Rating:  Summary: What An Insult To Other World Religions! Review: I was beginning to become a fan of Tim Lahaye and Jerry B. Jenkins' Left Behind series after having finished reading the first two books in the series, "Left Behind" and "Tribulation Force". I can't deny that this series have made some positive impact on my view towards God. I thought highly of the two authors for their great creation of the Revelation stories based upon the prophecies given from the Bible. It was my enthusiasm and enjoyment of the series thus far that had caused me to pick up this, how should I say,...piece of crap?. This book entitled "Are We Living In The End Times?" is a very presumptious piece of writing, labeling most, if not all, of the world's great religions (other than Christianity, of course) as pagan religions (aka false religions) that have their roots with Satan. "Every false religion in the world can be traced back to Babylon. Even before its citizens tried to build the Tower of Babel, Satan had made that city his headquarters and introduced idolatry, the first secret societies, and many of the religious practices that continue to the present day. These eventually appeared as the foundational teachings for Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, Gaia worship, and a host of other cultic systems summed up in the Bible as 'Mystery Babylon' ". I understand that in the Bible God claims that He is to be the only God man should worship and that there are other religions out there that have their influences from the Devil and it is these religions that the Bible described as false religions. However, I find it greatly presumptious of Tim Lahaye and Jerry B. Jenkins to point fingers at the "-ism" religions (particularly Buddhism and Taoism) as false religions associated with Satan. What they ought to do is do some research on these religions, and they will learn that these religions do not tell us to worship the Buddha or their founders as GOD, but more so as teachers. In my opinion, the founders of many of the great world religions today could be messengers from GOD who came to different people of different places with one purpose...to preach to the people of the World on how to live a good life without harming anyone else. So, Lahaye and Jenkins should be careful with what they choose to say to the readers because Christians are not the only people who read these books.
Rating:  Summary: Are we? Yes! Review: "Are we living in the end times?" asks this prophecy book by renowned Christain fiction and non-fiction writers Tim Lahaye & Jerry B. Jenkins. They give a compelling case that we are. The book is excellent, though it does help to push the "<i>Left Behind</I> series a tad bit. So, are we in the end times? This generation has more reason to believe so than any other. I won't go into details here, but read the book and see. I decided to write on this subject for a paper in my English Comp. II class & using this, and a variety of other outside, independent sources (some not even Christian, per se), I am convinced that we are.
Rating:  Summary: When will He come? Review: this book is good for trying to understand Revilation, the truble is that it's not layed out very well, kind of hard to find exactly what you are looking for when you use it for a refrence book, and this is what it is. But, it gives clear examples for what they think the reasons are and the reasoning behind them. I think the one that was the hardest to belive was the one about the earthquake after a war. there was one time a year or more after WW1 that there was 4 or 5 qaukes in the span of a few years. and it was suposed to be an earth wide quake behind the war. well, whatever. he'll come when HE comes. no use worrying about it. just work on being a good christan so you'll be ready when he does.
Rating:  Summary: One star is too many! Review: This poorly-written book is nothing more than a shameless (and, sad to say, probably successful) attempt by Jenkins and LaHaye to further milk the cash-cow that their pathetically-executed LEFT BEHIND series has become. THe truth is that NO ONE knows when Christ will return; he said so himself. Wake up, people, and stop regarding these two poor excuses for writers as some kind of prophets! Far from bearing witness to non-believers, the books written by these two appeal only to those who want to see in print, no matter how shoddily-written, what they already have decided. I can't understand how anyone who considers the Bible worthwhile reading could settle for such drivel.
Rating:  Summary: Good Book For The Profecy-minded christian. Review: If you haven't, as I have not, gotten any of the "Left Behind" Series, I think you will find in this book a summary of all these series. The authors made a statement that made a big impact in my life; "...thousands of our churches today never enjoy a prophetic message or sermon - not because the pastor doesn't believe in it, but because he doesn't know much about it." (Page 4, 5). It is very important to study prophetic events because, in my opinion, it motivates you to a life of holiness for God. This book will help you on your path to understand prophecy and the endtimes. I think you'll like it!
Rating:  Summary: I am raptured! Review: What can I say? This book was mind-blowing! Every page was full of gems! It only took a few nights to read, needless to say I was up into the early hours of the morning. It was very clear and thorough, very easy to read and understand. The up-to-date information was great, to think Jesus could return at any moment. This book and Tim LaHayes 'Revelation - made simple and plain' are extremely helpful in understanding end times prophecies. It is a must for any person's library, my friends now have my copy and are eagerly devouring it. It has inspired me to live every day as if it were my last and tell others about the salvation Jesus offers them.
Rating:  Summary: Very Interesting Information... Review: I am a strong believer of Jesus Christ and I do believe that we are living in the end times. I did find the audio book interesting packed full of information about the signs already upon us and the signs already fulfilled. Although, I am not sure if some of the speculations made in this presentation is 100% accurate, I would have to urge the readers or listeners of the book/audio to search the Bible and test all things according to the light of scripture. It might be true that we are living in the end of the end of all ages, but a lot of others from the past believed this as well. Pay attention to the signs, but most importantly, read the Bible daily and pray to God so you will read it in it's proper context. Also, pray to God to be more like Christ, so when the rapture happens, you will be ready to meet the Maker.
Rating:  Summary: Even so, come quickly Lord! Review: Read everything these folks have published and get ready. I would be remiss to not mention another author as well; Jerry Furland of "Transfer-the end of the beginning". For many of us the question is merely rhetorical. For my daughters who have their own way of speaking the answer is "duh". Praise God.
Rating:  Summary: End of times? Even the author doesn't believe it! Review: There is one point I would like to make - Can the author, Jerry "Koresh" Jenkins, take his pile of wealth he has accumulated to heaven with the rest of the saints? If this is the end of times and all of the signs are there, why waste your time charging people for this book? What good will your money be when the lord comes to burn the earth? This book is nothing more than a sensationalistic piece of gargabe with a sole intent on stealing money from people who have nothing better to do than thumb their nose at all the non-believers. Why all the need for material wealth when the rapture is upon us? Get real!
Rating:  Summary: I need salvation - Burn the world, oh mighty lord Review: I just can't wait until judgement day. Jerry Jenkins is right, the lord is coming very soon and I just don't know if I can wait any longer. I am 64 years old and don't have much longer to live, so I just hope the lord hurries up and comes down so I can see all the flesh boiling. I am so excited about his arrival that I do nothing more than sit in my chair and count the seconds waiting for the rapture. I think it will be great! (because of course I am saved - How do I know? Because I went to church every Sunday and said my prayers and ate my spinach like a good little boy) This book tells all about how the good lord is coming for the sinners (druggies, hippies, people with alternative lifestyles other than mine). I'm sure the apocolypse will happen any day now because I have been wanting it so bad, and this book reaffirms my belief that it will happen. And for all you believers out there - Go ahead and pray for it, it couldn't hurt!