Rating:  Summary: The most practical of the Conversations With God series Review: Having read all the excellent CWG books several times over, this remains one of my favourites, along with "Friendship With God" and the original "Conversations With God Book 1" itself. They all essentially say the same stuff of course, but in different ways that will appeal more to some than others in each case. In this guidebook, countless examples of everyday difficulties we all experience as human beings are specifically and clearly dealt with. Do you have a resistance to eating spinach? What do you most often think about world hunger? What is the purpose of life? Brilliant! The text revolves around the 34 core concepts of Book 1 which Walsch defines in the introduction. These range from "God is communicating with us all the time" to "You need no God" to "To want something is to push it away from you" and so on. Each of the concepts are subsequently expanded on together with text references from the original book. What makes everything really interesting are the exercises, assignments and experiments scattered throughout the book and at the end of each section. Not only are these totally practical applications of Walsch/God's wisdom, some of them are also very funny. These are suggested as possible guidelines for CWG study groups. The presentation of the material is quite different to all the main books. Visually, the text is broken up by the original text references, exercises, questions and suggestions for further discussion. Its easier to dip into now and again as a result.
Rating:  Summary: Truly soul-satisfying! Review: I first came across this book (and the following two in the series) two years ago, and what a mind blowing trip it has been! Never before has anyone articulated such deep spiritual concepts and wisdom in such an easy-to-understand manner. And never before has such diverse and complex subjects affecting the human race been addressed and answered so completely and with such elegant logic and sense. There's no way that any mortal human could have imagined or conjured up these writings....I have no doubt that these words were divinely inspired. Like many who had mentioned before here, these were truths that I've always felt from deep within but which I dared not accept or believe (thanks to our existing religious pre-conditionings). Being an engineer by profession and thus a hardcore pure-logic type of person, I am not easily persuaded on such matters. Plus, I grew up with a strong Christian background, so I already had a lot of pre-conceived ideas about what God and life was all about (or so I thought). So, for me to adapt the CWG 1, 2 and 3 trilogy as my current Bible certainly took a huge leap of faith. And no, I have not discarded the Christian Holy Bible as obsolete. If anything, CWG has helped me understand the Holy Bible even better than before. All those things that I felt were missing, incomprehensible or simply not thoroughly covered in the Bible, now fall into place and make more sense. Now I am able to discern methaphors from literal meanings as well as the proper context those passages were written in. My CWG books and my Holy Bible sit side-by-side on my bookshelf. It should always be borne in mind that the Holy Bible was written such a long time ago when civilisation and life was relatively primitive. It would have made no sense for Jesus to talk about the time-space continuum, civilisations on other planets and other quantum mechanics subjects in those days....it would have been totally irrelevant. Likewise for issues regarding technology, geo-politics, social, cultural, sex and life-style. Life then was very basic and simple, thus the messages had to be equally matched to that level. Things have changed much since and its only logical that we get an update of the original Scriptures, simply because we are ready to do so. In fact, I see this updating as an ever on-going process of Life as we move forward in evolution. But be forwarned that it still does require great courage and a truly open mind to even begin the grasp the deeper meanings within these books. Not everyone is ready to make such drastic shifts in their paradigm, perceptions and beliefs. And this is even more so for those who already have strong vested interests in established religious organisations. So it should not come as a surprise at all that there are many who will try to defame and destroy Neale Walsh and these books. Well meaning people crucified Jesus 2000 years ago (and many Truth bearers ever since) and will always see such enlightened beings as a threat. Anything that empowers the individual and reduces dependency of the existing religious or political system will always be seen as a threat by those who stand to lose as a result. This has all been mentioned in the CWG books, not surprisingly. But Truth has a strange habit of always prevailing and I'm sure these works will eventually be accepted (even if it takes a great many more years). My only wish was that these books had been available about 20 years ago....I certainly would have made many life-decisions differently (but that's another story).
Rating:  Summary: A loss for words Review: It is very difficult for me to write a review on this book because I want to do it justice. I cannot tell you how deeply CWG touched me. As I read through the book I felt such joy that I cried. And I cried, and I am crying now just thinking about how wonderful our lives really are. I became aware and finally found something that I did not realize I was missing - MySelf. Those of you who have read it know. Those who criticize CWG prove that that fear exists. I have always had trouble understanding what IT was, but God tells you so clearly. He is telling you now. Read the book and you will understand.
