Rating:  Summary: ONCE AGAIN CHRISTIANS ARE PANICKING!!! Review: ...The problems of the christians are they have been brain washed with so many preachers. It is very sad to say, but it is our time now that we need to think for ourselves. The christians don't have any clue no knowledge that GOD is everything. They focused only in one direction no wonder why everytime they hear something that is not in their focus they panic. No wonder why most of them have a heart attack, depression lonelines by attacking other belief system. They look at themselves as better than anybody. They think that their way is just the only way, and the rest are evil. They think God speaks only to them. Thank you people for your support to this books. THIS IS THE KIND OF BOOKS WE NEED THE TEACHER LIKE NEIL DONALD WALSCH AND THE OTHERS. THIS BOOK IS ABOUT FREE WILL AND ABOUT LOVE. IT TEACHES US HOW TO BE LOVING AND MORE COMPASIONATE AND MOST OF ALL IT TEACHES US HOW TO BE RESPONSIBLE FOR OUR OWN ACTION.!!! TOO BAD FOR ALL THE CHRISTIAN OUT THERE THAT ARE NOT GROUNDED ENOUGH WITH THEIR FAITH. SOMETHING LIKE THIS IT SHAKE THEM UP. BECAUSE THEY HAVE BEEN INDOCTRINATED WITH FEAR INSTEAD OF LOVE. More power to you Mr. Walsch. We will always love your message. You will always be in peace and in joy because of what you give to the world inspite of all the redicule of the church. Remember Mr. Walsch GALILEO HAS BEEN REDICULED BY CHURCH. SAME THING WITH SOCRATES, AND OTHERS. But WHAT INSPIRE US ALL IS YOUR COURAGE TO STEP FORWARD TO GIVE THIS MESSAGE INTO THE WORLD.MORE POWER TO YOU!! Your message is powerful. GODBLESS YOU!!
Rating:  Summary: Really Enjoyed it! Review: I really enjoyed all the books in the series but the first was definitely my favorite.I like the way Neale made God a companion and friend. If you're really lucky, you can have conversations like this with God. thanks Neale. Averlyn genesisartline.com
Rating:  Summary: Beware!!! A Warning of this book from email Review: Beware of "Conversations with God" books Conversations with God Dr. James Dobson talked about this book twice this week. It is devastating and parents and Christian schools need to be aware of this. Do pass it on to your pastor/church/e-mail addressees. Parents Beware very disturbing information. Please read. Parents, Grand parents, Aunts, Uncles, Please pay special attention not only to the what your kids watch on TV and in movie theaters and the music they listen to but we must also be alert regarding the books they read... Two particular books, Conversations with God and Conversations with God for Teens, written by Neil D Walsh. sound harmless enough by their titles alone. These books have been on the New York Times best sellers list for a number of weeks; these publications makes truth of the statement "Don't judge a book by its cover/title". The author purports to answer various questions from kids using the "voice of God" However, the "answers" that he gives are not biblically-based and go against the very infallible word of God. For instance (and I paraphrase), when a girl asks the question "why am I a lesbian?" His answer is that she was born that way because of genetics (just as you were born right-handed, with blue eyes, etc.). Then, he tells her to go out and "celebrate" her differences. Another girls poses the question "I am living with my boyfriend. My parents say that I should marry him because I am living in sin. Should I marry him?" His reply is "Who are you sinning against? Not me, because you have done nothing wrong. Another question asks about God's forgiveness of sin. His reply - I do not forgive anyone because there is nothing to forgive. There is no such thing as right or wrong and that is what I have been trying to tell everyone; do not judge people. People have chosen to judge one another and this is wrong because the rule is "judge not lest ye be judged". And the list goes on. Not only are these books the false doctrine of devils, but in some instances even quote (in error) the Word of God. . These books (and others like it) are being sold to school children (The Scholastic Book Club) and we need to be aware of what is being fed to our children. Our Children. Our children are under attack. So I pray that you be sober and vigilant about teaching your kids the Word of God and guarding their exposure to worldly mediums, because our adversary, the devil, roams about as a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour (1 Peter 5:8). And how many of us know that lions usually hunt for the slowest, and weakest and YOUNGEST OF ITS PREY? Pass this on to every believer you know. God BLESS!
Rating:  Summary: Really Everybody's God Review: When I was first drawn to this book by a friend,I had the usual response of " Ya right...this guy talks to God "! I swear it was maybe only 50 pages into it that I realized there was something much bigger and grander going on here. This book and the others that followed have been the greatest spiritual inspiration in my everyday life...but not in a religious sense. Nothing in these books has anything really to do with organized religion. We could all be easily living in the world of our dreams....If only we allowed each other to !
