Rating:  Summary: life changing book Review: Title: Are we living in the end times.Author: Tim LaHaye, Jerry B. Jenkins. Number of Pages: 370 Category: non-fiction/ Christian Date started: 4/1/03 Date completed: 5/11/03 Annotation: This book takes you through prophecies of the Bible. Approximately 30 percent of the Bible is dedicated to prophecies. The majority to the prophecies pertain to four pivotal events mentioned in the book, the creation, the great flood, the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, and the second coming. Yes, we indeed could be living in the end times. Author Biography: Jerry Jenkins is the author of the left behind series and 100 other books. Six of his books have appeared in New York Times bestseller list. Jerry lives with his wife Dianna in Colorado. Jerry rice many genres Such as biographies, marriage, children fiction, an adult fiction. Tim LaHaye Is a noted author, minister, and speaker of Bible prophecies. For 25 years he's been pastor of an outstanding church in San Diego. Dr. LaHaye has written over 40 books. Tim is the father of four children and he is the grandfather of nine children. Tim keeps active with many recreational sports. Evaluation: It is not possible to set the dates for the lord's return, but it seems that we they can be into time in the world filled with crises that could be interpreted as being preparatory for the 2nd coming of the lord. If you're curious if the prophecies in the book of Revelations Correlate with today's current events, then this is the book for you to read. Bound In the scripture and Peter's teaching, Tim and Jerry create a timeline to visually explain the past and the coming events of prophecies. For me, this book has done a lot. This book has cleared up many of those "what-ifs" about Christianity. This book strengthens your faith and gets you read for the second coming of the lord. Read this book, it could change your life.
Rating:  Summary: With Faith all Things are Believable Review: Biblical Scholar Timothy Buttrick LaHaye proves beyond doubt that Armageddon is approaching and that Bad People will get Roasted by God. He is not the kind of God that puts up with anything. And if you thought Saint Paul was right, when he told everybody where to go, then Saint LaHaye is righter. Beware of False Prophets, Freethinkers, Peaceniks and other Tempters. Get right with God
Rating:  Summary: A glorious project! Review: Lahaye and Jenkins deserve six stars for their glorious project on the end times. This book is a fine antidote to the heresies preached by our academics and heathens. For those of you who want to scoff: The apocalypse is right on the horizon, and the Lord is just itching to burn our sinful world. Like a previous reviewer, I'm very anxious to watch the sinners roast and their flesh boil. And if that sounds too harsh, remember: God is just! He will cut no corners, spare no torments, for those who shut Him out. Burn the world Almighty God!!!
Rating:  Summary: I've heard this all before. Review: The authors just seem to re-state what's already been said. Everybody's just 'repeating' the same old information.
Rating:  Summary: Go to the library and get Late Great Planet Earth instead Review: This book is pure [not good]. It simply recycles Hal Lindsey's equally silly yet vastly more entertaining work, Late Great Planet Earth. The book's pretrib rapture scenario is against the Bible, which plainly teaches that the Anti-Christ will come before "our being gathered" in 2 Thes. 2:3. Not only that, but Tim LaHaye actually resorts to ALLEGORICAL interpretations of Scripture that he supposedly condemns, since there is no plain passage in Scripture that teaches a pre-trib rapture, and the basis of a 1000 reign with Christ as an earthly king is questionable at best. All the old dispensationalist mistakes are on fine display here - a "secret rapture," "144,000 converted Jews," etc. None of these things are found in the Bible, which simply teaches that Jesus will be opposed at his second coming by a powerful figure possessed by the power of Satan. Why the church can't simply be satisfied in saying "Christ has died, Christ has risen, Christ will come again" and leaving the rest to God is beyond me. Sadly, LaHaye's treatment of Revelation 1-3 shows how far out of touch LaHaye is. (I believe he's in his 70s, so I'll try not to be too hard on him for that.) He says that these chapters, in which letters are written to certain 1st century churches, are really an allegory depicting the ages of the church in Western Europe. It ends, of course, with the liberal "Ladeocians," who supposedly represent mainline Protestantism. (Hey, how come LaHaye gets bashed for being anti-Catholic, but not anti-Protestant? What's up with that?) Now that western churches are more or less apostate, it's time for the end. But LaHaye doesn't even seem aware of the fact that Evangelical Christianity has literally exploded in the 3rd World. The typical evangelical isn't a redneck southerner - it's a black, yellow, or brown woman. What, does God not care about colored people? Why on earth would God give a prophecy about church history in someplace as remote and irrelevant as western Europe? I don't seriously suggest that LaHaye is a racist; but I do think he's out of touch not only with politics and evangelical theology, but with the basic reality of the Christian church as it now exists.
