Rating: ![5 stars](http://www.reviewfocus.com/images/stars-5-0.gif) Summary: A BOOK TO BE STUDIED VERY CAREFULLY Review: This Book "The Believer's Conditional Security" is a book to be studies carefully. A simple reading does not permit to grasp all the depth of its teachings and the dimension of the biblical doctrine it presents.I give thanks to God for having permitted me to come across this book. After having been a pastor for 26 years, this book has opened before my eyes new concepts, new Bible profoundities, things I had never thought of. God bless its author and his ministry. Reggie
Rating: ![5 stars](http://www.reviewfocus.com/images/stars-5-0.gif) Summary: A BOOK TO BE STUDIED VERY CAREFULLY Review: This Book "The Believer's Conditional Security" is a book to be studies carefully. A simple reading does not permit to grasp all the depth of its teachings and the dimension of the biblical doctrine it presents. I give thanks to God for having permitted me to come across this book. After having been a pastor for 26 years, this book has opened before my eyes new concepts, new Bible profoundities, things I had never thought of. God bless its author and his ministry. Reggie
Rating: ![1 stars](http://www.reviewfocus.com/images/stars-1-0.gif) Summary: The Believer's Conditional Security Review: This book is an ... assault against all those who genuinely embrace the teachings of the Protestant Reformation, Luther, Calvin, Paul, the Apostles, and Jesus Christ our Lord. Calvinists (and evangelical Protestants in general) do not teach that a person can embrace Christ and live like the devil! Corner's statements on how Calvinists advocate immorality and licentiousness is a very slanderous lie. Just because a scholar teaches that Christ's sacrifice on the Cross pays for ALL of our sins and that his death vicariously atones for our guilt doesn't mean that he or she advocates immoral living. Accusing Calvinists of advocating immorality is much more serious than accusing Mr. Corner of teaching works-salvation (which, in fact, he does). In fact, Mr. Corner's soteriological view is practically no different than the soteriology taught by the Romanists, Seventh-Day Adventists, United Pentecostals, Campbellites, and various pseudo-Christian cults. Just because someone professes salvation by grace DOES NOT MEAN THAT HE ACTUALLY TEACHES IT! If one wants a more sane understanding of the Arminian view of salvation without all the unnecessary hype try works by I. Howard Marshall, Grant Osborne, or Robert Shank. Avoid this slanderous book that falls short of good theological/biblical content.
Rating: ![5 stars](http://www.reviewfocus.com/images/stars-5-0.gif) Summary: Study to Show Yourself Approved Review: This book is one that should be a must for every new (and old) Christian to read. The Scriptural support shows beyond a shadow of a doubt that the Eternal Security myth is just that, a fictional, feel-good lie that is sending so many unknowing "Christians" to hell. If you ever have believed this deception you need to read this book in a hurry. We never know when it will be too late and we will be called to give an account before God. I rate this book a solid 5 stars and would give it more if it were possible.
Rating: ![5 stars](http://www.reviewfocus.com/images/stars-5-0.gif) Summary: Exposing False Doctrine Review: This book is the FINAL Word against the heresy of eternal security. God has selected Dan Corner to 'Cast Down' this vain imaginations which have ruined the modern church. He refutes EVERY argument that exalts itself against God's Word and brings every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ! (2Cor10:4-5) Those of you who are riding the fence between 'tolerating' this awful doctrine of demons and becoming nauseous when you hear some preacher spewing it forth, will be challenged to make a stand! When the scales are finally removed from your eyes you will be compelled to obey Jude 3-4 and Contend Earnestly for the Truth! It's one thing to know these prominent religious teachers 'hold' to the doctrine of OSAS. (once saved always saved) But it's quit another to actually hear them in their own words tell people that NOTHING can effect the outcome of their salvation...so go ahead and Deny Christ, commit adultery, get drunk, kill yourself! If you find it difficult to believe these men are teaching in such manner I encourage you to contact Dan's Corner's ministry, and get his tape, 'What's Wrong with Today's Gospel'. You will hear the exact quotes of Charles Stanley, Chuck Swindoll, Donald Cole, and others turning the Grace of God into License. Counseling distraught women that the sexually immoral behavior of their husbands WILL