Rating:  Summary: HERE IS MORE OF TRUTH!!! Review: Thank you Neil for your great book. This book is just for people that are ready or already in the higher level of understanding. We cannot teach a fourth grader with a high school materials, because the fact is she/he is not ready for that materials yet. The same things with this book. This is only for those that are ready to open their hearts and their minds to accept the responsibility for their action. This book allow us to look at ourselves carefully in relation to other human being. The truth in this book speaks for itself. Christians everywhere trembled when they read or heard anything that are different than the church teaching. They are all trembled when they heard about the Harry Potter books. They called it the works of the devil. People tend to criticize something when they don't understand. And we need to accept them the way they are. They just need a little more time to study more and read more and be more informed. That way they can decide for themselves. To some of you that are offended please leave now, otherwise you can read more of the truth in here.1095 - THE CRUSADES-- The purpose of the first Crusade of midieval Christian Europe was to take Jerusalem from the Muslims. The military actions of the Crusades, which lasted 200 years, was regarded as a religious duty. As a holy war. As time went by these holy wars or Crusades were aimed not only against Muslims but again non-Christians in general. Hundreds of thousands upon thousands of people were massacred in the name of God through the Crusades and later through the Inquisition. 1208 - THE INQUISITION-- started with the bloody and ruthless Albigensian Crusade in southern France called by pope Innocent 111 in 1208. The inquisition is formally established in 1231 as a judicial institution with extraordinary powers against those who disagreed with the beliefs of the church. The terror of the inquisition was not suppressed until six hundred and twenty six years later in Spain in 1834. Historian have not yet calculated the total number of people who were tortured and executed during this time. 1394 - JOHANNES GUTTENBERG-- invented the first printing pess around 1450. The transmission of knowledge and circulation of literature were made possible through this revolutionary technology. The first book that was choosen was a Latin version of the BIBLE. 1412 - JOAN OF ARC Joan of Arc urged by divine inspiration at seventeen, appeared before Charles v11 requesting the command of French troops to recover Orl'eans. The success in her military camjpaign and the imjpact it had on the people of France were crucial for the ending the Hundred Years' War between Sngland and france, and for the establishment of France as an independent nation and culture. 1431 - EXECUTION OF JOAN OF ARC-- Joan of Arc was captured by English and put on trial by church authorities. She was accused of heresy and witchraft because she had a personal relationship with God that did not need the mediation of the church or anybody else. The young woman who kindled the spirit of French people was burned alive at Rouen in 1431. 1564 - GALILEO GALILEI-- Galileo inbvaluable contribution to science besides his famous discories and inventions, was his research methodology which was based on factual measurements and collection of data rather thatn beliefs or assumptions. Historically his, life represents the common struggle between freedom of thought in pursuit of knowledge and a set of ideas, traditons or beliefs that find themselves threatened by such pursuit. Galileo insisted that no scientific positon ever be made an article to increasing knowledge rather than the other way around. 1633 - GALILEO UNDER ARREST-- The Inquisition Condemned Galileo as a heretic in1633 and sentence him to life imprisonment where he spent the last nine years of his life. ' 1637 - RENE DISCARTES-- Descartes famous statement, I think therefore, I AM, represents a breakthrough in science and philosophy where the juman power of reason succeede over the supremacy of faith and the submission our free will imposed by religion. 1642 - ISAAC NEWTON-- Newton's revolutionary scientific discoveries explained many natural phenomena that had remained myster up to that time. His law of gravity and motion gave all future generations of scientist the certainty that in time all human mysteries will explained with mathematical accuracey with the aid of blind faith.