Rating:  Summary: This Is A Must Read For Everyone!!! Review: Tim LaHaye and Jerry B. Jenkins should be commended for this wonderful book on Bible Prophecy. It is a subject that has had much disrepute brought upon it (as well as Christianity in general, because of date setters, and people bending the scriptures to fit there pet theories. LaHaye and Jenkins instead give us an excellent, sober, and intelligent, line by line cometary of the Book of Revelations in an easy to read manor; they also being in scriptures from all the Great Bible Prophets (both Old Testament and New testament) as well as from the Lord Jesus Christ; and tie it all in to what is happening in the world around us. This Book is a must read for all Christians to promote Holly Living in an evil age and to spur evangelism; and IS A MUST READ FOR ALL NON CHRISTIANS AS WELL. I would challenge everyone to read this book. If you see the Prophecies happening as laid out in the HOLLY BIBLE then you can chose to Believe. What do you have to lose?
Rating:  Summary: Prophecy Simply Explained Review: What a fabulous book! The title of the book is a question that resounds through the minds of many. Are we living in end times? The text points out current events that were predicted in prophetic passages. This book was written for two reasons. The first is as a guide for the millions of readers of the Left Behind Series, showing where and how the facts were put together for the storyline in the book. The second is for those people wondering, are we living in end times? The examples in the book help the reader to understand what has happened throughout history and what is to come. The text compares different books of the Bible as well as passages within the same books. Most of the scriptural references are pulled from Isaiah, Daniel and the controversial book of Revelation. Regardless of your current opinion, the authors present many facts to back up their opinion in the book. It promotes free-thinking and discusses the differences between Pre-tribulation, Post-tribulation, and Mid-tribulation theologies. This book is written for any person wanting to dive into the world of prophetic scripture. While written with Christians in mind, the book will appeal to non-Christians wanting to know more about things to come and what God has in store for the world. Even though no one knows the date and time in which the tribulation will happen, except the Lord God, this book will help ease the minds of many and get others to understand more about the "thief in the night". I feel that this is one of the best books on prophecy in many years. It is a must for any Christian library and should be everyone's library.
Rating:  Summary: Political Propaganda Review: The writers are pointing fingers at China, Russia and all other nations as the 'Evil Babylon'. Very little is said about USA itself. The reason, because the writers live in USA! This is a very biased book and has a hidden political agenda: Pan-Americanism. These two authors are better politicians and propagandalist than christian scholars. Honest christians should read this book with a grain of salt.
Rating:  Summary: Power of the prophet Review: With the release of this powerful tome of prophecy, Lahaye and Jenkins are sure to rise to the level of popularity of Hal Lindsey in the timeliness and accuracy of their many predictions. Prophet writers such as Lahaye and Lindsay have saved many souls in recent decades with their stunning prophecies. I can only pray they will go on to greater heights. Their amazing ability to understand both past and future events with 100% certainty is powerful evidence of their ability to interpret scripture. I am sure this is just the beginning of a line of new prophets. This book occupies pride of place on my bookshelf along with other prophecy greats such as "1994?" by Harold Camping, "666 : The Final Warning" by Gary Blevins and "Gorbachev! Has the Real Antichrist Come?" by Robert Faid. I encourage readers to look up these books as excellent examples of recent prophecy that highlight many of my concerns.
Rating:  Summary: unintentionally funny in places... Review: This book brought to mind a Superman comic I read about 40 years ago. In the comic, the bad guy, for reasons obscure now, ran off and hid with a penguin. Superman wants to catch the bad guy. So there follows a mind-boggling 3 panels in the comic: 1) In order to make the penguin's egg hatch quickly, Superman heats the egg with his x-ray vision, causing the egg to hatch in seconds rather than weeks. 2) The baby penguin is born fully-fledged and ready to fly, which is good because: 3) As Superman explains, babies (birds, or all creatures?) have an instinctual knowledge of where their mother is at all times, and so the baby penguin flies through the air (I kid you not) on a bee-line for its mother, followed closely behind by Superman. End Times provides a similar plethora. You will learn such things as: 1) Russia's number-one enemy is Israel. This is because there are tens of millions of Arabs in Russia (presumably in Uzbekistan, etc), all of whom hate Israel more than anything-- why, because they're Arabs, of course. This will result in Russia attacking Israel. (was Malcolm X an Arab?) 2) Biblical prophesies indicate that when the Russians attack Israel, the weapons (here the authors very generously accept that the weapons being bows and arrows and spears should be taken figuratively rather than literally) burn for 5 years. Burning for 5 years, unlike bows and spears, must be taken literally, and so to achieve this, Russian tanks, planes, artillery, etc, must be made almost entirely of wood. 3) For the first time ever, we are seeing earthquakes occurring on the same day. And so on. The level of writing is slightly higher than one sees in the Left Behind series (I counted only 2 5-syllable words in Left Behind: in-ves-ti-ga-tion, fun-da-men-tal-ism, and words of 4 syllables seemed to be carefully rationed to about one every 10 pages or so). If you can pick and choose the passages in the Bible that should be taken literally, and those which should be taken figuratively, you can establish almost any kind of truth you want. There's a fine book "Who Wrote the Bible?" that I'd recommend--a scholarly work, which makes for good reading.