Rating:  Summary: Fear cannot produce love. Review: Although it's hardly fair to write a review based only on it's exerpts, nevertheless, if the book follows the same path, which I assume it must, then it appears to me the author is fearful of God rather than loving Him. Fear cannot produce love just as Godly love does not produce the type of fear this books appears to teach. 'The fear of the Lord' is simply a 'healthy respect' for God. Those who 'fear God' as this author seems to, have not yet been 'perfected in love'.
Rating:  Summary: Not just for women Review: At the recommendation of a friend, I got this study and did it over several months on my own (it's designed for group study with video presentations- I just skipped the video notes). What a powerhouse of a study! It's not a line-by-line or even chapter study of Isaiah, but takes up the theme of the Isaiah passage which Jesus used to open his ministry: I have come to set captives free. Beth Moore points out that she'd always thought that was a verse about salvation until she realized how many areas of bondage she had in her life after being a believer many years. As she defines it, bondage is whatever keeps us from experiencing the kind of life God intended for us. The questions she asks and principles she explains are simple, but walk you through the process of glimpsing the kind of life God meant for his children, seeing the ways we've been hindered from experiencing that fully, and learning to "break free" through believing and walking God's promises. One of the jewels of this study is a section on how God wants to free women from bondage to the lies of our society and to our own hurt and unforgiveness, first by looking at women's girlhood dreams. Dreams we may have put aside as childish or unrealistic: to be beautiful, fruitful, to be a bride, etc. Why would God give us those dreams if they're going to go unfulfilled or be tarnished? Moore shows from Scripture that it's because they're meant to be ultimately fulfilled in Him. This is not just a Bible study for women, however. "The glorious freedom of the children of God" is our birthright and we can live it in reality! I can say I moved closer to that reality as a result of this study.
Rating:  Summary: Not just for women Review: At the recommendation of a friend, I got this study and did it over several months on my own (it's designed for group study with video presentations- I just skipped the video notes). What a powerhouse of a study! It's not a line-by-line or even chapter study of Isaiah, but takes up the theme of the Isaiah passage which Jesus used to open his ministry: I have come to set captives free. Beth Moore points out that she'd always thought that was a verse about salvation until she realized how many areas of bondage she had in her life after being a believer many years. As she defines it, bondage is whatever keeps us from experiencing the kind of life God intended for us. The questions she asks and principles she explains are simple, but walk you through the process of glimpsing the kind of life God meant for his children, seeing the ways we've been hindered from experiencing that fully, and learning to "break free" through believing and walking God's promises. One of the jewels of this study is a section on how God wants to free women from bondage to the lies of our society and to our own hurt and unforgiveness, first by looking at women's girlhood dreams. Dreams we may have put aside as childish or unrealistic: to be beautiful, fruitful, to be a bride, etc. Why would God give us those dreams if they're going to go unfulfilled or be tarnished? Moore shows from Scripture that it's because they're meant to be ultimately fulfilled in Him. This is not just a Bible study for women, however. "The glorious freedom of the children of God" is our birthright and we can live it in reality! I can say I moved closer to that reality as a result of this study.
Rating:  Summary: He came to set the captives FREE! Review: Beth Moore has a wonderful ability to remind us of what Jesus said is finished and why we're free. I found this to be a delightful book from a female prospective that hit me right where I am. She reminded me of my identity in Christ and how there's no shame or condemnation since now I reside in Christ Jesus. What more can I say! Who doesn't want to EXPERIENCE freedom, especially if you already HAVE it!?!
Rating:  Summary: Passion for God's Word Review: Breaking Free is such an encouragement to me to go further with God. To fully embrace God and all He has for me while fully realizing the need to constantly humble myself before Him. Mrs. Moore's God-given ability to present truths from the Bible is incredible. Studying the word is exciting in her Bible studies, too. I've been through three and am amazed how God has used them to teach me to embrace the person He created me to be in the first place.
Rating:  Summary: Breaking Free by Beth Moore Review: I am currently involved in a bible study that will be using this book and I'm extremely excited about it. I'm not sure what God has in store, or what Beth is going to bring into our focus, but I wanted some feedback from someone who has experienced it's power already!
Rating:  Summary: A Life Changing Bible Study Review: I am half way through this incredible workbook, "Breaking Free..." and I have to say that this is the most powerful bible study I have ever been involved in. This study has forced me to look at areas of my life, that not only did I not think were a problem, but would never have really examined otherwise. This book/study focuses mostly on the book of Isaiah, and on breaking the strongholds that keep us from have a closer relationship with Him. I can't express in words how this study has changed my life and how it has made me rethink my daily relationship with Christ! I encourage EVERY WOMAN to buy this; read this book either alone or with a woman's group, but please read it! You won't regret it!
Rating:  Summary: The WORD as rehab Review: I began this study as a deeply depressed and cynical chain-smoking alcoholic with a marijuana addiction that had been passed down in my family for generations. I completed the study free from drugs, alcohol, tobacco and even more importantly, free from bitterness and shame. Jesus is completely satisfying, and Beth's passion for God is contagious.
Rating:  Summary: This study is powerful! Review: I cannot express the impact this study has had on my life. My relationship with my husband has been radically improved (and we had a good marriage before!) as I began to discover things about myself that I had never seen before. I have also let go of a lot of things from the past that were controlling my life....things that I didn't even recognize were issues for me. Most important though, my relationship with the Lord has been deepened to the point that I have come to rely on Him completely and am now experiencing a joy I never knew possible. All I can say is wow! Beth Moore's writing style is engaging and dynamic. This study is well worth the time and effort.
Rating:  Summary: WOW Review: I have been a Christian for many years and thought I understood freedom in Christ until I took this Bible study. I found out more about what a loving Father God really is in 10 weeks than I have in 22 years. Beth Moore takes you on the Freedom Express as she journeys thru Scripture to show how God loves us, forgives us, and wants us to live a life free of guilt and shame. She brings to life the point that we are children of the King and worthy of His love and forgiveness. She points out how as such a child, we truly are beautiful in His eyes.