Rating:  Summary: IT IS TIME TO KNOW THE TRUTH!! Review: This book is absolutely 5 stars. If YOU don't agree with me its fine. Just read more to know the real truth. 5000 BC -- The sudden rise and complexity of the Sumerian civilization presents a problems to the traditional views of anthropology and the laws of slow-gradual evolution of the species traces of primitive nomadic tribes, who had been evolving over hundreds of thousands of years, suddenly posseses knowledge of agriculture, irrigation achitecture and government, law metallurgy, arts, the crafts and invented writing over a very short period of time. 2000 BC-- ABRAHAM-who is revered today by Christians, Muslims and Jews as the exemplary model of faith and dedication to God used women slaves for sexual pleasure, refused to take responsiblity for his illegitimate children and even traded his own wife with another man for the sake of political favors. 1479 BC--MOSES is celebrated as great prophet, nationl leader, and law giver by the major religions of both the West and the Middle East. The law of Moses, also known as TEN COMMANDMENT given to him by the God Jehovah regards married woman as nothing more than the property of their man. 1353 BC-- PHARAOH AKHNATON - The Egyptian Pharaoh is remembered as a courageous religious reformer and martyr who fought against the establishment for the sake of everyones's freedom and abitlity to access the divine. He was MURDERED by OLD PRIEST so was his son. 563 BC-- BUDDHA - Gautama Sidhartha (Buddha or the Enlightened One) revolutionalized the Hindu ancient traditons of social inequality, oppression, and extreme spiritualism. His profound logic and clarity of thought introduced a scientific flavor unfamiliar to Eastern thought. 3 BC-- JESUS CHRIST- dedicated his life and teachings to the message that God lives in the human person rardless of gender, social statusm age, race, religions or intellectual genius and that life was the greatist gift of all. Christianity today has influence deeply in modern culture in the Westen world, yet the core of the message has been comprised for the sake of political religious hegemony. I am grateful for all the GREAT TEACHERS out there to spread the truth. I AM grateful for all the books, videos of even movies that contains of more truth. THANK YOU sooooooo much. WE owe so much gratitude to all of you. Thank you neil for your greatest words of wisdom and inspiration. More power and wisdom to all of you GREAT TEACHERS!!
Rating:  Summary: Passport to a New World. Review: Conversations with God Book 1 is the first in series by Neale Donald Walsch showing us a God who can be accepted by and accepts everyone:- Muslims, Christians, Buddhists, Atheists and Agnostics etc. If (and this is a big IF) everyone tried to love everyone I do think much conflict would disappear. Unfortunately half the world cannot read and many people have already been brainwashed by family, politicians and religious leaders of all faiths into being afraid of last judgments from God. In my recent experience these ideas of a Last Judgment put out by Christians and Muslims alike seem like a raft. Believers of this idea base their whole lives on this and to lose it (the belief in it) would be to take away their only raft of protection. Their lives would be meaningless without it. To live a life as Neale's God suggests, without fear requires an inner strength which small children have but has often been taken away from them by the time they learn to read these books. My advice to anyone about to read these books is to be prepared to put aside any preconception about anything you may have already, in other words open your mind completely, and be prepared for your friends to think you are crazy if you accept the ideas. You will never be the same again. Incidentally, if you find you have to put the book down it is probably because what is written at that point challenges your current belief system. My suggestion to you is go and get a cup of tea and come back and read the next couple of pages VERY CAREFULLY. Somewhere in there is something you need to know about yourself and don't want to recognise. God will be talking to you and you will have been shutting your ears up till that moment. It will be your opportunity for a new kind of life if you have the strength to read those pages!!!
Rating:  Summary: Very refreshing for this ex-evangelical. Review: After 40 years in the church and working for various ministries, I left it behind. I did so because after praying fervently for a real, unquestionable spiritual experience, I was exposed to many of the same facts presented within this book; facts that I did not want to hear because they shattered all of my preconceived notions. Let's face it, many people would give a one-star rating to a book written on stone by God's own finger if it cast doubts on their current beliefs. Look past this, look to your heart where the Kingdom of God lies. There is "Something" there that knows the truth when it hears it. Read this book from that place, and then form your own conclusions. I did, and my five star rating reflects my experience.
