Rating:  Summary: Unconditional Love Review: This is the first review I've written but I feel compelled to say a few words about this book. I remember seeing the book on a shelf and idly glancing at it thinking that I'd have to read it one day. Not long after that I walked into one of the larger bookstores and there in front of me was a huge display of the book - I grabbed a copy, got a cup of coffee, and sat down to read. I have read so many books like it and very few touched me the way this one did. I can remember that with each new question and answer I read my whole being was crying out - Yes! I knew it!! I was amazed at my reaction. It was my introduction to the "Love" of God. I was raised Catholic and had always had a vision of God as an angry "Old Testament" God who watched me with a critical eye just waiting for me to mess up. I could never reconcile Love with this vision. For the first time in my life while reading CWG I could tangibly feel God's love and presence and even more miraculously his approval and acceptance of me just as I was. This book was a pivotal experience for me and I would highly recommend it to anyone looking for a larger vision of God than most conventional religions subscribe to.
Rating:  Summary: Even If... Review: I grew up in a pious Catholic family, and yet even as a child, I questioned many things about my religion. According to this book, it actually may be questions carried over from my previous life, or a spiritual path I may be taking to where I left off in that previous life. I had many questions that were unanswered by my religious family...because "questioning God was a sin." So I got my own answers, and then I stumbled across this book (and trust me, I'm the last person to EVER read, and the last person to ever look for anything religious as a reading material--that's why I call it an accident). I believe it...and even if everything this book or this man has said is "wrong", it has been the only one that has made sense to me so far...and maybe down the line, when I come across a philosophy that makes more sense than this, I will follow that one. But always ask yourself, am I religious because I WANT to be? Or because I was brought up to be? Think for yourself...this book has been barred by many religious people--and for you out there who are so closed minded and righteous, isn't criticism and judgemental-ness a sin? : )
Rating:  Summary: Genius but Sad Review: Five for the genius of channeling God - instead of Seth - the wider potential audience and greater advertising appeal- why hasn't anyone before though of this before - co-opting western religious ideas - with ideas below. One - that so many people buy and believe this stuff and the dangerous consequences this presents. Average three.Truth is Relative - Everyone has the right to his or her own truth - and we have no right to judge the validity of someone else's truth - If my truth tells me its OK to kill six million Jews - well I did what I did - that's all. Reality - There is no external reality. The combined psychic energy of our thoughts and feelings create reality - doesn't quantum mechanics tell us that - We have the power to literally move mountains or levitate if we believe or learn to manifest the power - our limited mentality 'creates' this limited physical world. This bad psyche is what is destroying the rainforests or making us unhappy people. Nature isn't bad - hurricanes, tornadoes, diseases - are manifestations of bad karma. When we become highly evolved beings - we will live in a hedonistic quasi-marxist Eden in which we worship Gaia and get master lessons from alien intelligences. Self - Our only responsibility is to our self. We have no moral or ethical responsibilities to anyone else - All that matters are our experiences and maximizing our pleasure -not others - If you get tired of your husband and kids - go find your soulmate - better if he or she is a mindless zombie who revolves around you. God - God is love - Our deepest feelings are God's voice - God creates but does not punish. God gets us to heaven but has no expectations. Pleasure is good and pain is bad. None of that repentance, judgment, hell stuff. But everything is good - evil is an illusion - if we experience pain or evil - it means that we have a limited perspective on things. For that matter - I am God - a conversation with myself - my deepest feelings, clearest thoughts, greatest words - is a conversation with God.
Rating:  Summary: my salvation Review: I have found nothing more insightful than this book. Neale Donald Walsh takes you through a personal experience unlike any other spiritual guidance book. It helped me to deal with my questions of my life and the universe and actually gave me real answers to which brought upon changing my life..
Rating:  Summary: oversimplification of life Review: I am a former devotee of this series. I suffer from anxiety and depression, two closely related conditions where the sufferer inevitably focuses on the negative. Thus, telling someone in this condition that they "create their own reality" is a terrifying prospect. I tried to "choose differently", I "talked to God", meditated, you name it. In the end, I still had the condition. I couldn't figure out what I was doing wrong. Terrified of the power of my negative thoughts caused by my illnes, which I could not simply "snap out" of, I was finally forced to abandon the books. While thought provoking, Walsch presents what is at best a vast oversimplification of the complexities of life. Walsch, despite what he claims, knows nothing more than any of the rest of us do. We, not others, are the highest authorities on our own truths.
