Rating:  Summary: This Book Changed My Life Review: I was raised Catholic. Many of the things I learned in Catholic school did not make sense to me. The ideas in this book refected the ideas that I have always had and never realized could be true. This book makes sense to me. It doesn't matter who wrote it. I believe God is not jealous or judging. God does not send His/Her creations to a place called Hell. Reincarnation is a logical idea when you consider the cycles of life. God's will is our will. God is bigger than we could ever imagine. This book helped me to listen to my own truths and learn to depend on my inner knowing more than on the doctines of religion. I read this book in 1998 and it changed my life. I am a much better person than I was before and my Catholic guilt has been eased.
Rating:  Summary: cwg teaches tolerance Review: These books are an invitation to us all to change our lives and our world. In them, we are given the tools we need to live life in a new way--free from fear and guilt, and open to the possibilities life presents. Most importantly, they instruct us not to force our ideas on one another, but rather to grant others the freedom to make up their own minds. By this example of tolerance, we can use our lives to heal the divisions between us, and remind ourselves of Who We Really Are.
Rating:  Summary: A life changing book Review: I can't express how much the Conversation With God series of books has changed the way I think and live my life. For some time now I have been reading metaphysical books but still hadn't quite grasped the concept of the whole idea. This book - as well as CWG2, CWG3, FWG, Communion WG - have challenged my thinking and have woken me up from a deep slumber. The books explain in very simple and understandable language how things work in the universe, how your thoughts affect your life, why people act the way they do, what to expect in the afterlife, how to become a master of your destiny, how to conquer the illusions of life and much much more. This first book is based more on a personal level. It focuses the reader on the self and explains who we really are, and more importantly, what and who we really are. It took me a few years to eventually get to reading this book. I used to visit the book stores and always see this book on the book stand. I never purchased it because it had "GOD" in the title and so I thought it was a boring religious book that writes about how wonderful GOD is and how we must worship him or be thrown into hell and damnation. How wrong I was? This book explains that religion has limited society throughout the ages and will continue to do so until we change our beliefs about who and what we think God is and how we think that God wants us to act. The other books in this series explain this concept even further. So who is GOD? Could it be a channeled entity? God him/herself? Or is it just Neil's subconscious talking to him? It could be all the above and if you take it from the perspective of the book, then it is all the above, because there is only one of us. Those who aren't used to this idea will find it hard to believe at first, however the book is so easy to read and understand that almost anyone will be able to grasp the concepts after one reading. This book is for people who want a different perspective on life. It's for people who have enjoyed books by Stuart Wilde, Deepak Chopra, Seth Books, Kyron Books etc. There are other authors such as Napoleon Hill and US Anderson who were early pioneers in this line of thinking. If you enjoyed their writings and want to advance your thinking then CWG is a great place to look deeper into the secrets of the Universe and life. Do you have a question or questions you would like to ask God? Any question, anything at all. What would you ask? Read the book and all your questions will be answered. Neil speaks to God and you are listening into the conversation. You listen to every word and question. Imagine the wonders you will overhear. I can't speak highly enough about this and the other books in the series. Just reading them could well make this world a better place for everyone.
Rating:  Summary: Excellent, Awesome, Inspiring! Highly Recommendable To ALL! Review: This book is GREAT. In fact, the entire collection of CWG books are among the BEST ever written. The deep wisdom shared in these books coincide completely with the unspoken truth that has resided within my heart for as long as I can remember. As I read these words, my heart recognized the profound truth spoken in these books. Reading these books have caused my entire perspective of all of life to shift in an amazing way. I recommend the CWG books to all. Especially for those who are ready to remember the highest truths, see the light beyond the deceptions & false teachings of many organized religions & of our misinformed society & find the true MEANING in life -- The true meaning of "God".