Rating:  Summary: This Book Openly Says Itself !! Review: Yes,the book openly says itself,catch the theme contained in this book or it'll be too Late.I've not got a lot words to say about this because even if i say a thousand times "GOOD" about this book yet someone will not get convinced. Well i think this message of god should to taught to every child being born so that he doesnt get so confused as an adult man is,so thats why i say The Message should be taught to the Young Generation rather than the Orthodox old People. thankyou for this..im lucky for being read this book.
Rating:  Summary: Most Loving and most Friendly god!! Review: Thank you Neil for introducing me to the most friendly god. This book made me cry with so much joy. The truth of this book speaks for itself. I gave this book 5 stars because I enjoy reading it And most of all I understand who I am now in relation to the universe. Once again. Thank you and more power to you.
Rating:  Summary: Indeed an Uncommon Dialogue Review: This book falls into your life at the very moment you need to hear its message most. Its principles challenge the very nature, origin and implementation of what our common religions have taught us. And to that I say, THANK GOD! One of the core messages that this book conveys is that God never stopped talking to us, that we have neer been separate from God, nor can we ever do anything to separate us from God or to displease God. Indeed, the book itself tells you NOT to believe anything without questioning it and trying it out. That is the healthiest approach to any spiritual quest or belief system. Indeed this is an uncommon dialogue, for the true dialogue is not that in the book, it is the inner dialogue you have when you look at your own beliefs after reading it. It changed my life and if approached with an open mind and a true desire to know yourself better, can do the same for you as well. Many have complained in these reviews that this book is not biblical. Clearly it is not - and that is its strength in my opinion. It is an outside voice that speaks so much more clearly to the soul and resonates of unbounding truth that its tenets must be given some thought and hopefully much weight. As the God voice in Walsch's books has said himself, "All truth begins as heresy." Perhaps this "heresy" as others are calling it, will one day be considered some of the greatest truths we have ever heard.
Rating:  Summary: Conversations With God book 1 Review: Wow what a book! This book had more of an impact on my life than any other for many different reasons. Being brought up in a christian family I was taught God had flaws, he was almost human! So I never fully beleived the bible as it didnt fit with my sense of logic and what is right. How can God be perfect when he gets angry with people? How can God be love when the bible is full of fear teaching principles? My vision of God always seemed grander than any other christian I met and Conversations with God showed me that. It removed the fear that I felt from my upbringing, it removed my guilt and shame that I felt so often just for being a normal human like everyone else around me. It made it okay to want to grow as a person. But more than that it gave me answers to questions that made sense. For example, how is judgment a good thing? The bible is full of it but Conversations With God shows God as not being judgmental... if you create something then you are fully aware of what it will do. God knew our full capabilities of behaviour so how can he say we do wrong by committing a sin? There are no sins in her/his eyes, but man can use fear as a tool of control, Conversations With God demonstrates why and how, it shows a different view of the world where mankind can live on love alone, without guilt, or fear or anger or conditions. It allows us to grow as people not be ruled by fear and conditions which religion often uses. It is the highest truth I have ever read and I recommend every person read it completely. Openmindedness is the key to all growth of mankind and this book opens peoples mind more than any other and did so for me.