Rating:  Summary: How can we answer the question: Why are we living? Review: This is a good book for looking to life in a happy way. But there is a major failure here, since 'Why are we living?' question should be asked to 'GOD' -Who created the all universe & all human beings- and we should look for the message from the GOD. Not we should just imagine & go into our way. The positive & happy look to life was written in a perfect way in Risale-i Nur Kulliyati, (including The Words 1-2, and The Flashes) by Said Nursi Bediuzzaman. Anyone like this Conversations with God-1-2-3, I advise Risale-i Nur Kulliyati (The Nur Collection) by Said Nursi Bediuzzaman to completely understand & learn 'WHY ARE WE LIVING on earth? and WHAT IS THE AIM & GREATEST HAPPINESS OF LIFE?.
Rating:  Summary: Excellent - Read it sometime with God. Review: This dialogue is great. 95% of the time I could feel like there was clearly God's energy coming through - unmistakable for it's total and fathomless unconditional love. The questions that the author asks of God are perfect, in-depth and in sync with the same stuff we would all ask if we were to go right to the source ourselves. The answers are much the same as the ones we get from all the great teachers of the world (I would expect nothing else!) BUT it's in a new and fun format. I recommend reading it as it was intended - from the first person. Hook up with God directly while you read it and you will feel God's support of the words and of course deep love flowing into you as you realize you can have a deep and chummy relationship with good too. Why not! In general; a thoroughly inspiring read and great reminder! Thank you Author.
Rating:  Summary: Comparable to Commentaries on Living by JK. Review: After reading the series- 3 volumes of Conversations with God- I couldn't resist the temptation to compare the series with another series -Commentaries on Living by J. Krishnamurti. Both the series have 3 volumes each. Both deal with the questions, problems and day to day dilemas of the common man. And both provide excellent answers. However, there is one difference between the two. J.Krishnamurti just indicates the path to solution and provokes the reader to find it on his/her own. He has not adopted any advisory or wiser-than-thou stance. Neale Donald Walsch has- may be without any conscious intention on his part- acted as a messenger of God. The entire book is in revelatory form. We already many books which have "revealed" the Truth. However, except this short coming the series of the books- Conversation with God- is an excellent presentation of What Is and What Is Not. It provides the readers with sufficient insight to look within her/him self to satisfy her/his quest to find eternal peace here and now. The series of the book has many insights which can be usefully meaningful to the readers in their day to day living. I am glad that I read the series. It has helped me bring more understanding of the complex "phenomena" called GOD.
Rating:  Summary: Personal Experience Review: I have read all 3 books in the series plus the Friendship and Communion w/ God books. I have also had the opportunity to see Neale in Denver at a "Spiritual" convention. So far, the only reviews I have read talk about the book and how they reacted to it in life. I wanted to share how I experienced life and then how the book reacted to my life. I had something happen in my life BEFORE reading or hearing about these books. I totaled my minivan 2 summers ago in a bad wreck with another car. A friend gave me CwG Book 1 that October. I then read the next 2 books as fast as I could finish the prior one. In book 2, my accident was described to a T! The car crash was in slow motion as described. I normally would have freaked over such a predicament, but was totally at peace (not shock), as described in the book as to how God protects us in our greatest times of need. I just wanted to share MY experience with the readers and hope they can experience God in their own way w/o judging others for their experiences here on Earth. This book is informative and allows everyone to use their free will while experienceing it. Enjoy!
Rating:  Summary: Utterly Amazing! Review: As I look back at my life before reading the Conversations With God Trilogy, I can clearly see now that EVERYTHING I had learned and experienced, everything that I had felt deeply and pondered, every question, every quiet moment, every piece of my "life's puzzle," had been preparing me for these books. Like a giant epiphany, all of the pieces of the puzzle suddenly came together and everything made perfect sense. If you have not had a chance to read the back cover of this book, scroll up and click on it. What is written is true. Nothing happens in this universe by accident. This is a book that truly "finds you," and not the other way around. I could not put down. I laughed, I cried, and I was touched deeply. It was as if some invisible person had been following me around my entire life looking over my shoulder and taking notes on all of my deepest ponderings and my deepest, most heart-felt questions, then put them all into a book and placed it before me on my path. This describes exactly how I felt while reading this book (and most certainly Books 2 and 3. --Yes, it just kept getting better and better!--) I didn't want this book to end. I was drawn back to it, reading it (and the other books in the trilogy) again and again. This book (and the whole trilogy, for that matter), ironically, didn't present anything I hadn't already "known," yet each page and each passage was entirely "new" to me. I kept finding myself saying, "Yes, I knew that!" Yet, I hadn't consciously known it before. The Conversations With God trilogy taps directly into a level of understanding that is universal, and often unconsciously dormant in most individuals. It brings the knowledge you ALREADY have at the soul level to the conscious surface. The whole trilogy is utterly amazing! I consider it to be a masterpiece.