Rating:  Summary: More of the same.... Review: I looked forward to reading Walsch's book, and I came away somewhat dissappointed. This is just the "Course In Miracles" stuff repackaged. Instead of something refreshingly different, the author decides to talk about *yawn" the big bad ego, and how we ask for everything we get in this life. I have often wondered if we "get what we deserve" karmically, then why punish the thief or mugger? After all, he was just giving us our "karma." In another of the author's books, he speaks of how "wonderful" DeGeneres and Heche are for being so "courageous." After awhile it comes off like any other left-wing treatise. The one saving grace about this book is the fact that the author found a peace that eluded him most of his life. I believe he was/is sincere, but you have probably read the same thing many other places.
Rating:  Summary: A Life Altering Book Review: Have often have you read a book that claimed that it would change your thinking? Many make the claim and few do. This doesn't make the claim and yet does, at least for me. It really opened my eyes, particularly in the area of responsibility - what I'm responsible for and more importantly what I'm not. I'm re-reading it and about to jump into volume 2. An easy read, but crammed full of insights. Enjoy!
Rating:  Summary: The great one Review: Dear friends, I need this book in german language. If you guys can help me out in this case. I'll be very thankfull to you. do mail me at kostageorgoudakis@hotmail.com With Regards Gkosta
Rating:  Summary: Anyone doing some Soul Searching would benefit. Review: Conversations with God is about the God I believe in. A non-judgmental God who believes we are capable of all because we were created in God's likeness. Inspiring and thought-provoking. Made me think even further into my truths. Highly Recommended.
Rating:  Summary: The Best Science Book? Review: I want to give a different perspective on this incredible book. I consider myself to be very open-minded, but I won't believe anything without strong evidence. What I found most amazing about this book is the new science in it that makes so much logical sense. Even though it likely cannot be proven with current scientific methods, none of it contradicts established theory. Since reading it a half dozen times, I've begun to experiment with some of the "secrets" and found they really work! The book explains the nature of the universe, the purpose of life, and--if you have the prerequisite knowledge--new insights on relativity and quantum theory, in layman's terms no less. I have a hard time believing the author made up this information; it's too profound. A word of warning though: you may find out more than you wanted to know. It's a cliché by now, but I have to say that no other book has had such an impact on me. You will either loathe it or it will blow your mind.
Rating:  Summary: Your Life Will Never Be The Same After Reading This Book! Review: This book made so much sense to me. It has opened my eyes and my heart. Every single thought in my mind has changed since reading the book. I also think that some people are either not ready or not willing to see the truths that are in this book. I don't think badly of the people that gave this book a bad review. How can I? But I must say that this is an absolutely wonderful book and it should be read by ALL. This world is in desperate need of change and I believe readers of this book and others with the same beliefs will save the world. And become higher beings because of it.
Rating:  Summary: It's only for the Open Minded Review: Have you noticed that the ones that give this book one star seems so angry and full of wrath and hate? You decide if this book is for you. If you have faith in God and reject the harsh dogma, negativity of some of todays religion. You will fully understand this book. But if you are narrow minded , very restricted and don't believe in Karma. This book is not for you.
Rating:  Summary: Up to you to decide Review: I went into the bookshop the other week and was drawn to the religious section out of a belief that i knew very little about my supposed faith. I don't know why i choose this book as it is not normal reading matter for me. In a way i didn't want to accept that this was God as that would mean i would have to believe in him and thats not who i thought i was. I finished reading the book two days ago and i have not yet made up my mind. I study Philosophy and so am trained to disect arguments, many in this book did not add up but, there were some real home truths too. I will have to reserve judgement as to wether this is God or not in reality i don't think it matters the ideas put across are important regardless of their source.
Rating:  Summary: Some of this is thought provoking, however Review: some of this book depicts God out of Character. Like would God really say, "if you can't trust God, who the hell can you trust?"? I really believe a lot of what the author says is God, is just his inner self or wisdom speaking back to him. Another thing written in this book that God says is that He doesn't make rules for us? Hello? So the 10 commandments?--Were these lies? What was the burning bush? Thought Shalt Not kill? Is that not a rule? I agree with this book that hell is what we make it. Our own thought process and our decisions cause consequences and that is separation from God which is Hell. I've never believed like the Baptist's that there will be a hell of eternal torture. Some even believe good people that haven't went through the proper salvation ritual will burn in eternal hell. I've never felt like a loving God could do that. I couldn't even do that to my worst enemy and surely God is nicer than I am. I believe that all of us have an inner wisdom granted to us by God, and that essentially anyone could set down and contact this wisdom and write out answers just like the author did. This God that responds to him if you will notice sounds a lot like him, which to me just means his inner voice, and possibly that inner voice is wise and God inspired. All of us really are on a journey and in different places spiritually so who really is to say what is right and what is wrong. I do agree and so the Bible speaks that we are not to judge. My final thought is that the author has some wisdom to share, but remember all of us has the same access to God as he does.
Rating:  Summary: "Idol Worship" Review: Idol worship is what this book is about. Neal Donald Walsch's god is an idol of his creation; nothing but his whole comglamaration of thoughts. Not even Walsch worships an idol consciously. We're unaware of doing it. We do it with a daze in the eye. Notice the prominence of that daze in the pictures Walsch's promoters select in selling his claim to you through books, seminars and other money making events he hosts.