Rating:  Summary: Liberal propaganda ruins what starts as a good message Review: I believe its quite possible that Neale Donald Walsch tapped into the God within himself. The result of that connection may represent a small portion of this book. However, the message God may have wanted him to receive became mixed at some point with Walsch's own liberal preconceived notions. He must have kept writing long after the "conversation" with God had ended. My guess is that he interpreted anything that came into his head and onto paper after that as "God's words". Contradictions and absurdities are numerous in his writings. For instance, we are not ruining the earth. In fact, we are continuously striving to find new ways via technology, etc. to better the earth and our fellow man. The "global warming" that Walsch vaguely references has been happening naturally since the ice age, not since the introduction of the internal combustion engine. But I guess when people regard whatever whim or feelings they experience as truth, they have to ignore facts in order to continue promoting the agenda that makes them feel more "caring" or important. Also, Walsch contends that doctors "staunchly oppose" miracle drugs or cures in order to keep themselves in business. How incredibly absurd. I work in the medical field. In both my professional and personal life, I've seen only doctors who fervently seek out more cures and therapies and who encourage patients to use prayer and positive thinking to help in their recovery. They do so because of their humanity and because of their need to be effective to stay in business. Their INeffectiveness would render them pointless, not the other way around. How would Walsch explain the amazing medical advances of the last century? In Walsch's defense, he is only one among many people who have had experiences with God and have tainted the writings of those experiences with the politically correct, popular/fashionable culture of the time. Even God's word in the Bible becomes intermixed with such things in human recording and translation. God orders animal sacrifices and food to be prepared a certain way, tents to be built in certain colors and fabrics, etc. I think the lesson to be learned is that we should find God in ourselves and around us, in the Bible and other writings as well. But we should always remember that it is unlikely that a human will write God's word flawlessly or, in this case, without a bit of their own agenda or political ideals.
Rating:  Summary: Consider this. Review: I myself have read this book completely at the request of a friend, who herself had agreed to read Romans. I can honestly see where it appeals to our most human desires. This book slams organized religion, and as a Christian, this doesn't surprise me given the church's spotty record at times and things perpetrated in the name of Christ. But what ultimately makes this book wrong? The answer is actually simpler than we realize. Walsh's assumption is that the Infinite God is not knowable in a personal way. When Moses was at the burning bush, God revealed Himself with His Name, I AM. When Jesus revealed Himself, His Divinity, He used the name I AM. The OT & NT reveal consistently the character and the works of the great I AM, what He is about, what He has done in history, and what He will accomplish at the culmination of the ages, which I believe strongly we are in. In Walsh's book, he, too, invokes the Divine Name, in a few places. Logically, you would expect these three revelations to be in complete agreement. The OT & NT are in agreement if you can accept your need for a Savior, but Walsh's book is filled with so many contradictions, how could it be from the same God? For instance, at one point, Walsh's God states that the NT authors didn't even know Jesus, and wouldn't have recognized Him if they "bumped into him on the street". All Christian and secular scholarship points to the reliability of the NT authors knowing Jesus, living with Him, interacting with Him. There isn't even a debate on this subject (e.g. The Gospel of Matthew was written by Matthew, the Apostle). I would expect Walsh's God to know this. Walsh throughout his book quotes Scripture to suit his purposes, but doesn't feel Scripture is God's Word. We can't have it both ways. If he doesn't agree with Scripture, why does He use it as authoritative to prove his point? People think Christianity is narrow, and that is because it is. But relativism (Walsh's view) is equally as narrow, making all truth okay except absolute truth. Walsh's God said "Hitler went to Heaven (pg. 61)." Consider. Many have abandoned Christianity because of Christians. Not having grown up in the Church, being born Jewish, and seeing Jesus as the Messiah, I can empathize with those who want to fill the spiritual void. That is a God-sized hole that can only be filled by God. Religiosity and hypocrisy is something that disgusts most, and actually Jesus had the same opinion. Read the Gospels and note how many times Jesus called people hypocrites. What is Christianity? If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. (Romans 10:9). You don't have to fullfil the OT law. You don't need an earthly priest. You don't need the Pope. All you need is nothing. Just come to Jesus, the great Heavenly High Priest. That's why it is called grace. That said, I would recommend for those who want to recommit their lives to the Lord, or for the first time, that you do attend church. The church doesn't save, only Jesus. That's what the Bible teaches consistently. But God speaks to us through other believers, so we need to be in community. Instead of this book, I recommend "Mere Christianity" by C.S. Lewis. Step out in Faith. He will catch you.