NOT in anyway whatsoever effect the final outcome of their salvation. While the Words of the great Apostle Peter cry out the Truth: "With great swelling words of emptiness, they promise them liberty while they themselves are slaves to corruption!" (2Pet2:18-19) Nothing in the Holy Scriptures is more important than maintaining Sound Doctrine. (1Tim4:15-16, 2Tim4:1-5, Titus1:9) The Apostles fought endlessly against the false teachers throughout their earthy ministry. (Acts20:26-32) Paul warned us, Peter warned us and John declared that if "Anyone comes to you and does not bring this doctrine, DO NOT receive him into your house, for he who greets him shares in his evil deeds!" (2John7-10) The 'Doctrine' which is According to godliness...Paul called it, (Tim6:3) By This Gospel you are saved, IF you hold the beginning of your confidence steadfast to the end!" (1Cor15:2) For the Grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men teaching us to deny ungodliness, and worldly lust and live soberly, righteously and godly in this present age! (Titus2:11-14) IF ANYONE teaches otherwise....he is destitute of the truth! (Paul's words, not mine, 1Tim6:5) This book shatters the myth of 'Carnal' Christianity. It decimates the vain babbling of eternal security. You want biblical examples, how's eighteen of them sound? Dan examines the scriptures and reveals numerous individuals who 'shipwrecked' their faith and ended up in hell. From Judas to Demas to Alexander & Hymenaeus, (1Tim1:18-19, 2Tim4:9) he drives home the truth that 'Sowing' to please the desires of the flesh will destroy your soul! (Rom8:13, Gal5:16-21, 6:7-10) The importance of a Pure Conscience & Sincere faith cannot be overstressed. For it is by faith working through love that the heart is made PURE and has VICTORY over the World! (Gal5:6, 1Pet1:22, 1John5:4) "For this reason the Son of God was manifested, that He might destroy the works of the devil!" (1John3:8) Only the Blind guides will have trouble with this book. Bible based from cover to cover it exposes the destructive heresy of OSAS like nothing ever has. After I read this book and spoke personally with Dan Corner I saw a desperate need to expand his message to Radio. In a sea of cheap grace and easy believism, Dan Corner stands as a voice crying in the wilderness! I thank God Almighty that we were able to put him on the air. He now broadcasts weekly from 8-9pm EST on WWCR Short-wave, refuting the false doctrines of modern Christianity, saving others with fear, pulling them out of the fire, hating even his garment to be defied by the flesh! (Jude23) I might add as well, that Dan Corner and his wife Cheryl are dear fellow labors in the Lord and bringing many into the Kingdom with the shining light of truth. I am privileged to be part of their worldwide ministry and I strongly urge ANYONE moved by the Spirit to enter this desperate battle for Truth to join us with your prayers & support. We need Contenders for the Lord to stand against the forces of OSAS heresy! Neutrality is NOT an option. As the Lord Himself has said, "He that is not with Me is against Me!" (Matt12:30)
Rating: ![5 stars](http://www.reviewfocus.com/images/stars-5-0.gif) Summary: This book strikes a death blow to Once saved Always Saved Review: This book, "The Believer's Conditional Security" by Dan Corner drives a stake through the heart of the satanic lie of Once Saved-Always Saved! Mr. Corner meticulously dismantles the Eternal Security doctrine in his tremendous book and exposes the shocking truth of how most of the popular preachers of our day teach this damnable doctrine as the bible truth. This is a must get book for all christians! It will open your eyes to the truth about the hideous OSAS doctrine. After reading this book, you will flee from the OSAS deceivers like "Rev." Jack Brooks who falsely preach that committing sinful deeds doesn't cause the loss of salvation.
Rating: ![5 stars](http://www.reviewfocus.com/images/stars-5-0.gif) Summary: This book strikes a death blow to Once saved Always Saved Review: This book, "The Believer's Conditional Security" by Dan Corner drives a stake through the heart of the satanic lie of Once Saved-Always Saved! Mr. Corner meticulously dismantles the Eternal Security doctrine in his tremendous book and exposes the shocking truth of how most of the popular preachers of our day teach this damnable doctrine as the bible truth. This is a must get book for all christians! It will open your eyes to the truth about the hideous OSAS doctrine. After reading this book, you will flee from the OSAS deceivers like "Rev." Jack Brooks who falsely preach that committing sinful deeds doesn't cause the loss of salvation.