Rating:  Summary: A total and utter sham and fabrication. (antiChristian) Review: This new age fraud's series of books are full of lies and fabrications, claiming to be the voice of God. This book claims that God suggests that value-less moral relativism (no good or evil)is the path to a "new world order" which denies the truth of love and Christianity and the absolute power of God. These books, vols. 1,2,3 are the most damaging attempt by an anti-Christian to undermine the truth of Jesus Christ. Don't believe a word of it. I'm writing a book called The Practical Guide to Real Christianity which will dispel the lies and fabrications of the shameful author of this pathetic attempt at deception.
Rating:  Summary: A total and utter fabrication. Review: This book is a total and utter fabrication designed to deceive the masses into believing in the discredited doctrine of moral relativism. This shallow attempt to discredit the New Testament offers the naive, narcissistic and hedonist "new age" crowd a huge bone of lies and half-truths all credited to a God who writes suspiciously like an author trying to posit a "new world order" (world government) which condones greed, immorality and a denial of the truth of Christianity. The book seems to embrace concepts of A Course in Miracles, but then goes on to distort them into an anti-Christian and relativistic sham. This book has inspired me to get my views out on paper in my book to be titled The Practical Guide to Real Christianity, in order that some folks might see the error of "new age" frauds such as Walsch.
Rating:  Summary: the most amazing book I have ever read Review: Conversation with god is one of the most amazing book I have ever read. It stops my fear of God and gives me courage for my life to change in a good way. I recommend this book to those who want to learn more about their individual power.
Rating:  Summary: Infinite Wisdom in Finite Form! Review: Simply put. This is the most insightful book I have ever read. Maybe it was god or maybe it wasn't but the wisdom in this book will change your life, it changed mine. I definitely plan on reading books 2 and 3.
Rating:  Summary: Does it matter if it's God or not? Review: For thousands of years, humans have prayed and begged and worshipped, yet with the exception of a few (ahem, Jesus, anyone?) no one's ever heard God answer (excepting a few burning bushes and pillar of fire or two). I mean, you don't really expect God to just start talking to you about sex and love, the benefits of abstaining from meat, and the answer to life, the universe, and everything (and for you Douglas Adams fans, it's NOT 42). Not until now, anyway. In a curious twist of events, God actually predicts Clinton's near-ousting from government although this book was published in 1996 (and the Conversation took place in '92-'93). Just something I might add, in favor of validating the book's origins. I can't express enough that this book made me rethink my views on everything. EVERYTHING. I can't look at a situation or interact with people the same way anymore. I have to stop and reevaluate them with new eyes and wonder how they're feeling, are they just as confused or happy or needing aid as I am? Like the Beatles' "I am he and he is me and you are we and we are all together", God says that we are one and the same (and bases His argument on scientific data instead of a "Just take my word for it"). God explains here in words you can't NOT understand, how each soul is interconnected, so that what you do to one person you do to all, including yourself. Hell, God even curses and, when Walsch questions His ideas, God admits that, well, He could be wrong. Instead of a frightening, laying-down-the-law, I'll-send-you-to-Hell-if-you-cross-me-buster god, we get a God who's patient, who talks like you and me. Some people holler and rage that how DARE anyone pretend to communicate with God (um, hey, didn't some folks say the same thing about some crazy dude named Jesus? And Moses? And Ezekiel? And Mary Magdalene? And...?). I, for one, believe and my life isn't quite the same after having read it. Even if you don't, read it anyway. Because if this book wasn't REALLY written by some Higher Power, than you have to say that this Walsch guy is REALLY evolved and intuitive. I mean, the things this book talks about is mind-blowing, perceptive, brain-altering. I know this book is truth because I feel it, deep down with a certainty I've never felt, and that's proof enough for me.
Rating:  Summary: Really makes you think Review: I am only half way through this book right now and I feel that it has already had an impact on my life and how I view myself. This book is for everyone. If you believe in God or not. Very easy to read and understand.
Rating:  Summary: Amazing, read it. Review: Im 18 and until now i have never read a book before because i found it very boring. my sister gave me this book and i started reading it, im in chapter 4 now and i cant stop reading. its very easy to read and i believe what he says is ture even though im not sure if i believe in god.