Rating:  Summary: Another step in investigating spirituality Review: With Gay friends in my life, I began searching the truth about homosexuality in regards to God's views. What I found was startling and completely unknown to most Christians. We have so manipulated Scripture by placing "man's" opinions onto this system of belief that even the pulpit ignores what is really being taught. I later questioned why God created evil. Oh, yes, He even said He created it. (Is. 45:7). How could a 'Holy' God create Evil? My conclusion? Maybe Christians are the ones being deceived. What would it take for us to go to God ourselves and ask one simple question..."Are we wrong?" But are we so prideful to think that the Bible, put together by 'man' (who determined what was canon anyway?), is telling the complete truth? I'm still investigating these teachings by Mr. Walsch, and I will continue to investigate spirituality, because I do not question God...I question 'man'. There's a big difference. People take what they hear from the pulpit as 'gospel', instead of breaking down what is being taught and using their God-given ability to 'think', to come up with what is hidden underneath the surface. Homosexuality is only a sin because Christians have made it a sin. (I can say this because I am a Christian who used to believe it was a sin.) If they bothered to look up the original words and discover what is really being taught, they might find what I did...that man's desire to control people may be at work here. And that...is the ultimate deception. Another reader wrote that the Bible may be very symbolic and therefore Satan may be a type of 'mistakenness' (my word). I, too, question why these 'Conversations' go against the Bible, but maybe they don't...maybe the Bible is in question here. I'm not saying for certain, but I know one thing...God is bigger than my confusion, and He honors those that seek the truth. I've always often wondered why Paul wrote to Timothy that all scripture is given by the influence of God and then 'man' decided to make Paul's letters 'Scripture'. At the time he wrote that verse, I'm sure Paul never thought of his letters as 'Scripture'. Only we do. Why is that? Unless it's because of 'tradition'. The pulpit says it and so it must be true. I'm sorry, I have learned to seek beyond a 'traditional' view of God. Maybe these books will help me discover more about God. It's time we let God come out of our little boxes and stop making Him into our image.
Rating:  Summary: Gave it a chance, but there's just no way... Review: I wanted this to be of God. I really did. There are some principles I agree with: 1) Why do we believe that the Lord stopped talking to us 2000 years ago? 2) Why would the Lord say we have free will, and then also give us Hell so that our big choices are to follow what he says or burn in unending misery? There were other little tidbits I could agree with, but that's about it. The beauty of the gospels in the Bible is that they are timeless, they make sense, and they don't contradict themselves for the most part. Jesus' message is sound. Virtually nothing of what "God" says in this book is sound, timeless or non-contradictory. For a deity who claims not to care at all what choices we make, not to be even slightly interested in what we do down here aside from that we be WHO WE TRULY ARE, he goes on for paragraphs about the sins (which he says earlier there are no sins or bad or good) of drinking liquor, smoking and injesting animal products. Uhm, I'm pretty sure it was the Lord who made carnivores, and if we drink liquor and smoke, big deal? We are told that Hitler went to heaven because, of course, there is no hell and he was operating for good in his mind. Then we are told that, well, hey, while Hitler was mistaken, but he set all those people in concentration camps free to go to a wonderful place (what a guy). So if we smoke and drink and eat all the beef we can find, aren't we just hastening the time we'll be going to that same wonderful place? And why does he CARE anyway, he already said he didn't and that there is no bad or good, no wrong or right. It goes on and on like that, contradiction after silly contradiction. In the second book it gets even worse where we are treated to a liberal dose (literally liberal) of that "God's" world view is that we have a one world government and to dismantle our world's militaries and use the money for poor people who don't have as many advantages as the rich. I wonder if people reading this post 9/11 don't find this a bit simplistic for the Lord, and I'm sorry, but God would know that there are always kooks out there we need to protect ourselves from. There are a lot of moments were the Almighty seems to be getting information for the first time from the author, and I found myself wanting to say, like Capt. Kirk in the movie, "Where No Man Has Gone Before" when the fake "Lord" asked who he was, "Don't you know?! Aren't you God?" God's so-called "humor" isn't even witty, it's just smarty-aleck comments that would seem to be below and all-loving and all-knowing God. Amazingly, "God" seems to have a personality very much like the author's. At one point God says in the second book, "Hey, I'm just answering your questions here, and don't take my word for it, I might be wrong." Okay.... Also, in Book 1, "God" constantly quotes the Bible, and uses syntax that would be used in the Bible, while simultaneously telling us that most of what is IN the Bible is wrong. Then "God" acts as though he is amazed that this is confusing. You can't bash something and also call it valid. I believe it's in the same book that you can't have a house divided and have it still stand. So what in the Bible is believable, and what is in error...who knows? The Ten Commandments are denied, most of modern religious teachings are refuted, which leaves the reader wondering, "Why would God let it get that out of whack in the first place?" The more I read the less comfort I felt, since I was being left nothing to lean on at all, and when I really prayed about the material I knew that it wasn't of "God". Either the author is using this to make some money (check out his websites to see what I mean), or he is delusional. Read it, but when you are done say to yourself, "By their works you will know them..." that's what cinched it for me.