Rating: ![5 stars](http://www.reviewfocus.com/images/stars-5-0.gif) Summary: Correct View Of Security Review: This contented reader can heartily encourage every Christian to get this book which the eternal security teachers do not want you to have. It is especially good for your loved ones or friends who believe in eternal security to help set them free from the devil's lie, 'ye shall not surely die [through sin].' Some folks have a hard time swallowing the concepts in this book but it correctly teaches: We are saved by grace (Eph. 2:8,9) but we can fall from grace (Gal. 5:2-4). We are justified by faith (Rom. 5:1) but our faith can become shipwrecked (1 Tim. 1:19,20) and cease to exist (Lk. 8:13; Rom. 11:19-23). We are not under the law (Rom. 6:14,15) but if you live according to the sinful nature you will die (Rom. 8:13). Paul taught against legalism (Gal. 5:3,4) but he also taught that no immoral, impure or greedy person has any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and of God (Eph. 5:5-7). We are not saved by works (Eph. 2:8,9) but to reap eternal life and not destruction you must sow to please the Spirit and not the sinful nature (Gal. 6:8,9). God is faithful to us (1 Jn. 1:9; 1 Cor. 10:13) but we must be faithful to him to the very end of our lives to escape the lake of fire or second death (Rev. 2:10,11). God surely loves us (Jn. 3:16; Mk. 10:21; Rom. 8:35-39) but those who inherit the kingdom of God love God (Jam 2:5; 1 Cor. 2:9) and to love God means to obey his commands (Jn. 14:15; 1 Jn. 5:3). We have freedom in Christ (Gal. 5:1) but this freedom is not to indulge the sinful nature (Gal. 5:13; 1 Pet 2:16). The author makes many of these types of excellent Biblical observations! There's nothing in the book that isn't substantiated with numerous appropriately used bible verses like you see above. It's a delight for new and old saints alike! In fact, every new Christian especially should immediately get their own copy lest they get swept away with the tidal wave of security in sin teachings available today.
Rating: ![2 stars](http://www.reviewfocus.com/images/stars-2-0.gif) Summary: A Legalistic Fireblast! Review: This is a good book for people interested in both the good and the bad in Arminian theology of salvation. It's a bad book, if you're looking for clear light (logic and exegesis) rather than raging heat. The author sure does burn against "eternal security" in this fiery onslaught. He maligns Augustine and the Reformers, even though slinging mud at them does not advance his position on OSAS (the first few chapters are just smears against figures from church history). In fact, the technique just turned me off cold as an example of false pleading. Rev. Corner cites innumerable pro-OSAS authors, as if the sheer volume of footnotes make his position weightier (or perhaps we're meant to "gasp" at the fact that loveable old Chuck Swindoll believes in the "evil" of OSAS?). Strings of Bible verses are cited, with zero exegesis, as if their meanings were all self-evident. No substantive refutations of well-known counter-arguments are made. His claim about the significance of the Greek present tense in certain verses is wrong ("continuous duration" is only one of several possible meanings of the present). Corner invalidly assumes that all divine-judgment passages (such as Ezk. 18) refer to eternal damnation, and all references to "fire" (such as John 15:1ff) always refer to Hell. And there's more. The most deplorable feature of the book is Rev. Corner's insistence that Christians lose their salvation by sinning (sexual sins, murder, etc.). Romans 2:7-10 is repeatedly quoted as how Christ saves Christians (rather than as a description of the Law's system of salvation, which no sinner ever achieves). But if we lose our salvation by grievously sinning, then Paul's teaching that the righteousness which saves us is given APART from the Law can't be true (But it is true -- read Rom. 3:21-22). If you want cooler, more reasoned approaches to the Arminian view of security, I recommend Dr. I. Howard Marshall's UNLESS YE CONTINUE, or LIFE IN THE SON by Robert Shank.
Rating: ![5 stars](http://www.reviewfocus.com/images/stars-5-0.gif) Summary: Irrefutably Documented Publication Review: This is a must read book for all Christians interested in the doctrine of the Believer's Security. The scriptural and other referenced documentation is immense. Chapter 2 OSAS Definitions and Origin is a quite shocking revelation into the beginings of the Eturnal Security doctrine. Chapter 13, 18 Biblical Examples leaves no doubt about the God's true prespective on this issue. This is a big book that is hard to put down, in more than one way. A former believer in Eturnal Security.