Rating:  Summary: A MUST have for the clutterbugs Review: My clutter has been controlling me for years. After reading this book I have given things away without regret, thrown things out without looking back, and have a large garage sale planned for the summer. Basic feng shui is explained, but not in an overpowering way. I cannot say enough good things about this book. Within a week of finishing it I threw out a bunch of junk, gave away a stack of books, a coffee table and a basket with a smile on my face. My husband was shocked! He said it is the best money we have ever spent. I know the line "if I can do it, anyone can" is thrown around alot, but believe me - if this book can help and inspire ME to clear my clutter, then you absolutely can do it too.
Rating:  Summary: Life changing! Review: This book really blew me away! I am living in a "nest" of chronic clutter collectors IN ADDITION to my own inablity to part with anything potentially useful. When I actually looked around to see how much of my "stuff" really meant anything to me, I was absolutely amazed...so little of it was truly meaningful, the rest of my collection was just STUFF. So I got rid of the junk, passed on the semi-good stuff and kept only that which is truly meaningful to me. I could feel an immediate increase in the energy flow. I have recommended this book to several of my friends who are similarly chronically impaired. Try it...you too will be amazed.
Rating:  Summary: Wow, Best book I've bought in a year Review: I was casually browsing for a cheap book on Feng Shui and I came across Karen Kingston's book "Clear your clutter with Feng Shui". I bought it because it looked nice. Then when it came I sat down to read and and I couldn't put it down. She discussed how clutter in the house is related to clutter in your life and I was amazed.I am a skeptic on theories that relate everything to everything, but I tested some of her comments and they were all accurate. The second half of the book even talks about cleasning the body and that has made me look at life differently. This book is more than a small paperback on cleaning your house, it is a life changer. I rank it up there with Dale Carnegie "How to Win Friends and Influence People"
Rating:  Summary: A Totally New Outlook! Review: This book is incredible and I would recommend it to anyone even if you don't think you have a clutter problem. I thought my issue was disorganization but found I have been saving ridiculous things my entire life... cluttering up my home as well as my body! This book is very inspirational and shows you how to look at what you keep or what you buy and why. This book has not only given me the courage to let go of my clutter but I'm also saving money because I do not want to buy anything unless I LOVE it! Why add more clutter once it's been cleared? Fantastic quick and motivational read!
Rating:  Summary: This book rare book has revolutionized my life! Review: I can't remember ever recommending a book as whole-heartedly as this one. I don't consider myself particularly mired in material stuff or big on soft science and Eastern thought, but this book opened my eyes to a new definition of clutter and why to do away with it. I read the book halfway, and started on a cleaning jag that lasted all night. I slept for two hours, and kept at it with more energy than I've had in a very long time. I have freed myself from a large number of things I had tepid or negative associations with. I ended up with a lot of great stuff I wanted to get rid of, too good to just toss, so the Salvation Army came by for 3/4 of my clothing, half my CDs and books, and I had only begun! I "re-gifted" and "re-purposed" a lot of tremendous, perfect stuff that people have been thrilled to receive. It's difficult to describe the excitement I feel for this process, one I FINALLY understand on a level deeper than intellectual. I truly believe that anyone who scoffs at this process has not tried it. You don't even need to be open-minded about it. Just try it and be prepared for change in your life. The bagua map is a fascinating reference tool... to test Feng Shui, I compared the map to the parts of my life that aren't hitting the marks (or are), and I was very surprised. My muddled finances (I make good money, but manage it very poorly) were reflected in my shabby bathroom and a few kitchen cupboards full of unused cooking things.) I've not had this much clarity in my life for a very long time. It's more than housecleaning, it's transcendent. (By the way, the internal cleansing thing is also not a bad idea. If it weirds you out, skip over it, but you can do less extreme or invasive cleansings than Kingston suggests, with supplement programs like Kylea sells.) Get this book. Get this book. Get this book. It's really exciting.
Rating:  Summary: This book will change your life Review: This book changed my life, and I don't say that lightly . . . I can count on one hand the authors I'd say that of, and Karen Kingston is one of them. I too have loaned or recommended this book to all my friends, and read it several times myself. At Thanksgiving dinner I heard about someone who was having a tough time, and I mailed her a copy of this book over the weekend. I thought it was the single most helpful thing I could do (in the hierarchy of collectors, she must be near the top). It really is true--when you sort out your stuff, you sort out your life. Having lots of clutter functions exactly as a millstone around your neck would. As others said, I have read many books on this topic, looking for something that would light a fire under me. This is the only one that ever helped me. It is every bit as motivational as others have said. You will likely stay up most of the night you read it clearing clutter--and you'll feel and be better for doing it. Not only has it helped me clear stuff dating back even to childhood, but it's helped me clear people out of my life who didn't need to be there, and it's taken away my urge to shop for and collect new stuff. I still have collections of lovely and useful things. I just no longer feel the need to accumulate, and I have scaled back somewhat. A note . . . Karen recommends not examining things too carefully before tossing. I am going through things a bit slower than she recommends (and have found my car title and 2 copies of my birth certificate, among other useful things :), but I've found this actually quite helpful. In reading my old letters, diaries, etc., I've been able to identify old patterns still at play in my life today. It made me so mad to see how the more things changed, the more they stayed the same, that I took immediate steps in my life today to end the patterns. So instead of dumping your boxes of papers wholesale, you may want to look at the items that could give you valuable insight. What this book did for me is completely remove the urge to keep anything that no longer holds real value for me. I immediately cleared out a bunch of books and cassettes that had either never had any value for me, or no longer did. As far as the "not really feng shui" complaint . . . Karen states, and I absolutely believe she is right, that clutter clearing is the most important part of feng shui, and that her book is a supplement to the vast body of feng shui books available everywhere that never give specific instructions on this point. I don't know how anyone could miss this and expect anything else. Anyone in this category should have his/her shopping license revoked :) Since feng shui is about energy flowing, and it certainly can't flow through a space packed tight with clutter, there is no better place to start than this book. Sure, there are a few things in the book that are a bit overwrought--for example, she fleetingly refers to lots of evidence that my clearing my clutter can help my ancestors! I'd love to know what that evidence is! But come on, folks, you buy a book with "feng shui" in the title . . . if the author's not stranger than you are, she's just not doing her job. As far as the clearing your body part that has so many people freaked out . . . I ordered some herbs, used them in moderation, and found them to be helpful. I can't recommend this book highly enough. I only wish I'd had it as soon as I reached the age of reason (it's been awhile :) but better late than never.
