Rating:  Summary: This book keeps me inspired to be a better person. Review: I found this book not long after joining Al-Anon and establishing a daily devotional time. I was stuck in a long term emotionally abusive relationship and attempting to escape it. The Language of Letting Go showed me I deserved to be happy. It gave me so much hope for a better future. I still read it daily, its my bible. Thanks Melodie, this book helped me create a life!
Rating:  Summary: This book has great sentimental value for me. Review: I had just read Ms. Beattie's famous/infamous "Codependent No More" and was inspired by her revolutionary ideas: I didn't have to depend on others for approval; I didn't have to base my self-worth on how helpful I was to friends; I didn't have to over-react to everything that happened in my life; I didn't have to think negatively about myself; if I didn't cause the problem then it wasn't my responsibility to fix it.As a teenager about to enter the "real world," it seemed all I heard from others was what I was "not" doing right. I should know more than I did and be more grateful for what I have; what college did I want to attend? Why wasn't I more ambitious? What's more, I was odd for being frightened by the fact that the world as I knew it was about to fall apart when all my friends moved away to college. Raised among drug addicts and alcoholics, it had been a difficult life thus far. And apparently, if what teachers told me was any indication, it would only get more difficult as I took on the responsibilities of being an adult. Melody's book gave me something that I so desperately needed and could find nowhere else: compassion. "Codependent No More" was so comforting that I wanted to "live" in its pages. I felt I had entered a new world, and I didn't want to leave. I wanted a way to remember everything I had learned from Melody Beattie about "owning my power" and being compassionate with myself. I wanted a way to "stay on track." I wanted a "guide," something of a daily ritual to keep myself mindful of the liberation she had introduced me to. To that end, I sent Melody Beattie a letter thanking her for her work and asking if she knew anything about "Codependents Anonymous" groups. I was honored to receive a reply, and she directed me to the national headquarters for CoDA. I began to go to the meetings at the now closed "Journey's Bookstore" in Beaverton, Oregon, and that is where I found this book, "The Language of Letting Go". These meditations helped keep me focused on what I had learned, and the meetings allowed me to share what I had learned. And this all enabled me to do what I had wanted: "live" in the pages of Melody's compassion. Melody is a poet. These meditations are not "scientific" or technical, and they are not even really "meditations" per se - they are more daily reminders, notes from Melody, on how to find happiness within oneself, and how to be compassionate with oneself when such happiness seems impossible. There is no "fancy" language that will necessitate a dictionary, and no unattainable goals are suggested. There are no come-ons to suggest that your life will not be complete unless you buy her other books. These meditations feel like letters from a friend, a friend who enjoys her life and is happy to share her personal insights and situations she has learned from; that is one of the most enjoyable things about this book, the personal stories Melody shares. There is no "finger pointing" in this book. I very faithfully read one meditation per day during the remainder of my last year of High School, and it made life bearable and gave me hope that things would get better (they did). The underlying message of this book could be: breathe, smile, relax, let go. If you are looking for a structured way to practice what you have learned from Melody's other books, I would recommend these meditations.
Rating:  Summary: Unhealthy? Review: I had to write to counter the review that suggested this book was unhealthy and wallowing. Maybe all the other positive reviews would be enough to counteract it, but I figured another wouldn't hurt. In short, this book is practical, positive and helpful, and very much consistent with core Christian teachings (and other faiths as well). I'm usually skeptical about these books, but I find the daily readings to be uncannily relevant and consistently helpful.
Rating:  Summary: Melody lives in my head and in my heart Review: I have had this book since shortly after it was published. I cannot tell you how many I have purchased for friends and family. Now I have just purchased one for my granddaughter. Whenever I find myself, and sometimes others, at a point of conflict I turn to "The Yellow Book" for comfort and solace and just good sound thinking. Melody lives at my house!, in my head and in my heart. Her ability to verbalize her connection with God, her soul and her circumstances is phenomenal. No one should be without this wonderful book.
Rating:  Summary: The Language of Letting Go Review: I have owned a copy of 'The Language of Letting Go' since its original publication in 1996 and am still finding it useful and pertinent to my daily living. I bought the book at a time when I needed some guidance and this book provided this and more. It has allowed me to understand that what I feel is both normal and natural and that I should not deny emotions and thoughts that inevitably surface. I have suffered from post-viral depression, stress from studying, loneliness and yes, co-dependency. Melody Beattie, in this book has helped me to realise that I shouldn't try to push my fears and needy emotions aside. Rather I have come to realise I should just let the feelings go, and realise I can't control everything in my life. I am still using the book, not everyday but when I feel I need to. Inevitably I find what I need in each daily meditation. This has always been a daily tonic to me. Recently I lent my book to a good friend who is going through a very rough time - She was involved in a bad car accident she was told she should have died in. Since that time she has suffered from an eating disorder and has tried to push her closest friends and family away from her, afraid that she could hurt us with her pain. I know this book has helped her enormously, she told me so. Now I'm buying one for her. I think this is probably the best gift I could give her.
Rating:  Summary: A daily source of quietude and healing... Review: I have tremendous admiration for Melody Beattie's books. THE LANGUAGE OF LETTING GO is a particular favorite which I use daily as a source of connection with my Higher Power, and has been an important resource in my fledgling recovery from codependence and my desire to have healthy, loving relationships. There is a meditation and suggestion for each day of the year, making it possible to consider issues of recovery "one day at a time". It takes a great deal of courage to face codependency and begin a program of recovery; THE LANGUAGE OF LETTING GO is a valuable tool to use in the process.
Rating:  Summary: Great words of wisdom. Review: I love this book. It gives you great wisdom to live one day at a time. What an inspiration it is to those of us who have suffered for so long.
Rating:  Summary: Year After Year Review: I own an original copy and have used it year after year being it's not dated. When you are ready to get real with your recovery issues, even the hard ones, this one digs in the dirt. In short, she gets to the heart of the matter in a "real" way.
I have also found that the daily meditation's address something thats going on around me in some form. I don't have to like it! BUT, most of the days I do have to "own it" because I know it to be true. I need a calender of each meditation to stamp on my forehead to remind me daily.
Beattie is tuff and real but most of all positive and compassionate. I own many of her books and cherish each one.
I also like that I can use this book time and time again. Worth the buy.
Rating:  Summary: The Language of Letting Go Review: I purchased this book 'by accident' over five years ago and I still read it almost daily. I was looking for some kind of (self-help) book to help me get myself back together after ending a relationship with an addict. This book has taught me A LOT about myself and I suggest it to anyone that wishes to repair themselves rather than someone else. Each daily may not be exactly what's needed that day but you can find one that will help you renew your own strength and heal.
Rating:  Summary: This book has helped me find peace with my life. Review: I read it every day and often go back to passages that pertain to how I am feeling. It has helped me look at my situation through another set of eyes only to discover that I am human - humans make mistakes - life goes on. I am generally a postive person but the incredible sadness of the past few years has been very difficult to deal with. This book has been a life-saver to me. I haven't agreed with everything it says but it gives me an opportunity to look at myself from another angle and go forward. That, in itself, is a part of my recovery from these years of hell.