Rating:  Summary: Book seems fair to me Review: Oftentimes, books written arguing one religious position in contrast to another are unfair and beat up on a straw man. Not knowing an awful lot about Islam myself, I decided to go to some Islamic apologetics sites on the Internet and it seems to me that Geisler did not try to water down the Muslim arguments for Islam and against Christianity.Besides its conclusions, this book is well written. It's obvious the authors researched their subject for hours upon hours and the writing style is very organized and understandable. Not only does it show the weaknesses in particular Muslim arguments, it also defends Christianity in a positive way (often against unfair Muslim attacks). If you are a Muslim and you have no real understanding of Christianity, this book would be something good to at least look at. If you are a Christian, and you know nothing about how to answer Islam's claims against Christianity (e.g. polytheism, corruption of Bible, etc.) the book would do you well also. I believe all relgions have portions of truth and are in fact pointing towards the Truth, Christ. This book is a good tool for understanding the special concerns facing Muslims so that we as Christians will be better able to lead them to Christ. (The arguments defending the Trinity may also be helpful if you are in a discussion with a Unitarian or a Jehovah's Witness). In conclusion, I gave the book 4 stars instead of 5 stars because there are better arguments to defend the validity of the Scriptures. Geisler completely ignores the fact that the Catholic Church compiled Sacred Scripture in an infallible manner. Of course, as a Protestant he doesn't believe in Church infallibility but he does believe in the current canon of the New Testament, so he had to make the best arguments he could which in fact could be beaten by a knowledgeable Muslim. I also think he would have done better to stop arguing the scientific accuracy of the Bible, since even the early Church Fathers made it clear that the Bible is not trying to teach us science, it is trying to teach us faith and morals. (Not that the Bible teaches false science, just that it doesn't teach science at all).
Rating:  Summary: Nothing is Clearer and More Value-for-money Review: "Answering Islam does not pretend to be a text book on Islam. It is, however, a reply to the claims and charges typically made against and on Christianity by Islam, as its title suggests. In that department, we from the muslim far-east feel that this Book is great, par-excellance!" I agree whole-heartedly with the above statement and would like to give 5 Gold-star rating for Answering-Islam. We in Malaysia can testify to the extreme prejudice and close mind many Muslims have especially toward Christianity. This very neutral and fair book provides an objective assessment on Islam to balance the scales on the subject. The writers-one of them an ex-Muslim, gives fair and scholarly insight into the religion itself. Norman Geisler himself is a scholar acknowledged by non-Christians and Christians alike! Far from being "anti-Muslim", this book makes good reading for Muslims themselves to understand what the real & true Gospel is. Keep it up! This fair book is great value for money.
Rating:  Summary: A Poorly Researched, Misleading Book Review: This book is a prime example why there is so much misunderstanding abou the religion of Islam. It does not use sound Islamic sources and misquotes Quranic verses and twists their meanings to prove their very oneside point. This is just another ploy by a group of anti muslims to discredit Islam in the west
Rating:  Summary: Inconsistent Review: Nearly all my discussions with people who call themselveschristian ministers or pastors, ended by their saying that proof andlogic are useless, and their belief in and love for Jesus Christ (Peace be upon him) that they conceive as god does not require any kind of proof. Other discussions were not better. Therefore, firstly christians who claim Jesus' divinity do not have the right to criticize Islam in the name of cross, based on reasoning and proofs. They can just say we do not accept Islam, unconditionally. Second, all arguments against Islam are either irrelevant or wrong. If you have read the book you have the opportunity to understand this simply by visiting sites that answer those questions. Third, why this book is called Answering Islam instead of Attacking Islam? Islam already accepts God, JesusChrist, all prophets. Authors obviously attack Islam, not even criticize it.
