Rating:  Summary: Dangerous and wrong Review: I saw the power of the seductive untruths in this book destroy a woman I loved. I pray that no more of you succumb. This book is New Age nonsense inspired by a mishmash of eastern mysticism and godless universalism. It is inspired, I'll admit. Inspired by the thief that wants only to kill, to steal and destroy.You will only know the peace of God's will working through your life when you accept the truth that Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth and the Life and that not even one person comes to know or have a conversation with God but through Him. And to as many as believe, He offers the right and power to become the children of, not just conversant with, God. Get a good modern translation of the Bible if you want to know about God. Repent of your sins and turn your life over to Him if you want to know Him personally. He can't wait and there's nothing you've ever done that will disqualify you from His love.
Rating:  Summary: Perception not equals universal appeal Review: After reading some other reviews, I have to clarify my own review. I mentioned some confusion regarding the reading of the three books. This confusion is because quite a bit of the dialogue was left unexplained or "filtered" in such a way as to be uncomfortable to my way of thinking ie perception. I hope that people can use this material for good; to make him or herself what they truly desire to be. However, the idea that this has led to a following and foundation to extend this information to others, borders on doctrinization. I abhore all ideas that become principles because they usually stem from a limited number of people, or are FILTERED from a limited perception. Mr. Walsch should be commended for his efforts, but to treat them with anything other than mild appreciation would be tantamount to surrendering my principles for anothers. I simply won't do this. Hence the phrase: While opinions are always valid, They are not always appropiate. (furthermore: they might only be important to the person expressing them.) So I do not expect my opinion to be any more valid or appropiate than yours. : )
Rating:  Summary: Conversations with the Drunk on the Next Barstool Review: I'm not going to complain that God says "insignias" in this book; after all, they say Latin is a dead language. What pains me are passages like the following: "In the beginning, that which Is is all there was, and there was nothing else. Yet All That Is could not know itself- because All That Is is all there was, and there was nothing else. And so, All That Is ... was not. For in the absence of something else, All That Is, is not. ....In the absence of that which is not, that which IS, is not. Do you understand this? I think so. Keep going. Alright. ....three elements suddenly existed: that which is here. That which is there. And that which is neither here nor there-but which must exist for here and there to exist.... Can you understand this? Are you following this? I think I am, actually. Believe it or not, you have used such a clear illustration that I think I'm actually understanding this." Now keeping in mind that Walsch was once in advertising, where anything, no matter how off-the-wall, can seem real, perhaps this is an honest statement on his part. What is certain is that reading this book is like reading the "National Enquirer": it's impossible to satirize because the original is so bad already that any satire sounds like the thing itself. This book is not merely the Dick, Jane, and Sally of spiritual literature. It's Dick, Jane, and Sally pretending to pass itself off as one of the dialogues of Plato. It is so abysmally, absurdly bad as to beggar description. If someone has never read the Hebrew or Christian Scriptures, never read any of the Koran, never read any of the discourses of Buddha, never, for that matter, read any of Sartre--such a person might think this book is profound. And that, friend, is pretty freakin' scary.
Rating:  Summary: Perception equals worth Review: I will not go into all the reasons why I liked,or somtimes were confused by unanswered messages from the three CWG trilogy. I will only state that for a brief time I became a grander, more realized and at peace with WHO I Am choosing to be, version of myself. This moment was worth very much to me and I thank the author, MR. Walsch, for sharing his "filtered dialogue."
Rating:  Summary: Start talking now Review: If this book is true, then I am God too, talking back at you, and you are also God. This book seems to draw some pretty negative reviews. At first I got annoyed by all the negative reviews of this book but then I realised that all the other writers, too, were God struggling to find herself (or himself if you want to be PC). If this seems strange to you then so be it. However, I think the world will seem like a whole different place where one doesn't draw the line between the damned and the saved. Nevertheless, there are many reviewers that are disturbed about the seemingly lack of a moral compass evident in the book. That vertigo feeling that anarchy and evil will engulf us all if this book is believed. The fact is: anarchy and evil is already engulfing us and not because we don't have moral systems, we have plenty - from Bills of Rights, Christianity, Islam, Death Penalty's to Zero Tolerance. Indeed, we have an embarrasingly vast choice of moral systems to purchase from. However, once you lose faith in pre-given moral systems, you get on some *real shaky* ground where one has to create one's own moral choice as one goes along. That is what the book is talking about and it can be mistaken for amorality. And it is amoral precisely because one can't say, ahead of time, what one should do to another person. It is created. You gotta look around first before you jump. Is this selfish and evil? You bet it is, unless you already see that the other person is also God. Previous reviewers have said that this is a rehash of eastern/western/new-age mysticism. And so it is! But has it ever been said in such a plain-talkin' kinda way? I found the book explained to me, things that I had already worked out elsewhere (in countless eastern/western/new-age books) but couched in such an elegantly simple way that it took me breath away. I laughed and laughed, I cried and cried. God is funny. Life is one unending punch-line. For those who vehemently deny that this book is "true", whatever that may mean, I notice that most of them cannot say that on their own authority. They cannot say "This book is false because I say so and I know God". Invariably, they evoke someone else to confirm their insight (the Bible, the pope, the koran, R. Ron Hubbard). So what gives these authorities their authority? Do These Authorities speak to God. Reminds me of that story about someone who asked about what holds the world up. The world is held up by a turtle. And what about the turtle? Why, it's turtles all the way down. I have no problem with the biases in the book, a certain Americanan-West-Coast-Californian-New-Agey kind of bias. After all there as many paths to God as there are people. Of course, Donald Neale Walshes' way will follow the route of his life. The question remains: what is your path to God?
