Rating:  Summary: One of the Greatest Spiritual Masterpieces of All Time. Review: I have read, continue to read, a will always read this book. I have recommended it to many of my friends and new aquaintences as the greatest spiritual guide in existance for its uncanny exposure of the nature of truth, beauty and justice. In essence what you find here is what man will enevitably and essentially become. "Adon Maschish Cumi, and may the peace and love of our Father God be with you always"!
Rating:  Summary: Wisdom hidden for centuries Review: I was completely blown away by the wisdom in this book, and how easily I was able to recognize and validate many of the learnings and teachings of Jesus. It was truly relieving to find out that Jesus was an ordinary man like us, who had to find his way to Godhood. It definitely tells me that his words 'everything I can do, you can do too and more' ring true. Having lived in India for a substantial period of time, an interesting point that stood out for me was that an American priest properly captured the very essence of Indian caste-culture. Assuming that the author did not live in India at all, it is entirely incredible for him to have captured it to such detail 100 years ago. On traveling to India, Jesus learns the art of healing, and studies the Vedic texts. He travels to Nepal and the Himalayas where he learns the Buddhist doctrine. In Tibet, the ancient manuscripts are revealed to him. In Persia, he explains the concept of good and evil, and how evil is man's own creation. In Egypt, Jesus is taken in as a student of Heliopolis and goes through the seven tests and receives the seven degrees. A real eye opener, as to what has been missing from the Bible all these years. It's a book that help us connect the dots as to direction of life on this Earth. I would definitely recommend this book to anyone seeking the Truth, along with Linda Goodman's Star Signs. Other books that can help one validate these Truths are books by Dr. Paul Brunton & Vera Stanley Alder. One will need to get these books, read, practice the teachings & re-read the books again, till one makes it their own.
Rating:  Summary: The Trek: From Ignorance to Divinity Review: In this marvelous book, Jesus explains that every living thing is a deity manifest, and each has a soul, which is on a very long trek - from total unawareness of its own divinity, to full consciousness. Every creature, after many incarnations, eventually becomes fully aware of its own divine lineage; and later, during subsequent incarnations, each one learns more and more about developing and exercising divine Strength, Wisdom and Love; until eventually, every one (plant, animal and human) achieves pure perfection - oneness with God (our Father). He said that He, Jesus, is our example of a man who achieved oneness. He is our elder brother, come to teach us. He is our example of that which we all will eventually become. Jesus indeed conquered death, but He said all who steadfastly follow Him will eventually do the same. Thus He said, "You may follow me." He leads the way. He became immortal. He is always with us. He and those who followed Him continually labor for us, so that we too may learn, and become wise and strong enough to follow Him. As they constantly labor for us, they also patiently wait for us. By reading and studying the Aquarian Gospel, we never lose sight of our destiny, because Jesus' life-story is our beacon light in the night.
Rating:  Summary: This book was written with much love and respect Review: It's a deeper, clearer image of Jesus as a teacher of the human race and God's divine messenger. Having grown up as a disenchanted Catholic girl, I welcome this new/old synopsis of Jesus' life, from his education and training abroad, to his practice of Reiki healing among the people. The parables are enhanced by expanded background descriptions of those who were listening and why. Levi relates a real world of travelers, politicians, and common folk of that era. No wonder Jesus could inspire and terrify so many. This is the Christ I feel close to-- a bright burning fire of love and mercy, practical, courageous, waiting to guide us home. Recommended for intelligent, open-minded readers interested in matters of Spirit and the human heart.
Rating:  Summary: Sad to say, but this book is a lie of the Antichrist Review: Jesus Christ was the Messiah,the son of God. He was, and is, and forever shall be, the only way of salvation. As Peter so said, "Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God." This book reeks of Satan. It is a lie just like books such as Seat of the Soul, Course in Miracles, and Conversations with God. Read your Bible people and Open your Eyes. There was only one Christ. That is Jesus. There is only one key to Heaven and to the Father. That is Jesus. Read Matthew 1:16; Luke 24:46; Acts 9:22; 18:28; Ephesians 5:23...then again, why don't you take the blindness from your eyes and see the light by reading the New Testament...written so you people out there would KNOW that Jesus is the Christ. Forget Buddha, forget Krishna, forget any your other "New Age" avatars. Come back, stop being lost sheep.
Rating:  Summary: Be careful Review: Matthew 24:4 "Jesus answered them, "Be careful not to let anyone decieve you. Many will come using my name. They will say, "I am the Messiah',and they will decieve many people." Not much else needs to be said about this book. The whole idea of it is that we can become christs when we follow Jesus I think. It is very dangerous...I read a few chapters and my whole world basically collapsed. Please be careful everyone.
Rating:  Summary: Most (if not all) Christians will hate this book! Review: The "Church" (whether any of the Catholic sects or Protestant denominations) has always taught their adherents "traditional truths" about the man that they worship as God, Jesus Christ. Throughout the history of "Christianity," these churches have emphasized rituals and outward demonstrations of devotion to this "god," no less so than the ancient Israelites making the Golden Calf. What has been taught for almost two thousand years is a complete distortion of who Jesus really was. He is the most misunderstood (and most taken-advantage-of) man in the history of the world. This book is certainly not for anyone who is happy or satisfied with the church that they belong to. This book is for people who have doubts about what they are being told, and for people who NEED to understand WHY things are the way they are in this world. Its not good enough for a religious "authority" to proclaim, "You should not have sex before marraige," but not tell you exactly why you shouldn't. The Aquarian Gospel will answer many questions, but those answers will not be accepted by a great many people who will read it. If you are skeptic about Edgar Cayce's "readings" then you should not even bother with this book. Ultimately, Levi and Cayce have tapped the same source; a source which most people cannot grasp, because they are hard of heart.