Rating:  Summary: This book is so awesome! Review: I'm only a little more than half way through the book and I've already gathered and donated 9 boxes of 'stuff' to Goodwill! This book is so motivating. Also, since Karen explains why people feel the need to keep clutter, I was able to realize that I didn't need a lot of my stuff after all. One of the things that really hit home for me was question #1 to ask yourself: Do I use it and do I love it? I looked around and thought, "NO" to a lot of things, so began throwing them in boxes. I thought, "If I don't use it and don't love it, why do I keep it?" I was finally able to let go of things I've kept for over 17 years. I sent an email to some family members and friends telling them some of the things Karen wrote since we are all clutter-holics. Here was the response from my mother, "Please send me the author and name of book the clutter info came from. I think it is very interesting. I had Thanksgiving with Dale. Both of us have moved into new places within the last year, and both of us have lots of clutter. I printed your email, and while she was cooking read it out loud. We both took it to heart, and laughed a lot too, cause she kept yelling, no, no, don't read anymore! It gave us both a lot to think about." If you have clutter and are wanting a change...if you CAN'T let go of your stuff...buy this book. It will open your eyes and make you feel good for getting rid of those unwanted presents, clothes you no longer wear, etc. Highly recommended!
Rating:  Summary: An excellent place to begin... Review: Kingston has done an excellent job of getting down to the fundamentals of Feng Shui without getting bogged down in dogma and/or calculations. For those who are new to this ancient Eastern tradition there are basically two "schools" of thought - the geomancy background where everything revolves around complicated calculations and 'Black Hat' which is a more holistic and basic approach. Kingston cuts to the core of both styles by concentrating on that all too modern problem of how we Western consumers collect a lot of junk that then just lies around collecting dust. One cannot over-emphasise the negative impacts this has on all aspects of your life! I suspect that even those who would be the most unlikely to "believe" in Feng Shui will still notice a great improvement in life if they would simply follow Kingston's advice and get rid of the layers of detritus found in many places in the house. I suspect you'll feel like a great load has been lifted when you cart the 25 bags of recyclable items to various community second-hand depots and discover there actually was a table underneath that pile of old fashion magazines and dusty books... If you enjoy this book, particularly the sections where Kingston gets into more personal areas then you really should look to Qigong (Chi Kung). Kingston has appropriated many ideas from Qigong and her slim book does not expand nearly enough on what is possible for clearing the clutter from your mind. Seek out master and check out some of the excellent books like "The Way of Energy" by Kam Chuen Lam, Wong Kiew Kit's "Chi Kung for Health and Vitality" and Frantzis' "Opening the Energy Gates of Your Body". For more reading about Feng Shui I'd recommend "Feng Shui: Harmony by Design" by Nancy SantoPietro as the best place to start. Kam's book is pretty interesting as is "Lighting the Eye of the Dragon" by Baolin Wu. Frankly, I am not very interested in the geomancy school which is typified by the many books put out by Lillian Too.
Rating:  Summary: very helpful, even if you believe feng shui is a crock Review: yes, skip the body chapter, and i don't believe in feng shui, but this book is a phenomenal pep talk! My messiness was a running joke for years, but after reading this book, I have managed to clean up my house and keep it clean (for over a year), much to the shock of everyone who knows me! Definately gave me the encouragement i needed!
Rating:  Summary: Can't give a better gift than this one! Review: I had the pleasure of spending 3 days in CN with Karen at her seminar, which changed my life. I'm a lover of all kinds of knick nacks and have a hard time giving "my stuff" away. Karen's book gives you the strength (which you have) to let go of clutter and rearange your space with what feels right - meaning having the right energy. This is an excellent book for a beginner or expert, you'll find yourself reopening this book often. Everytime getting a new idea on how to clear your clutter (in all areas of your life; relationships with people and things),as well as expand the possibilities of new positive energies to enter your life's path. No amount of money could ever buy you more than what this book has to offer. Enjoy.