Rating:  Summary: A wonderful book that I love sharing with others Review: This book is wonderfully useful for clutterholics like myself. I have read several Feng Shui books but have found the information difficult to implement due to all the STUFF I have littered about. Tackling the task of getting rid of or organizing my piles (of stuff I use and enjoy, not trash) has been almost insurmountable. This book provides a useful and easy way to accomplish this task. But even more than this, the author is exceedingly compassionate toward my plight, and nowhere do I find the judgmental attitude that I would expect (and I am even encouraged to go easy on myself in this regard ... what a concept!) When reading the book I had the feeling of getting useful and loving advice from a friend (instead of having a so-called "expert" talk down to me). True, this book is not a comprehensive guide to implementing Feng Shui, but it was never meant to be. Instead, it provides a rational and gentle path for clearing my clutter, and in doing so enriching my life.
Rating:  Summary: It's taking the country by storm Review: Okay. Time to throw out stuff, clear surfaces, realign furniture, put a single perfect flower in a simple vase, sit back, and begin to relax and thrive in your own home. Feng shui, the Asian art that crosses the borders of architecture, philosophy, Zen, and housekeeping, has stormed the shores of America and found a welcome reception. Much bunk has been written about this ancient 'art,' but this book pares it down to one simple aspect of the process: getting rid of clutter. Once that's done, much stress is reduced from one's life, and you can begin to enjoy your home environment on a level previously unimagined. This is a good book to get you started.
Rating:  Summary: This Stuff Works! Review: This book is amazing. I have an earlier version without the photographed cover, but it's very easy to read. Karen uses very straight-forward and practical instructions. A third of the way through the book, I already wanted to start clearing away the clutter. I have noticed a remarkable difference immediately after tossing out three garbage bags and donating a sandwich back of loose change to charity. I'm much more revitalized. Since I'm moving house, I've been clearing out unnecessary clutter where I can and plan to take this book with me to my new place. Additionally helpful are the last two chapters on clearing clutter of the body, i.e. impurities. She stressed the importance of a cleansed colon and how bowel movment irritations could also be a contributor of negative energy. Not an attractive subject to discuss, I admit, but after following a few of her tips, she was completely right. I felt better instantly. A very reasonable guide to for those just beginning to understand feng shui.
Rating:  Summary: This book will change your life Review: It was half a dozen years or so ago that I became interested in Feng Shui. Now I admit this book has less to do with Feng Shui to me than dealing with clutter or what can be a slob mentality. Partly because of my Asian connections and partly because I have always been interested in how my environment can either help or hurt me I have been interested in Feng Shui. And I have read a good number of books on Feng Shui and have even taken a couple classes. I am in no way an expert on Feng Shui. I simply know what I like and what works for me. And I also believe that way to much of the Feng Shui stuff on the market is simple junk. The interesting aspect that caught my attention of this book was the title. I say this because I have seen a few programs both on PBS and HGTV on Feng Shui and some of the homes and rooms highlighted appeared cluttered or junky to me. And I am drawn to what I call Zen Danish style homes, that are open and clean. Chapter 6 of this small gem makes the book worth every penny, because it is all about "So Why Do People Keep Clutter?" ...and then the author wisely notes some of the reasons like keeping things just in case, how stuff given to us or kept by us to remind us of past happenings, somehow makes some people feel more secure in who they are. And the whole keeping up with the Jones mentality where people acquire things because they believe that things equal status and somehow reflect on success. This is interesting to me because some of the wealthiest I know have the most Danish Zen simple homes I know of. Or as an issue of a sense of security. Ten cans of soup on the shelf (even if they never get eaten) serves as a reminder that one will never go hungry. Or the author notes, some people have clutter and tons of stuff they never need, simply because that was how Mom lived, and if it was good enough for Mom then there has to be some value to it. Or the belief that more is better, where the author shared that in the West we have a whole selection of knives in our kitchens, yet travel to some countries where the food is wonderful and you are apt to find a kitchen with one small knife and one large cleaver. And then there is the issue the author notes of Americans habit of buying out of boredom or because of some other need that isn't being met, be it having ones partner listen to them, or being appreciated for the work one does. So we buy to reward ourselves. Chapter 12 Staying Clutter Free is excellent And the reminder that putting things back where we found them can help prevent clutter not only because the item is put away, but because people often buy things because they are sure they have the thing they are looking for, but because it hasn't been put back where it belongs they get frustrated and simply buy the item again. And then when they get serious about de-cluttering they discover they have six pairs of scissors or three staplers, or four spatulas. All because of disorder. If there is an area of the authors work that I have my doubts about it is the whole body issues and enemas and stuff that is less Feng Shui and more healthy eating issues that are a whole different arena. This is a book I recommend simply because it will change your life if you have a serious clutter problem. For an excellent book on Feng Shui I simply recommend the The Complete Idiot's Guide to Feng Shui.
