Rating:  Summary: about time! Review: i was born catholic but soon had to leave when my questioning and reasoning got tto much for the authorities.i have nothing against catholics! my best friendis one! but i think it is about time that people were told truth from the point of truth rather than some religious doctrine. religon will have to evolve if it is to survive becos knowledge is increasing and folks are looking to find their own truth instead of listening to some highhanded stuff from a pulpit.enough damage has been caused and i think this book actually explains the bible better!even my muslim friends actually agree with a lot of it. i am about to read book two.lets see what happens
Rating:  Summary: Based on nothing Review: I prefer to give the book no star. Read II Timothy 3:16. All scripture is given by inspiration of God. The word of the Lord is living, tried, pure, right, and are the words man shall live by. The Bible is the infallible Word of God. Man shall live by the Word of God(Matthew 4:4, John 16:13)and be led by the Holy Spirit, not one's feelings as this book suggests. Our feelings change from moment to moment, day to day. God never changes. His Word is sure and true. Supplication is one form of Prayer (I Timothy @:1, Phillipians 4:6). Ask according to His will (I John 5:14, John 15:7, Mathew 7: 7 and 8). Don't be deceived (Hebrews 9:27). It is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgement (II Timothy 4:1, Romans 14:10-12, Revelation 20: 11-15).
Rating:  Summary: There is nothing to fear in these books. Review: ... the Conversations with God books are not biblically based-- and that's the whole point. Read the Bible and listen to fundamendalist preachers and you're given a view of the world and the universe based on fear. What I liked best about the Conversations with God books (I've read all three of them twice each) is that they offer a view that's based on love, not fear. The message resonated with me because the message of Jesus-- before it was edited and misinterpreted over the centuries-- was all about radical love. He also said that, if we thought like him and believed in God as truly and deeply as he did, we could all one day become like him. He came to show us a glimpse of our potential, to be a trailblazer for us to emulate.So I say to... you all: Read the books with an open mind, and open heart and without fear. Yes, these books will challenge your beliefs. But don't be afraid of new truths. There is nothing here to fear. God never gives up on you, and thinking for yourself is not a sin.
Rating:  Summary: HOW COULD SOMEONE NOT BELIEVE IN YOU, GOD?? Review: Question from Jennifer with great answers from God once again. Conversation with god for teens. Here is GOD ANSWER: Everyone has free will, to believe or not believe what they choose. Most people's beliefs are based on their experience. Masters are people who live life the other way around. Their beliefs are not based on their experience; their ecperience is based on their beliefs. Masters have turned everything upside down. Or, really, right side up. It is very okay that some people do not believe in me, Jennifer. Nor believing in me cannot cause me not to be. I am always with you, believe it or not. WOW!!
Rating:  Summary: BUT IF YOU ARE ALL - POWERFUL AND MIGHTY,......? Review: Question from 16 years old conversation with god for teens. IF YOU ARE ALL POWERFUL-POWERFUL AND MIGHTY, AND YOU CAN CREATE MIRACLES, THEN WHY DON'T YOU TURN NONBELIEVERS INTO BELIEVERS OF YOUR RELIGION? ONCE AGAIN GOD ANSWERS ARE MARVELOUS!!HERE THE ANSWERS: It would be hard for me to get people to believe in "my reliion' because i do not HAVE a religion. As we've just discussed, eveyone would like to think that I have a religion, but the miracle that I have created is much greather than the miracle you wish to attribute to me> The real miracle is that everyone is going to return to me, regardless of the path they take. They will return to me because there is mowhere else to go. I am All There Is. There is nothing else. I tell you again, there is no hell. There is an experience of hell, which is separation from me,but you can end that experience whenever you wish- either is this life, or in the next. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end, the All In All. You cannot avoid your happy destiny-but you can postpone it. Yet all it takes to speed your journey is a yearning sincere and true. In that moment of yearning, I will be there. You do not have to "come home" to .You wil know in that moment that I have always been with you. Just as I am here, in this book. The answers are so POWERFUL ITS SO INSPIRING!!
Rating:  Summary: QUESTION FROM TEENAGERS HAVE BEEN ANSWERED!! Review: Beautiful book made alot of sense. BUT IF WEREN'T FOR RELIGION, HOW WOULD WE KNOW HOW TO GET TO HEAVEN? QUESTION FROM 15 YEARS GIRL. GOD ANSWER: In the first place, you cannot not "get to heaven". There is no other place to go. Yet, even if there were, and you were looking "directions" to heaven, religion could be a very confusing place from which to get them. There are many different religions on the Earth, and each one has its own set of "direction", reflecting its best idea of how "God wants it." Of course, as has been said here now reatedly, htere is no particular way that God "wants" you to "worship" at all. God's ego is not so fragile that She must reqire humans to bow down to Her in fearful rerence, or grovel before Him in earnest suppication, in order to God to find them worthy of receiving blessings. What kind of a God would this be? that is the question you must honestly ask yourself. You have been told that God has made humans in His imagae and likeness, yet is it possible that religions have fashioned God in the image and likeness of humans? Great questions great answers!!