Rating:  Summary: The truth shall set you free! Review: Of the many different spiritually based books I have studied, this is among the best! I became so excited while reading it thinking that surely this would provide the spiritual enlightment to so many confused and unenlightened souls who desparately need it... that is, until I read the review that follows mine. I will not get into a debate with this reviewer, except to say that he reveals more about his state of conscious awareness when he indicates his primary objection with the book, which stems from the lack of roman-catholic approval. With all the darkness currently pervading the roman-catholic church surrounding the priest sex scandals, anyone seeking approval from this church, surely... well, I think you get my point. This book reveals the truth in a clear an thouroughly objective way. It has inspired me to share my own spiritual views, many of which have been clarified immensely. It is inspiring, uplifting, thought provoking and deeply spiritual. Buy it, read it and then buy a bunch of copies for those you love. May God bless.
Rating:  Summary: New Age False prophets disguised as lambs, Be carefull !! Review: Hi, I'm a 26 year old discovering the authentic happiness. For the past 5 years I was searching for hapiness and the answer to my problems in the wrong places like : NLP courses, Yoga, self help and motivational books, business conventions, many oriental trends, etc. None of it really helped me, I'm not saying that their purpose is that of a wrong intention, in fact I believe that the mind is a powerfull tool given to us to make good use of it. But all of this only nourishes the ego and by doing this we are closing our heart for Jesus to be welcome. These repeating affirmations excercises found in many motivational books only keep us apart from Jesus, believing that we can do anything in this world by our own strenghts, and this is a mistake, none can be done without Jesus intervention, and I'm witness. Now speaking of this book first of all, It doesn't have the IMPRIMATUR seal on the front pages. This IMPRIMATUR seal means that the book has been carefully revised by the highest catholic authorities making sure that its contents doesn't wrong interprete with the word of Jesus, and this book doesn't have this approval. Another detailed that I spoted is that in one of these Donald Walsch books God says to him that rencarnation exists, and that my friend isn't true, Ask that to Nancy at conyers where hundreths of our Holy virgin mary apparitions took place just a few years ago. .... I also readed that god says to Donald that nothing happens to a man if he jumps from the top of a building if he has tremendous faith in god, and this is wrong, not even God (Jesus) when he was incarnate here on earth did not threw himself over from a mountain while Satan was tempting him on the dessert saying: " IF YOU'RE THE SON OF GOD THROW YOURSELF DOWN FROM HERE, BECAUSE IT IS WRITTREN THAT THE ANGELS WILL TAKE CARE OF THE SON OF GOD SO THAT HE NEVER STUMBLE" and Jesus answers: " IT IS ALSO WRITTEN, YOU WILL NOT TEMPT YOUR GOD". So be carefull with this NEW AGE books that instead of bringing you closer to god, just does the opposite. There are lots of good christian books out there just be carefull and before reading one be sure you ask an experience person (priest) if it's o.k. to read it, or remember the IMPRIMATUR seal on the first, or last pages. One last thing, I just want to share with you what I'm passing thru right now in these days and that is that i'm starting to experience an incredible inner peace in myself only given by Jesus and remember that inner peace equals to hapiness. My recomendations are, first, confess so that you're free from sin and empty of your egocentric being. (misunderstanding hapiness by materialism, wealthiness,power on others, etc.) Pray daily asking for help to Jesus without loosing your patience, and say don't do my will but yours, if it's good for you, god will give it to you, if not he will not give it to you, or do you think that if a son is yelling to his father so that he can give him a gun a father will hande it to him?, no way, only god knows what it's the best for you. And don't worrie wanting to have your problems resolved they way you want to, let Jesus be god, put all your worries to him because that is what he wants and don't worrie too much. Be very pacient, and most important never loose faith. Thank you for listening to me, and may God blessed you, A friend.
Rating:  Summary: A Must Read For Anyone Who Wants To Know God Better Review: This is the best book by far that i have ever read. It's definately a must read for those who are searching for answeres. I feel closer to god. This book offers you a spiritual awakening. Read the words, if you are listening you will see the truth. ponder the meaning and find your place in this world. Don't let this book go unread.
Rating:  Summary: experience oneness now everywhere Review: Walsch's books are such a gift to this world. I can't believe that some people can't see the beauty they contain. These are the people living in the darkness who need to be reminded of who they really are. This is the time for all people who appreciate the wisdom contained in these books to demonstrate with their lives the truth of our oneness. There is no separation from anyone or anything. Only the living of this truth can change the path our planet is now on. I sincerely hope that inner peace will be found by all...for this is the experience of oneness with god and with all of life...and it is the only thing that can save our world.
Rating:  Summary: Reader's Digest Condensed Spirituality or Pop Spirituality Review: This is the book you get when you pass through the gates of "New Age" tried and worn of traditional religion. Not so profound as a rehash of eastern spirituality for the western mind. Which explains why it seems to new and refreshing to the average westerner. Hopefully the reader won't stop here but grow beyond the Walsch's and Redfields and Chopras of the world and move on to the great eastern works like those of Ramana Maharshi, Osho, Vivekananda, Nityananda, Sri Nisargadatta, Neem Karoli Baba, Babaji, Bodhidharma, Gurdjieff, Meher Baba, U.G. Krishnamurti. Go and read the works of those I have given you. You won't find any of them selling CDs, desk calendars, workbooks or massage oil. Just the truth and nothing but the truth.