Rating:  Summary: Valuable Information from Bradenton, Florida Review: David covered the material in the depth I was searching for. After talking with a fundalmentalist friend for over a year on the subject of the Rapture I was lost in the conflicting views and wondered where they came from. My friend had not gotten his information from popular books but had done an indepth research. Unfortunately I was the only cradle Catholic my friend had ever met with any knowledge of Scripture. Even with 10 years of Scripture study behind me these views were foreign.David's book is well researched and not difficult to read. I highly recommend it to anyone. I look forward to his next book since both his books have been so helpful.
Rating:  Summary: Read it cover to cover! Review: David Currie has written a masterpiece on the end-times! He conclusively and systematically refutes claims that the Bible teaches of a secret rapture and future 7 year tribulation (which is the basic premise underlying the "Left Behind" series). Without mincing words, he gives an honest account of what the Bible actually teaches in the passages (in the Old and New Testaments) that are often misunderstood (or misconstrued) by the rapturists. Especially exciting is his analysis of Revelation (or the Apocalypse), which he largely bases off the early Church fathers. There is no doubt you are getting a stimulating, thorough, and unforgettable perspective on the Biblical prophecies already fulfilled and those relating to the end of the world. I couldn't agree more with what Scott Hahn says of this book in the forward, that it is "wise...Catholic and Christian."
Rating:  Summary: A thorough study of the end times Review: David Currie has written an outstanding book dealing with the many verses in the bible that deal with the end times and prophecy. David comes from a fundamentalist backround, he used to believe in the rapture and is very charitable towards others who still believe in it. In this book he has done a phenominal amount of research, he goes into the many areas of the bible dealing with the end times, prophecy, and the destruction of the temple in Jerusalem. The book talks about nine ground rules of interpreting prophecy then talks of the prophecies of Daniel, the olivet discource in Matt:24,and in Luke and Mark then talks of the The different verses in Pauls epistles and goes through the book of revelation. In the appendixes there are many quotes from the church fathers also. This book is very well written and I recommend it to any catholic wanting to understand why the church doesn't teach the rapture and what it teaches of the end times.
Rating:  Summary: Goodbye, Hal Lindsey! Review: I became a Christian in the 1970s, primarily due to Hal Lindsay's book THE LATE GREAT PLANET EARTH. As I grew in my faith, however, I learned that end-times eschatology is only a small part of being a Christian. I also noticed something else: the Christian Church had swallowed Lindsay's teachings wholesale, and proceeded to adopt a bunker mentality: if Jesus is coming in the 1980s (as Lindsay said), then we don't need to do any more work for the gospel. This has always bothered me. Lately, due to the tremendously popular (but very poorly-written - am I the only one who has noticed this?) Left Behind series, the rapture and pre-milleniumism has seen a resurgence. Yet, for me, there was always something tickling the back of my brain, telling me that something wasn't right. Enter Currie. His book on the rapture is devastating to the rapture cult: he shows, in methodical and well-researched fashion, how the Bible has been twisted by rapturists into supporting their heretical beliefs. Currie unravels the twistings and shows how *all* scriptural prophesies that rapturists point to have been fulfilled! He goes through Daniel, Zechariah, Jesus Olivet Discourse, and the Book of Revelation. He points out the rapturists flawed assumptions and gives detailed historical data (much of which I had never known unitl now) supporting the fulfillment of each prophesy in the early church. He also gives a great historical overview of previous "rapturist" and "end-times" believers, from 150AD to the present. The book is well-documented, and his research bibliography is extensive. Devastating. Even if you are not a Catholic, you will find this book challenging; it will certainly force you to re-examine the populist notion surrounding Christ's second advent.