Rating:  Summary: "Answering Islam" is an excellent book. Review: Anwerling Islam by Normal Geisler does a great job of providing an exposition of orthodox Islamic Beliefs, orthodox ("little "o") Christian Doctrine. It does an excellent job of offering refutations for arguments that Christians are likely to encoutner when dialoguing with Muslims. The only notable problem with the book is that it does not have a chapter on how to present the information it presents. It is one thing to know what one beliefs and why, its another thing to be able to explain and present them in an effective manner. I notice that some of the people who reviewed "answering Islam" showed contempt and disdain for anyone who would "attack" Islam (or accusing Geisler and Saleeb of promoting hate). This is strange when one considers the fact that #1, this book is primarily a reply to Islamic thinkers who "attack" Christianity, and #2 is only natural and appropiate for religious debate to take place and for thinkers to defend their own faith with the use of reason (as opposed to force)---whether it occurs in the form of a public debate or in print, whether it be from a Christian, a Muslims, etc.
Rating:  Summary: Spot-On Response to claims based ignorance Review: Answering Islam does not pretend to be a text book on Islam. It is, however, a reply to the claims and charges typically made against and on Christianity by Islam, as its title suggests. In that department, we from the muslim far-east feel that this Book is great, par-excellance! Both Geisler and Abdul Saleeb have simply exercised their "right of reply" to answer the typical muslim claims against Christianity and the Gospel, much of which have no basis in fact whatsoever or have them in sheer ignorance in the face of the facts. Abdul Saleeb, being a former muslim does provide valid and valuable insights into his former religion-Islam. Both writers deserve a round of applause for exercising the right to reply and answer, and this Book itself deserves More than five Gold stars for addressing the Topic in such a lucid and eye-opening way. Yet this will be evident only to those who read it with an open mind.
Rating:  Summary: IGNORANCE Review: This book is yet another unfortunate example of how ignorant people get their books on the shelf - misleading people into false truths. The perspective given about Islam is incorrect and is an unfortunate example of one who does not have the facts right. Recommend learning about the beautiful Islamic religion and not wasting ones time with such a title which is based on lies, more more and more lies. If you really want to understand Islam check out legitamate scholars - perhaps those that come from the religion itself and thus can give you an unbiased view.
Rating:  Summary: Read it!Excellent Book,You have never made a better choice! Review: I agree wholeheartedly with the previous reviewer who says this is an Excellent book! To balance out those who never read this one but from sheer polemicism just want to condemn it-I say -your so called review is not worth a bird's feather! I live among Muslims and day in and day out rub shoulders with them. I see the paranoia and prejudice with which the majority of them regard Christians, which can largely be due to the jaundiced/prejudiced views taught them by the Quran and perpatuated by the popular muslim press(see below). This book,without fear or favor,addresses those concerns in an eye-opening way, that not surprisingly those who are swept in the current of Islamic fundamentalistic fervor will bark in protest, NOT because of the truth, but just because they want to win at debating!
Rating:  Summary: An Ignorant Choice Review: After debating with someone over Islam, this book was recommended to me. The woman I was debating with said this book had convinced her that Islam was false. Her arguments were useless, and many false. She obviously had no idea what Islam was besides what a missionary trying to smear Islam wrote. He(the author)has picked out verses that seem bad like this one "The ink of a pen is worth more than the blood of a martyr", yet he doesnt reveal that God nor Muhammed said this, but that the Quran was telling of the ignorance of pre-acceptance of Islam Arabia. Martyrdom is one of the highest honours in Islam. This book is only for those that want to read another useless anti-islam book. Also, its great for the ignorant, narrow-minded, and those that want to look like idiots debating these arguments with Muslims.
Rating:  Summary: This book will only convice those that are already convined. Review: I am saddened to see people who are unfamiliar with Islam and its teachings so eager to embrace a book which only builds on that ignorance. Many non-Muslim scholars have read the Qur'an and commented on it and recognized its amazing nature. They don't twist verses to fit an interpretation they know is in error. The Qur'an and its miraculous nature have been recognized by Muslims and Non-Muslims. I recommend to those readers genuinely interested in learning about the Qur'an and its validity to read Bucaille's book "The Qur'an, the Bible, and Science."