Rating:  Summary: A God who knows little about the Universe He created Review: Dear God, I had just read your conversation with Neale Donald Walsh. You talked about the physical principle of the Universe, which you created. You talked about Einstein's Theory of Relativity. But I didn't find any information on Quantum Physics, which is even more important than Einstein's classical Relativity and is more exciting than Einstein's General Relativity. Some of the new discoveries in physics, such as quarks (which made up protons and neutrons), W-bosons and Z bonson (which are the mediators of electroweak interaction among quarks and leptons (eg. electrons and neutrinos), are also missing-- Let along some of the latest discoveries, such as inflationary Universe, superstring, 10 dimensional universe, ... etc. I'm a little disappointed for I thought you'll reveal these things to physicists, So that they will no longer waste a lot of money doing research. Or do you really know these things?? Your knowledge about the Universe seems to stay at the 1950 level. All you have said in your conversation we physicists already knew 50 years ago. Well, ..... maybe you need to update your knowledge about the Universe which you created. Oh...., yes, professor Feynmann, who passed away a few years ago, must be now at your right hand side. You can ask him to offer a graduate level physics class in Heaven. I'm sure he will be happy to teach you some of the latest discovery in High Energy Physics. A High Energy Physicist
Rating:  Summary: The evils of nazism are a matter of perspective, but wine... Review: "You are about to have an extraordinary experience. You are about to have a conversation with God." So begins "Conversations with God," which was a best-seller, a publishing phenomenon. Truly, this book is less a conversation than a tiresome monologue by Neale Donald Walsch, who in the process of instructing the reader to liberate himself by recognizing his own Self as God, paints an image of a God as small as Walsch himself, and filled with Walsch's own parochialisms and scars. Walsch's God is intolerant of any consumption of wine, but tolerant of mass murder as being merely "different".
Rating:  Summary: Whether it is, or isn't "God", is not the point... Review: ...What matters is if the material speaks to you and has meaningful truths you can use to help make the world a more loving, truthful, just, and peaceful place. For example, BE the change you wish to see in the world. It's a simple, yet profound teaching. On a political level it's a wonderful challenge for the right-wing, Judeo-Christian-Islamic patriarchal capitalist status quo. Most of the very people that are against this book are those who support such a system and are afraid to admit that because they are afraid to imagine what the world might become if the things said in this book would come to be. Their defensiveness and criticism toward the book is a call for help.
Rating:  Summary: Changed my life............ Review: This book has truly changed my life. Growing up a devout Southern Baptist, I have struggled with the contradiction between a loving God and a God who would condemn to hell everyone who was not a Protestant (or, at least not a Christian). Having lived in Asia for 5 years and studied various religions of the world, I felt a very strong internal conflict between my Christian upbringing and my belief that not everyone who wasn't Christian was going to hell. But I couldn't rationalize how it all worked together. I went to various groups within the Christian church, trying to find peace with the concept, only to fail.....until I read this book. This book put it completely in perspective for me. All of the pieces just came together. Although it has a very Western / Christian bent to it (which I think is perfectly fine because God communicates in many ways), I knew it was true deep in my soul. Even though I had a hard time wrapping my logical mind around the concepts the first time I read it, at a gut level, it made me feel extremely peaceful and free, like a tremendous weight had lifted from my life. I also have this sense that I already knew all of this. The first time I read it, I actually got irritated with Walsh because at one point, I felt he was asking questions to which I already knew the answers (and the same answers I already knew then came in the book). I have even begun to put some of the ideas of conscious living into action. I live in a crowded city, and I now ALWAYS get a prime parking spot. (It's a silly example, but the consistency of it has been frightening.) Anyway, I highly recommend this book for reading. Even if you only read it just for the contraversial discussions, it is completely worthwhile. The beauty of this book is that it doesn't matter if you believe it or not. Some are ready for it. Others are not. But that's OK. It will give you plenty of food for thought! Enjoy!
Rating:  Summary: Best book I have ever read. Well, except Books 2 and 3... Review: This is by far the BEST book I have ever read, and I have read a great deal, especially spirituality books (and once, Christian books). It has been a complete life-changer for me. I have been searching for the truth for many many years, but everything I have read (with the exception of perhaps books by Chopra) just didn't seem to be the truth (or the complete truth). This is not surprising since humans have over the centuries added their own definitions, interpretations, and their own advice believing that it would be for the good of the world if people were to believe so and so. No doubt, most were done with good intentions, but is it the truth? So I finally now have something written in a manner that has had much less chance of being distorted by the hands of man (though I'm certainly not saying that CWG is infallible, as ultimately, it still had to go through the hand of the author). And what has come out is something that, finally, makes perfect sense to me and has joined together all the pieces of the puzzle. This book is incredibly funny too! I couldn't help but to burst into laughter on numerous occasions. NWD on occasions would say, "Hey, you're pretty funny, you know that?", and God replies, "I invented humor!" LOL... But predictably, this will be a very difficult book to accept by many, especially those who grew up with strict religious teachings. ... The "sad" thing is, the points mentioned that they thought showed contradictions etc. only showed that they did not really understand the book. Im any case, it is perfect as everyone comes to the truth (whatever that is) in their own time. For others disappointed by those reviews, perhaps I may remind ourselves that their rejection of the book is perfect, for themselves, and for what they still need to experience in the world. No doubt I have been through their stage and played the same roles before (in this life or previous). In closing, if you thought Book 1 was good, wait till you read Books 2 and 3! And Friendship with God, and Communion with God (esp. the last portion) are amazing! My life has changed dramatically as a result, and is continuing to change, as I continually declare Who I Am and seek to evolve into the next Grandest Version of the Greatest Vision I have ever had of myself. Is the change "good"? Well, I believe my wife will say so... :)
Rating:  Summary: REASSURING Review: If you want to believe in a loving, caring God, then this book reassures you that your on the right path. If you want to believe in a scary God that will send you to eternal hell fire, look elsewhere. This book is reassuring. Another book I recommend that is as similiar but more intense in structure is called, I Talked To God And He Wants To Talk To You. This book teaches you that your conscience is your God. As he lives in all of us.