Rating:  Summary: WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN "RELIGION AND SPIRITULITY?? Review: Question from the 16 YEARS OLD IN THE BOOK CONVERSATION WITH GOD for TEENS. Great questions great answers. Here is GOD answers: One is an INSTITUTION and the other is EXPERIENCE. Religions are institutions built around a particular idea of how things are. When those ideas become hardened and set instone they are called doctrines and they become largely unchallengeable. You either believe them or you don't SPIRITUALITY in its freest form does not require you to believe anything. Rather, it continually invites you to notice your experience. Your personal experience becomes your authority, rather than something that someone else has told you. If you had to belong to a particular religion to find God, it would mean that God has a particular way or means by which you are required to come to HIM. WHY WOULD GOD REQIRE THAT?? Here is GOD answer: The answer is, I don't. The idea that God has only one way of approaching HER, or one particular means of returning to HER, and that this way and only this way will work, is fallout from the illusion of requirement. This is another of the illusions of humans, another of those misundrtandings we've discussed. And it has nothing to do with ultimate reality. I have no need to require anything of you, because I have no need jto receive anthing from you. Is saying a rosary better than saying the savitu? Is the practice called bhakti more sacred the practice called seder. NO OBVIOSLY, NO. THEN WHY DO RELIGIONS INSIST THAT THEIR WAY IS THE BEST WAY-NO, NO, THE ONLY WAY-TO YOU? WAIT TELL ME ONCE AMORE,I WANT TO GET THIS. HERE IS GOD ANSWER: It is helpful for religions to imagine this because it gives them a tool with whic to seek, acquire, and retain members-and thus, to continue to exist. It is the first function of all organizations to pertetuate themselves. The moment any organizations serves the purpose for which it was formed, that organization becomes no longer necesarry. This is why organizations seldom complete the task for which they were created. Organizations are not,as a rule, interesten in rendering themselves obsolete. This is as true of religions as it is of any other organized undertaking. Perhaps more so. The fact that a particular religion hs been around for a very long time is not an indication of its effectiveness,but just the opposite. Gread read. Try for yourself. Your kids would love it.
Rating:  Summary: CONVERSATION WITH GOD ROCKS!! ALLELUIAH!! Review: Praise the Lord for the message of the conversation with god. ALLELUIAH!! AMEN!! MESSAGE BELOW IS FROM CONVERSTION WITH GOD FOR TEENS!! here is the question: WHAT IS THE ROLE OF RELIGION IN LIFE IF RELIGION IS NOT SUPPOSRD TO SAY THAT IT KNOWS THE "RIGHT" WAY TO GOD? DOES IT HAVE A ROLE? HERE IS THE ANSWER: Religion, as with everything else, plays the role that you give it. You could give it the role of bringing peole closer to god and closer to each other. Right now I observe that, in more cases than not, religion has done the opposite. In fact , nothing has done more to separate people from each other and from God than organized religion. Here is the next question: I LIKE GOING TO MY CHURCH. I BELIEVE IN MY RELIGION. ARE YOU SAYING THAT I SHOULDN'T? Here is the answer: Absolutely not. I would never suggest that any person give up their religion if they believe in it with all their heart and all their soul, and if their lives are happier because of their beliefs. I would say, go about living the answers you have, but never stop questioning the answers you are living. That is the true posture of every seeker, and it is the true purpose of every religion. I observe that many humans derive great value from religion. Religions, therefore, will always have an important role to play in the human adventure so long as they open doors, and do not slam them. WOW!! PRAISE GOD!!
Rating:  Summary: ADVANCE TECHNOLOGY IS FOR ADVANCE THOUGHT!!! Review: Advance technology is for advance thought!!! In order for the system to work you have to understand the system. People that understand the advancement of our technology are people that have the understanding how the technology works. The same thing with the conversation with god series. This books strictly for people that are advance in their thinking beyond church teaching. Through their exprerienced in lives they got to see the loving- patient god. LOVE AS I DEFINED IT IS ACCEPTING EACH OTHERS DIFFERENCES. This books belongs to those that are ready to advance their thinking without the influence of the church. People that read more about history and think about it had helped themselves to see what had happened before the medieval world. People that inform and educate themselves about science and technology and even spirituality are people that have most of understanding of what is going on, than those people that leave it to the church info. THIS BOOKS SERIES ARE WORTH ETERNAL LIFE WITH HAPPINESS AND AND JOY. ESPECIALL WHEN YOU STUDY IT DEEPLY.
Rating:  Summary: ... Review: ... Teachers like Neil Donald Walsch show the way. He is not forcing his belief, instead he encourage you to find your own truth through your experience, so you can form your own belief and encounter with the EVER LOVING GOD ACCORDING TO YOUR LEVEL OF UNDERSTANDING. Neil's GOD is more realistic than the one I heard since I was growing up. The CONVERSATION WITH GOD SERIES ARE BOOKS I AM GOING TO TREASURE AND LIVE WITH IT EVERYDAY.