Rating:  Summary: Follow your soul.... Review: The reason I am writing this review is not to write negatively about any religion or person. I believe all religions in their original form say the same truth, Love. Because there seems to be a lot of negative reviews from Christians, I will use the Bible as an example. If you read and meditate on the Bible with all your heart and soul you will see that Jesus Christ was Love (God) in human flesh. We all are, we just have to realize it. Jesus stated this in the Bible several times. I believe this book shares the same truths, just more bluntly and in plain engilsh. Many people have said this book is of the devil just like people in the Bible said Jesus was of the devil. Jesus answered by saying that he couldn't be from the devil unless the devil were counterdicting itself (being evil and doing good). So I say, if this book is of the devil how come I've got more peace, joy, bliss, and love in my life after meditating on it than ever before? How come I see the world and my fellow humans, from any religion, as beautiful creations of God? How come after reading this book I have a hard time not smiling at everyone? How come after reading this book I hardly have any fear in my life and I love getting up early as to not miss the sun rise? How come after reading this book I find more fulfillment in prayer then in my old habit of drinking alcohol? Does this sound like the work of the so-called devil? Don't be afraid to give this book to your kids. Give them the Bible and this book together and tell them that you love and trust them. Tell them to read these two great books and follow their heart and soul.
Rating:  Summary: You had a little smokey of peyote, Nealey babe? Review: I give this book 2 stars because it has generated so much conversation around the world. Which means we're THINKING.
Rating:  Summary: I feel sorry for ctwink Review: This reviewer subscribes to the kind of dogmatic, distorted and fear-based version of Christianity that Walsch exposes in this book, and is no `religion' that I would ever want to be part of. ctwink, you are a masochist, and you disgrace the memory of Jesus Christ with your hate-filled, closed-minded attitude. Walsch's book contains many profound truths, and is a true inspiration to read. As he says, it really does not matter whether or not you think the book is the word of God or not: it is the message that is important. What is the message of the Bible; obey or rot in hell? Give me a break.
Rating:  Summary: This book should be titled "Conversations With 'A' God" Review: I don't know who Mr. Walsch was talking to, but it certainly wasn't the God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, David, Jesus, Peter & Paul. Mr. Walsch expounds on the same New Age nonsense that seems to be oh so prevalent these days. When asked whether Adolph Hitler is in heaven, Mr. Walsch's answer is "Yes". This about one of the 20th century's most evil men who certainly is having a wonderful time burning in Hell. When asked if it is sin to be a lesbian, Mr. Walsch answers "No, go out and enjoy your lifestyle". Whatever you think about homosexuality, I think everyone would agree (even the gay & lesbian crowd) that God is most definitely against it. This does not mean that Christians should go out of their way to denounce these people, as we are told by Jesus Christ to love everyone no matter what their sin is, but a Christian should come out and call a sin a sin. Mr. Walsch should have printed a caveat in the forward that he is most definitely not a Christian and that any Christian should not waste his/her time on this nonsense. And let me define a word for you, "Christian" means follower of JESUS CHRIST. It does not mean a person who "thinks that s/he is a good person, believes in "a" god, and thinks that there may be a heaven". The main problem with this book is that is being marketed/sold to our children in public schools as a "Christian" book, further confusing the values that we are trying to teach them in a more and more evil world. Trust me, if you are a real Christian, your should run and not walk as far as you can from this book. This book isn't God breathed, it is obviously another ploy of The Evil One to steer us away from The Most High!