DIRECTING ME TO YOUR BOOK IT HAS HELPED ME GREATLY.
Rating:  Summary: A spiritual epiphany for me Review: Finally after this last year of turmoil and torment, I seem to have confirmation of the gut feelings I have always had about God. This past year in college I took a Philosophy of Religion class, and to my dismay it severely critized western religion, of which I am a Catholic. Suddenly, beliefs and practices which I had never even thought to second-guess seemed absurd to me. I just could not picture the notion of an angry, jealous God who demanded nothing but asceticism and obedience from us or else! I could not ignore my feelings and objections to many of the tenets of organized religion. Finally I heard of this book by chance from a passing remark on the radio, and immediately got it the next day. One day later I am through and my life has changed for the better, no longer do I worry about the nature of God, nor do I fear him. This book helps to reconcile my conflicting feelings on God and life. The words and ideas in this book make so much more sense than fundamentalist dogma. I do not believe one man (Walsch) could have been this profound without a little help from the man, or woman, upstairs.
Rating:  Summary: Delicious way to multiply? Review: I found this book interesting and insightful. My neighbor just loved it...and didn't feel like parting with it long enough to let me read it, so I bought my own copy. I'm afraid to say I would not have bought it had my neighbor lent it to me, as I do not agree with my neighbor about it's wonderfulness. Toward the very end of the book... God says something like..."Didn't I create a delicious way for you to multiply?" If that isn't a MAN speaking...than I haven't lived as a woman for 43 years! The author also came across as self-centered. I just read George Anderson's We Don't Die...I loved that book.
Rating:  Summary: A journey into the meaning of life Review: This book will change your life. It needs to be read and digested slowly. There are many ideas upon which to discover. The index includes a wonderful reference. This book changed my life. It gave me the guidance to follow my own spiritual journey. It will do the same for you, if you are open to it.
Rating:  Summary: Great book, but are ALL the spinoffs really necessary? Review: I've read all three CWGs and most of these reviews, focusing on the one- or two-starred ones. They seem to be mostly Bible thumpers complaining because we're being told that God will not smite us down no matter what we do. To those who oppose the book, why??? The overwhelming theme is LOVE, LOVE, LOVE. What is wrong with that? Nowhere in the book are we told to worship demons or make human sacrifices, etc. Only the universal message of love and forgiveness. Why are people so worried about believing anything that's not part of some religious ritual? They are so concerned about is it really THE God talking here. Are they disbelieving (and disappointed) cause He's not spouting vengence, like the bible says He should? We are all THE God. I'm a former Catholic, and after I read CWG, I felt able to finally leave all the guilt behind. Organized religion only separates people. But, are all the book spin-offs really necessary? Like re-minder cards, workbooks, calandars, video tapes, all the other CWG "merchandise." They just repeat the what is said in the original books. Is this repackaging of the same material an effort to bring in more money? I got his newsletter for a year, again, all he did was repeat what was in the books when readers asked questions. Neale, I think you've gone Hollywood. Don't cheapen the message by turning it into a money-making gimmick.
Rating:  Summary: I can't give this book 6 stars?? Review: WOW! That was the first thing that came out of my mouth after reading this wonderful book. First of all, let me please advise that this book will only be of use to you if you're OPEN-MINDED. If you are, then you will be introduced to a God that is much greater than any God that you have ever known. We need to come to the realization that God isn't like us - CWG explains that perfectly. God does not waste his/her/it's time getting angry, jealous, or vengeful because God is perfect. Adding up all of our hurts and betrayals so we can punish the hurter is what HUMANS do, not God! God is above the pitifully narrow emotions of the ego, and clearly does not think or feel the weak, self-defeating thoughts that most people do. On the contrary, God loves us unconditionally - no matter how many mistakes we make on our way back to our divinity, God will always be there for us WITHOUT judgement, but simply with guidance and love - isn't that a powerful thought?? This book truly is life-changing (actually, the whole CWG series is), and if you're willing to read with an open-mind, then it is inevitable that it will change your life too. God didn't stop talking to us 2000 years ago, so why is it so hard for us to listen now? The choice is simple - we can either live in fear of a fire-breathing, venegful God that will paralyze all of the fun and freedom in your life - or, you could live a life of LOVE, PEACE, and FREEDOM because you know that God is always with you, and that God will love you ALWAYS. I don't know about you folks, but I'm taking door number 2! Lots of love to all of you, and I hope the CWG trilogy changes your life as much as it has changed mine. Peace and love for all!
Rating:  Summary: The Bible of Clinton Review: I would not be a bit surprised if Clinton takes these books to heart because there are so many situations that were so Clinton. Some of the things that were Clinton are: 1)What "is" is; 2)Promoting a one-world government; 3)It takes a village to raise a child. There are even several times when the so-called "God" likes what Clinton is doing.
Rating:  Summary: Time to wake up and smell the holy water.... Review: This book really opened my eyes to the misconceptions of my Catholic upbringing. The image of a vindictive, punishing God were shown to be totally false. I am in charge of my own destiny due to my God-given freedom of choice. After reading this book, most will see that NOTHING is impossible because God gave us the tools at birth to create our own reality. (If you can dream it, you can live it.) The straight-laced, intimidating religious teachings of years ago are given a true run for their money. If you want to break through all the "crap" drummed into you as a Catholic (or any other organized religion) child, this is the book for you. For anyone who feels inadequate, ineffective, untalented, and insecure, this is definitely the book for you. Open your mind to the possibilities, and you will find that the only things standing in your way, are your own fears. You have the ability...you've always had it. Break free with the help of this book.