Rating:  Summary: Chill Out Review: To those readers who slammed this author and suggested interested parties read the Kings James Bible instead, I suggest that we not confuse God with Christianity. There are many peoples on the planet now, as well as throughout history, who revere God and are not Christians. If a person receives insight and wisdom from this attempt to get the reader to think about his beliefs and the greater mystery of spirit, why is this so threatening? There are many paths into the garden... God made it so. Don't attempt to limit the way another travels to personal understanding by claiming your way is the only way. This series of books contain beautiful, uplifting wisdom - for Christians and non-Christians alike. Enjoy!
Rating:  Summary: Amazing & Earth Shattering! Review: There are two things that I find amazing about this book. First is the message of love, hope, peace, and most importantly, responsibility. Secondly, I find many of the reviews here on Amazon very interesting. People who rate this book low are, in my opinion, sticking their head in the proverbial sand. I find it interesting that people use The Bible to justify their postion that this, and other works like it, are false. Ironically, these same people fail to reconize that each Gosple of The Bible was written by people with an clear socio-politcal agenda. Redaction criticism shows this very clearly. However, I am not faulting Christians, quite the contrary. I think that the time is NOW for Christians (and in fact all people) to throw of the chains of other peoples' relationships with God. This, it seems to me, is the major thrust of God's message here. That we've all been told how to see God, and who God is; never trying to findo out for our selves. Someone said in thier review that they thought Walsch was simply talking to himself. He himself rasies that point in the book. God's response is "what's the difference?" I ask you the same question. If we accept that God created the universe, then isn't talking to oneself talking to God? And, more importantly, why would God create a being (humans) as imperfect, only to punish them for being so. Seems a bit silly to me. However, there are then those people might say, "One cannot pretend to know the motives of God." To this rebuttal I answer with a resounding, "BULL!" God tells us very simply that God is every where. In the words of the next song, the chance utterance of a passer-by, in the theme of the next movie. I would hope that after reading this book, whether you "believe" it or not, you would open your ears (and your mind), instead of running to your Bible. I have read the Bible many times, and I am very in favor of its core message. Read the Gospel of Thomas. It is a Gospel that is thought to be the earliest writtings of Jesus, and one that was deeded heretical by the Vatican. I am issuing a challange to all people out there. This review is accompanied with my email address. Please write to me. I am open to debate on this, and any other related subject. Do not hide behind your Bible and say this information is false. Come and tell me why. I am listening, and ready. Let's talk. carlsons@airmail.net
Rating:  Summary: Thought provoking to say the least Review: This little book has a huge message. It is the same message of love found in the gospels. It is NOT the message of fear found in the Old Testament. Many reviewers indicate that we should read the Bible to find truth. Very true. However, there is also much contradiction in the Bible. There is no contradiction in CWG. Indeed it makes so much sense that our church provided a study group for the book. I am glad to say that I am involved with open-minded, loving members of the Christian faith who are willing to look at truth from all angles, as does Neale Walsch. This book will make you think, and once you have truly thought about what "God" said to Walsch, it is difficult to refute its truth. We must each find our own way in faith. This is a valuable guide.
Rating:  Summary: IT MAKES SO MUCH SENSE Review: It makes me cry, and laugh, and think, and notice that my thinking start to change. I feel much more at peace and happy. I am so thankful that Mr. Walsh decided to write this book. Many times, I have sincerely prayed to Buddha to show me the way to truth. And my prayers have been answered. I stumbled on this book when I was in the book store to buy another book. And I almost didn't go to the bookstore. The truth and God do not belong to any one particular religion. This book speaks of that truth. The self-rightious and close-minded will not agree with it. But be patient, they will find their ways eventually. May be not this life time, but they will.
Rating:  Summary: If not divine, then a provocation to think Review: Did the author speak to God? Is he a 'new-age quack'? Heretic? That really isn't the point! Many of Walsch's ideas extremely provoke basic ideas about religion and belief and make you critically reflect your own thoughts on the matter. His central idea of creating the 'good' or 'bad' around us by our own choices speaks for individual responsibility, of which this world could use more. The books will certainly make you think, even if, initially, you may be fairly speechless about what you read. That alone made it worth it to me.