Rating:  Summary: This Book Helped Me Review: Whether or not you are a practioner or believer in Feng Shui, this book is helpful. It's easy to read and makes you think. I have read it more than once and having lent it out on more than one occasion, find myself having to repurchase it because the people I lend it to love it so much. It is a good book to get you started in clearing out the clutter in your home & in your life. I didn't jump right in and create a perfect world for myself. But I did take the lessons to heart and started off slowly. I came to realize that my stuff was controlling me instead of the other way round. When I allowed myself to look at my belongings the way Ms. Kingston suggests, I was finally able to start clearing my home of the un-needed stuff & low energy. I have been working on this for a year now. And everytime I go through a certain part of my home, even if it is just to dust, I clear out even more. (I originally started as a way to eliminate dust collectors due to allergies). It has even helped me curb my spending habits. I need less space to live in now and have managed to tackle some other things that needed doing to help myself emotionally & physically. This book isn't a cure all, but it is a great way to get jumpstarted. I now keep more than 1 copy to give out to anyone who expresses an interest in how I helped myself find a better way of life.
Rating:  Summary: Clear your clutter change your life!! Review: I picked this book up at an airport bookstore because I needed a light easy read during my layovers. I finished the book by the end of my trip and was so anxious to get home and start throwing stuff out! when I did get home I started imediately. At first my husband was puzzled, but then he joined in! Although there is not much talk about feng shui it does focus on one important aspect of it- Getting Rid of Clutter! However she does take a more holistic approach to it. Its not just about getting rid of material possesitions or organizing them; It's about letting go of emotional baggage and objects that may remind you of not so great times in your life. For instance I bought a blanket when I lived in a city I despised,with people I did'nt like, and had a job I could not stand! Every time I looked at the blanket it reminded me of that time in my life. Why would I hold on to such an object? Well, Because it was a perfectly fine blanket that would be useful when I have guests over. Karen helps break down this type of reasoning, and other excuses we make for not de-cluttering. Trust me I feel alot better now that I never have to see that blanket again. It really is liberating to throw it in a huge trash bag, send it off to the mission, and forget about it! She even takes the guilt out of throwing away gifts. Something I had been struggling with since my recent wedding brought an arrangement of strange, and assorted gifts into my home, and my life. "This will come In handy some day " becomes a phrase of this past. Yes, Karen Does like to toot her own horn a bit, but I find it inspiring. She is very thorough and talks about every type of clutter. Old stero equiptment, collections, books, cds, Kitcen appliances ,and cookware, clothing ,broken stuff you'll never fix. cutting old ties (friends that drain you) and tieing up loose ends, (Responsibilities you have been putting off). I even decluttered my make-up bag! There are simply to many positive side effects from incorparating this book into your life to list. If you need something to get you started in feng shui and motivate you, this is just the thing. Get this book, use it, then you can worry about fixing that missing corner in the southwest section in your bedroom:)
Rating:  Summary: New Age Psycho-babble and not Feng Shui Review: The author does provide several good clues for clearling clutter but the message is obscured with her incesstant self-promotion. She provides scant clues to Feng Shui, so little in fact that she could have dropped Feng Shui from the title made no changes to the text. Her book reads more like an advertistment for her dubious services than a help book for those needing to find the benefits of losing their clutter. If you are into rebirthing, crystal power and the other trappings of new age nonsense, this is the book for you. If you are after a good book on clearing clutter save your money and look elsewhere.
Rating:  Summary: Somewhat disappointing.... Review: I had heard such good things about this book, so borrowed it from the library. It is a quick read. The good: She makes many good points about clutter, why we accumulate it, and how to get rid of it. I would give this part 5 stars. She has a very good way of showing you how to look at your stuff in a much more detached manner, which in turn makes it easier to let it go (hopefully to a good home). However: You have to wade through a lot of pseudo-superstitious stuff, some of it feng shui, some of it her talking about seeing auras in people's stuff. Also, as one reviewer pointed out, the author apparently does not have children (or other family) to deal with. It is nice to just take the easy way out and toss everything, but that only works if you have tons of money (to replace things). Also, dumping perfectly good stuff is simply wasteful. You get the idea that the author either eats out a lot, or eats off paper plates. I got the distinct impression that feng shui is great if you don't really *live* in your house, but merely stay there, like you do in a hotel. The author doesn't really address the issue of say, people who both live and work at home, or stay-at-home parents. What are you supposed to do in these virtually empty houses? Contemplate the wonders of your belly button? So, bottom line (and the colon cleaning chapter is completely unnecessary as well), try to find this book used. It is somewhat overpriced, even with the Amazon discount, especially since it was printed on cheap newsprint, such as is used for paperback novels--the library copy is already starting to yellow. By the time you wade through all the filler, as others have pointed out, only about 20-40 pages are useful, and this was not a large book to begin with, size-wise.
Rating:  Summary: Purchasing this book will add clutter to your life Review: Karen Kingston has written a book cluttered with nonsense. The conclusions she draws about clutter and those who have it, are questionable at best, but often downright untrue. She places much importance on symbolism. Only the mentally and spiritually weak would buy into such superstitious foolishness. There is little written about how to remove clutter from your environment. If you want a book that provides information on clearing clutter to improve your time management, and create a healthy and beautiful environments to live and work in, this is not the book.
Rating:  Summary: De-clutter your house with this book Review: I bought this book because I have taken a recent interest in the study of Feng Shui. It turns out that the book is less about the practice of Feng Shui and more about the process of de-cluttering that helps the energy of your house and your life. I read through it in no time and was totally inspired to make a change. Unlike other books of its kind, this book gives you real practical ways of eliminating clutter from your life. I especially liked the way she helped me make decisions about what to keep and what to get rid of. A weight has been lifted. This book has totally changed my life! Buy it!