Rating:  Summary: The Final Blow to the Cult of The Rapture Review: I became a Christian in the 1970s, primarily due to Hal Lindsay's book THE LATE GREAT PLANET EARTH. As I grew in my faith, however, I learned that end-times eschatology is only a small part of being a Christian. I also noticed something else: the Christian Church had swallowed Lindsay's teachings wholesale, and proceeded to adopt a bunker mentality: if Jesus is coming in the 1980s (as Lindsay said), then we don't need to do any more work for the gospel. This has always bothered me. Lately, due to the tremendously popular (but very poorly-written - am I the only one who has noticed this?) Left Behind series, the rapture and pre-milleniumism has seen a resurgence. Yet, for me, there was always something tickling the back of my brain, telling me that something wasn't right. Enter Currie. His book on the rapture is devastating to the rapture cult: he shows, in methodical and well-researched fashion, how the Bible has been twisted by rapturists into supporting their heretical beliefs. Currie unravels the twistings and shows how *all* scriptural prophesies that rapturists point to have been fulfilled! He goes through Daniel, Zechariah, Jesus Olivet Discourse, and the Book of Revelation. He points out the rapturists flawed assumptions and gives detailed historical data (much of which I had never known unitl now) supporting the fulfillment of each prophesy in the early church. He also gives a great historical overview of previous "rapturist" and "end-times" believers, from 150AD to the present. The book is well-documented, and his research bibliography is extensive. Devastating. Even if you are not a Catholic, you will find this book challenging; it will certainly force you to re-examine the populist notion surrounding Christ's second advent.
Rating:  Summary: Rapture Review Review: I found this book fascinating to read. Mr. Currie takes a complex subject and makes it easy to understand. Even though the subject matter may seem complex the book moves so quickly it is difficult to put down. He will cause you to think deeply about some issues you thought you had resolved in your own mind. Anyone who has given this subject any thought before will be forced to revisit this issue. Be prepared to have your convictions challenged.
Rating:  Summary: Goodbye, Hal Lindsey! Review: I must admit I was surprised at how good this book is. After reading many fundamentalists' books on the subject in the last 30 years, starting with Hal Lindsey's "Late great planet Earth," it was good to read Currie's common-sense, and historically grounded, work. The author was thorough and comprehensive, yet the book was written in down-to-earth layman's terms. It answered a lot of questions I had about biblical prophecy and Revelation. This book provided the best approach I've read concerning the Catholic view of the Apocalypse/Revelation, and the "end times." By the way, Catholics DO believe in "the rapture," (cf. I Thessalonians 4:13-18). We just believe that it will occur in conjunction with Christ's 2nd coming. There will be no "secret rapture," with a 7 year Great Tribulation following. It is good to have Mr. Currie on board the barque of St. Peter. Thank you, David Currie! --brother john
Rating:  Summary: Rapture: Then End-Times Error that Leaves the Bible Behind Review: I was more or less familiar with rapture theology before I read Rapture. It was a great book because it helped solidify what the rapture is and how the Bible supports and does not support the rapture theology. Currie makes a thorough analysis of Daniel, the Apocalypse, Matthew, and some of the Epistles, focusing on passages that are relevant to the topic of the rapture. Furthermore, Currie cites early Church fathers to support his Biblical textual analysis. It is a wonderful read, and despite the difficulty of the topic, Currie does a good job of helping the common person understand the rapture.
Rating:  Summary: Did people start overlooking jesus teachings? Review: It is really bad when people can't understand why jesus was making countless warnings about the antichrist coming first. Anyone who has read the old and new text with understanding knows when he said " wo to to those with child when i return" he was talking about those worshiping the antchrist. Paul said himself that jesus wouldn't return until the son of perdition stood in jurusalem claiming to be christ. Read the book of revelation and you will find out there is NOT ONE place where it mentions christ coming first. When the fifth seal is opened it said i beheld a star fall from heaven and he had the key to the bottomless pit and released locust( they are really men who follow satan) this is not jesus, it is satan! Jesus wouldn't warn us if we were going to be gone during the tribulation, THINK PEOPLE! There should be more books written like this one if not, thre will be a lot of people jumping in satan's boat and once you do that you have the mark of the beast on your forehead(meaning IN YOUR MIND) HAVE A NICE TRIP!