Rating:  Summary: Great Book Review: This book has alot of information about God that have never knew. I don't think no one have known before. All of the answers are much to clear and complex to be from a human. Even in the book it says that God speaks to us all the time, but we need to listen. Why dont we listen to this one? To me I believe in faith. And faith tells me that God is already trying to send us a message about our world and ourselves. All we have to do is to believe it is real.
Rating:  Summary: Non-traditional book about religion Review: Conversations with God has many far-out ideas about who we are. It's a non-traditional book about religion; uncomfortable, yet reassuring. It's breaks new ground on who we are and where we came from. One idea is about our concept of time. Time exists vertically, says the author, not horizontally. It is not a left-to-right thing. There is no beginning or end. Everything just IS! You have always been, are now, and always will be. There has never been a time when you were not. About "organized" religion..."in order for organized religion to succeed, it has to make people believe they need it. "So the first task of organized religion is to make you lose faith in yourself. "The second task is to make you see that it has the answers you do not. "And the third task is to make you accept its answers without question." Organized religion can't have you think because you're liable to come up with answers different from what has been contrived so it must make you doubt your ability to think straight. On education. We are teaching children what to think rather than how to think. Schools are focused on knowledge, paying little attention to wisdom, whereas they should be focused on critical thinking, problem-solving and logic. Teach concepts, not subjects. Build around three core concepts: Awareness, honesty, responsibility. Suggestions for course subjects. Understanding power; peaceful conflict resolution, fairness, tolerance, honesty and responsibility, ethical economics, etc. The Waldorf System. The teacher moves with the children through all levels of primary and elementary learning experience. The children have the same teacher rather than moving from one person to another. This is as important as any facts the teacher may pass on to the child. On death... it is not an end, but a beginning; not a horror, but a joy; not a closing down, but an opening up. The happiest moment of your life will be the moment it ends. Truth and politics cannot mix because politics is the art of saying only what needs to be said-and saying it in just the right way-in order to achieve a desired end. It is the application of practical psychology. In the U.S. we want government to "do it all" or we want to kill all laws whereas a delicate balance must be struck. In providing for people's needs, they must not be robbed of their dignity, individual creativity, and ingenuity, for this allows them to notice that they can provide for themselves. The world's political machinery operates on self-interest...but something will have to change to make us see someone's else's interests as our own. The fastest way to see all humankind as your family is to stop separating yourself. Eliminating war. (1) Share enough resources with the world's people so no one will want or need. (2) Create a system for settling differences that eliminates war. There would be ample financing available to do this if military budgets were eliminated. When you find peace within, you also find you can do without. "Not needing" frees you from fear and anger. When you have nothing to fear, you have nothing over which to be angry. Seeking and finding peace within would end wars, eliminate conflict, prevent injustice and bring world peace. People would never put up with most of what happens in the world if they knew what was going on. Nothing makes for appropriate behavior faster than exposure to public scrutiny. Nothing breeds fairness faster than visibility which is another word for truth. A hard read but worth the effort.
Rating:  Summary: CHRISTIANS BEWARE Review: This book cleverly uses "God" in its title, but it bashes organized religion is definitely New Age in nature. The author's conversations with "God" seem more like conversations with himself. Definitely a confusing book for those "on the fence" about religion. I urge you to pick up a copy of the Life Application Study Bible in the New Living Translation and read God's way for your life in an updated, easy-to-understand language.
Rating:  Summary: Stunning Heresy Review: Absolutely amazing heretical stuff here. Always mix truth in with fiction--as Hitler said: "The bigger the lie, the more folks will believe it". Walsch has wonderful ideas about how to deal with fellow man--love--acceptance--all that--People everywhere could do well to listen. Don't know who the "God" is that he's talking to, but I DO know who he's NOT. He's NOT the God of Abramham, Issac, Jacob and Father of Jesus of Nazareth. Way cool if you're into reading heresy....way cool
Rating:  Summary: Establish your own dialog with God ..then evaluate this book Review: Please don't prejudge this books source without first praying for your God to give you the powers of discernment. Neither discard it as blasphemy or New Age dribble,nor embrace it without question, without much prayer and tuning in to that still small voice in us all where the Truth lives. This books explanations had a definite ring of truth to them, and for the first time in my life, I have found answers that seem to hold up under close scrutiny. We each ultimately have to go to God for ourselves for the "answer". This is what I came away from this book with.