Rating:  Summary: If you really seek the truth... Review: Like all books that claim there will be "an end of the world," this is based on misinterpretation and misunderstanding of Scriptures. The truth is that the humble, meek, and truly faithful shall indeed inherit this earth, and that is what the future holds.We really need to understand that this is a time of crucial contest between the forces of falsehood and the forces of truth, and the false forces disguise themselves. As the apostle Paul wrote, they are "deceitful workers, transforming themselves into false apostles of Christ." As Jesus said, they "pray for the ears of men, follow the doctrines of men, and claim to do many wonderful works, but they are hypocrites." But as Jesus predicted, "they shall deceive many people." Therefore, you should exercise great discernment in deciding who to believe. The sooner we choose correctly, the sooner God's New Kingdom will be established on the earth, which shall last forever, never to be destroyed. That's what prophecy really foretells. (Daniel 2:44, Revelation 11:15, Psalm 104:5, etc.)
Rating:  Summary: What, again? Review: Christians living in the 1st and 2nd centuries too believed they were living in the End Times and countless millions of other Christians since have wasted their energies on foolishness. They were ALL wrong. Everyone of them. 100%. Can people really be so foolish to believe that NOW is the end of the world? Had you lived in Europe in the 14th century you would have good reason to believe that the world was coming to an end. Many Christians did. Again in 1914 and in innumerable times in between people all over the world, Christian and non-Christian, have believed that the end was at hand. Please understand that prophecy is just that. It is not a newspaper delivered from the future to the present. It is metaphor and myth, with deep, multilayered meanings. To read Bibical prophecy like an account of the daily news is like those who read the prophecies of Nostradamus in 1999 the same way and thought it was all over. Man today has lost the ability to think metaphorically. This is the mistake. This is what is wrong and leads to foolishness.
Rating:  Summary: Almost a companion for ¿Left Behind¿ Review: Because the picture on the back of the book is the same as the one used with the "Left Behind" series and that is how the authors are described on the front cover ("Authors of the best-selling "Left Behind" series), I thought that this may be a companion book. That is a fair assessment. The premise of the book is to show the readers that we are indeed approaching the End Times. The authors show how technology, politics, economics, and disease all have reached the levels to meet the prophecies listed in the Bible. As a whole, the book patterns itself after the book of Revelations. Scripture from other parts of the Bible are also used to help illustrate what we are to expect before the Second Coming. If you are wondering on what the authors base their series, this is the place to look. The series also follows the chain of events found in Revelations. Most of the chapters have a section from a "Left Behind" book in them. I don't feel that this hurts the series if you have not read it yet. The passages are fairly short. I would recommend this book from someone who wants to understand more of what the "Left Behind" series is based on.
Rating:  Summary: an eye-opening read Review: Although I was born and baptized a Christian, I left my faith and only recently returned within the past year and a half. I have not intensely studied Bible prophecy, but I welcomed the chance to do so when I received this book as a gift. The book, though it assumes at least a basic familiarity with Scripture, is written at such a level that one need not be extraordinarily well versed in it and that somewhat complicated topics can be fully understand. LaHaye and Jenkins clearly wanted to make this accessible to the largest audience possible--and who could blame them? This is information every person, let alone every Christian, should know. I am not fully convinced that we ourselves are living in the end times (I don't think the authors are either; for they are the first to admit that it is not possible for humans to know the precise time), but LaHaye and Jenkins do make some very good points, which are cause, at the very least, to suspect that we may perhaps be on the cusp of such an era. A truly inspiring book. How can any Christian read this book and not feel charged about their faith and filled with the desire to spread the Good News?
Rating:  Summary: The power to deceive Review: This book is brimming with venom. LaHaye loves to hate those who disagree with him and is dying to see nonChristians to get their so-called just punishment in the Tribulation. The Biblical evidence to support his position is scant, and furthermore, LaHaye intreprets parts of Scripture that contradict his theory away as allegorical and subverts whatever the meaning of the text orginally was. LaHaye says we should read the Bible literally, but then turns around and ignores the "literal" (or even sensible meanings) of passages. This book is dangerous and insidious: it tries to convince Christians to believe a poorly supported lie and then will make nonChristians think Christians are a bunch of kooks, of which LaHaye is a perfect example.
Rating:  Summary: If You Believe...... Review: If you believe the Bible is the Holy, ordained Word of the One, True, Living God, then this book will get your heart racing. I was just plain excited by the time I finished it. But skeptics of the authenticity of the Bible will be skeptical of this book. True Christian believers ground their faith in the Bible...were it to be proven false, our whole religion would fall apart. But nobody has been able to do that: the harder they try the more accurate the Bible turns out to be. The prophecy is right on the money and I, too, believe I may actually live to see the return of Christ. Woe unto those who blow this off and go back to their MTV.
Rating:  Summary: Suttle and Subversive Review: This is an easy to read book, containing interesting stories and illustrations. Unfortunately it plays the evangelical card - "we are good Christians who believe the Bible - therefore you should trust our easy and simple methods." Alas, to the unsuspecting reader this evaluation of the end times is riddled with cleverly disguised dispensational presuppositions. It also includes misrepresentations of conflicting viewpoints - encouraging the reader not to examine the evidence for themselves but to take LaHaye's word for it. Frankly LaHaye though an entertaining writer has set himself up suttley in the same way as medieval Roman Catholicism. "To question me is to question God" And no-one wants to do that.
Rating:  Summary: What a wonderful time to be a Christian lover of literature! Review: For so many years, a Christian's only real option to read quality Christian literature was to read the marevelous C.S. Lewis. I feel blessed in the the last couple of years with the outpouring of quality literature now available. What's more, the different books are all very different. Left Behind is a wonderful introduction to the theology behind the End Times and a great series for all ages. We All fall down is a great book for more mature, intellegent Christians who wsnt to explore the individual ramifications of the End Times and the one on one relationship of a man who has fallen away from God. The Christ Clone Trilogy is a thrilling, Tom Clancey like look at these events, full of unexpected twists and turns. I know some people like to argue the various merits of these books as compared to each other, but I think they are all worth reading and feel lucky to finally have such a wide variety of GREAT Christian literature available.
Rating:  Summary: This was good...but... Review: I liked the book with all it's scriptural interpretations, but...when I think about it, these are Fundementalists interpreting Scripture! Aren't these the same people who say the Bible must be taken literally? So are they really saying that all Scriptural interpretation is wrong except their's? Also, I think the digs at the Catholic Church were wholly unnecessary. It seems to me a bit infantile to try to dig at the Church that all Protestants can trace their roots to. Pope John Paul II is a great man regardless of what denomination you are. I am an avid fan of the Left Behind Series, but Mr. LaHaye really let me down with this one.
Rating:  Summary: The Beginning of the End Review: This was one of the greatest prophecy books that I have ever read. I believe because of what happened on September 11, 2001 the beginning of the end has already begun and that the events that are happening now ultimately will not be over until Christ comes back to Earth and set up his mellinium kingdom. It is possible that the war against terrorism will directly lead to a seven year peace treaty with Israel and it's enemies(Palestinians) under the Antichrist. Because of what happened on Sept. 11 and the fact that much of what is happening is centered around Israel proves to me that the Tribulation could happen at any moment and that the Rapture could happen at any moment before that. The Beginning of the End is indeed here!!!