Rating:  Summary: Most (if not all) Christians will hate this book! Review: The "Church" (whether any of the Catholic sects or Protestant denominations) has always taught their adherents "traditional truths" about the man that they worship as God, Jesus Christ. Throughout the history of "Christianity," these churches have emphasized rituals and outward demonstrations of devotion to this "god," no less so than the ancient Israelites making the Golden Calf. What has been taught for almost two thousand years is a complete distortion of who Jesus really was. He is the most misunderstood (and most taken-advantage-of) man in the history of the world. This book is certainly not for anyone who is happy or satisfied with the church that they belong to. This book is for people who have doubts about what they are being told, and for people who NEED to understand WHY things are the way they are in this world. Its not good enough for a religious "authority" to proclaim, "You should not have sex before marraige," but not tell you exactly why you shouldn't. The Aquarian Gospel will answer many questions, but those answers will not be accepted by a great many people who will read it. If you are skeptic about Edgar Cayce's "readings" then you should not even bother with this book. Ultimately, Levi and Cayce have tapped the same source; a source which most people cannot grasp, because they are hard of heart.
Rating:  Summary: The original Gospel of Christ - expanded. Review: The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ contains the epic of the entire life of Jesus. The reader is privy to many private conversations between Jesus and other masters of His time. We can hear instructions and explanations He spoke to His apostles. By listening in on these conversations, the reader is given a clear and concise explanation of the nature and origin of Christ, and the nature and origin of man; and our destiny. He explains the nature of the process we all are undergoing, as well as what is expected of each person; and He advises that His return will coincide with the harvest time of souls (the judgement day), and we must prepare.
Rating:  Summary: Beautiful philosophy, but its a fabrication Review: The prose and style of the book is quite beautiful, and there are wonderful spiritual truths in it, but the sad fact is that it isn't what it claims to be- it's a fabrication. Here's the big giveaways I found while reading it: 1) Almost no information is provided about "the messenger" Levi Dowling. "of his personality we are permitted to write but little" claims the introductions. The most that can be gained is that he was a big time student of world religions and served a bunch of posts both in protestant churches and as a chaplain in the civil war. Considering the enormous importance of character in determining whether or not a medium is who they claim to be, a refusal to provide evidence/background for supposedly spiritual reasons is a big warning flag. 2) Herod Antipas is written to be the ruler of Jerusalem at the time of Christ's first few years. Wrong Herod- the Herod of Judea was Herod the Great. Herod Antipas was the tetrarch of Galilee. Somewhat understandable mistake, but when one is claiming to have it "to the word"... 3)The journeys that the gospel alleges are too perfect. Jesus singlehandly manages to hit all the major religious centers of the time and to comment on all the traditions and how they interact with Christianity. Reading through the account, you feel that its too good to be true- the locations are too ideal, the journey too perfect. 4)A story is related about Abram, saying that his father and him were heretic brahmin priests that fleed persecution- even so far as saying that Terah named his son after the Brahma. While I tend to be more skeptical of the Old testament than most people, it is still worth noting that Abram is hebrew for prince, and that the whole concept of changing his name to Abraham, king, doesn't make any sense if he was named after Brahma. On top of this, Ur, the city of Abram's birth, was under the dominion of the Sumerians at the time, who had a very powerful religious system in themselves. While Hinduism has been powerful, historically it hasn't spread much beyond modern day Pakistan. Saying it got all the way to the fertile crescent is a stretch. 5)Jesus is alleged to have stayed and studied with Hindu priests at the Temple Jagganath in the Indian Province of Orissa. According to the Encarta Encylopedia, scholars have dated the start of the worship of the Jagganath of Krishna to the 4th century CE. While that is somewhat debatable, the temple which is obviously referenced wasn't even begun to be constructed until the 6th century CE, and the practice of the Juggernaut car that Levi has Jesus poke fun at wasnt' around yet for sure. 6)One chapter has Jesus declaring the falseness of evolution to a Buddhist priest. While the beginning part of it is mostly an attack on animal-to-man reincarnation (you weren't a bird in a past life), from there Jesus goes on to attack the doctrine of "survival of the fittest". People didn't even start having that philosophy up until the last century! The style clearly gives away that it was designed to be a refutation of Darwinism, hardly an ancient belief. 7)Jesus is reported to have met with the Confucian scholar Meng-tzu (Mencius) in a Tibetan monastery. It is a historical fact that Mencius died in the last years of the 3rd century BCE. At this point, I put the book down. I will admit, I think that Levi's intentions and spirit were pure. I agree with about 98% of the philosophy he has Jesus expound, and his style and prose are beautiful- there are some very emotional scenes. But as a fair scholar striving for truth, I have to say that its a fake. The guy was incredibly intelligent, and I can see that he drew on a number of sources in his writing, include apocryphal texts for accounts of the early years of Christ. He was definately out to try to prove Gnostic truths. But he was trying to use a false vehicle to do it. His crime was the same as Paul of Tarsus- spread Gnostic truths, but change and alter Christ into a vehicle you can use for your teaching style. Defeats the purpose. To the say the least, I was bummed.