Rating:  Summary: Creates a hunger for God Review: God's timing is always on time. Reading this book when I did, put into words a hunger and searching for God that was in my heart, but could not be described. "God Chasers" increased that hunger for rightousness within me and now I am eagerly awaiting and anticipating a mighty move of God's spirit that I may witness myself. Before I read this book, I thought the manifestations described in this book only happened in biblical days. Now that I know it can and does happen in this 21st century, I am waiting, chasing hard after God and His shikanah glory to be manifest in my life.
Rating:  Summary: Awesome Review: Tommy Tenney challenges the church to step out of complacency and luke-warmness and follow hard after God. We need a hunger for God's presence. Sad, but true, most of what happens in today's churches can go right on...even if God doesn't "show up". "Too much of man and too little of God". I agree with Tenney...everything should flow from the presence of God. Are we too busy doing the work of the church that we don't have time for Him? This is a wonderful book for those who are serious about their committment and relationship with God and want more of Him in their lives.
Rating:  Summary: Fuel For The Hungry Review: In tenneys book you are challeged to take a look at yourself and wonder, how hungry am I? To those critics who say that tenney is after experiences and encounters only, I have this to say READ THE BOOK MORE CAREFULLY!!!!!! Tommy makes it clear in his book that we are to seek the face of God(2 Chron. 7:14) he vehemently states we are to seek Him and not His benefits only(Including experinces and feelings. I just returned from a Tenney meeting and I can assure you God was there. Hundreds of people responded to the altar call and wept in repentance and brokeness. I love you tommy, stay hot on His trail.
Rating:  Summary: Be merciful Review: I believe that books should be given for free and others too sold an example is this book. Everyone should have a copy if possible. I have not read it myself because I can't afford it. But if I could just lay hands on it I'll be more than grateful to the donor. Those of us in Africa especially cannot buy anything in dollars because it's like million's converting your currency into dollars- you'll end up bankrupt. I'll give anything to lay hyands on this book.
Rating:  Summary: Be careful, folks! Review: In a post-modern atmosphere where Christianity in America has been subtly but profoundly affected by the whims of our culture, it comes as no surprise that Tommy Tenney's "God Chasers" finds such enthusiastic acceptance by The Church. My initial read of the book conjured up emotions in me that I had not previously been able to give words to. Clearly, Tenney is a man of passion who strives to seek the face of God. But, upon further investigation and prayer, I detected a problem. Tenney is, in effect, asking us to forsake the Biblical model for how to seek God. It feels so good. But, it's wrong. Tenney asserts that God's presence in our lives is in direct proportion to how much we seek Him. While I agree that the Bible is clear that we are to seek God with all our hearts, I also believe that God chases US and that His decision to visit us has more to do with HIS will than with ours. Paul the apostle said he had learned to be content regardless of his circumstances. Tenney is encouraging us to be discontent with our station as Believers. To the extent that he is admonishing us to be passionate in our walk with the Lord, I agree. But, the Bible is clear that God will send a "delusion" in the last days to those who seek after EXPERIENCE rather than after God - i.e., to those who are not content to follow after the Biblical model for seeking God's face. I would submit that the experience Tenney had in Houston (which is outlined in the book) may have been just such a delusion. I hope that Tenney and those who embrace his book will reinvestigate the Scriptures that Tenney cites as his source for this "revelation". A simple look at those passages will reveal the wealth of error in "God Chasers". But, I say that for Tenney's sake because, as I said earlier, his passion and zeal for God are contagious. I wish that he could channel that passion and zeal in a direction that is Biblical.
Rating:  Summary: The God Chasers Review: In agreement with a previous reviewer, I also noticed that Tenney often makes himself cry. Have you ever seen a movie where an actor is expected to cry, but he is not such a good actor that it is obviously he is making himself cry? Tenney sounds like that when he cries. He also sounds as if he is making his voice tremble a little to sound "broken", as the previous reviewer said. This is not to say that Tenney is trying to deceive the people, but that maybe he thinks this is necessary. If true, this shows that he has a misunderstanding about the things of God and what the right heart conditon is - it certainly does not demand that you be crying and "broken" all the time.
Rating:  Summary: Not all is how it seems dear friend Review: Oh dear. How disappointing it is to read a book that somewhat challenges you, only to later see the Author at a conference and quickly realise he is nothing but hype. Tommy, you disappoint me. I request that you please stop quoting Tozer as if you share any commonality in thought or theology. Tozers preaches a changed LIFESTYLE, not mere excitement and experience. Dear reader, if you're a Pentecostal (as I am), and simply want to find the 3 step guide to this or the 4 S's to this, or perhaps you want to find the right "Praise-Phrase" to unlock God's power (unbelievable), then this book is probably right up your alley. If on the other hand you want to hear from a man that truly is a God Chaser, forget Tommy's revenue raising, Tozer quoting books, and go directly to the quoted, AW Tozer's, The Pursuit of God. After re-reading the God Chasers since seeing Tommy live, I saw through the well polished stories designed to excite you, but hardly challenge you or bring about real change in the reader. As Tommy says at the end of Chapter 1, "Éyou are barely holding back the tears nowÉ", what emotional drivel. It's not (just) about feeling or emotions, or even tears Tommy, it's about the stuff Tozer speaks of, a changed man, a lifestyle that hungers and thirst's for the face, for the glory of His face. Before you challenge my boldness, PLEASE go and see a Tommy T conference and see for yourself, "for many shall come in that dayÉ".
Rating:  Summary: I WAS BLIND, BUT NOW I SEE... Review: GOD CHASERS IS THE BEST BOOK I HAVE READ IN YEARS! WORTH MORE THAN IT'S WEIGHT IN GOLD... If you are struggling with addiction, this could be the book you need to read. I struggled with bulemia (binge/purge) and overeating addiction for so many years until I read this book. This book has opened my eyes as to why I was constantly running to my addiction for comfort instead of running to God. This book talks about how we let so many things of the World crowd GOD right out of our hearts, to the point where we go through our christian experience, thinking "Is this all there is? " Before I read the book I was all but completely calloused in my relationship with the Lord. I had spent too many years angry at God, and thinking He simply didn't even care about me anymore. This book has opened my eyes. If you descide to read this book, go into it prayerfully. This book really opened my eyes as to why I had been struggling so long with my addictive strongholds. Now I know the key to walking in my Freedom from addiction and developing a closer walk with the Lord. Become a God Chaser, and you will learn how to run to God when you are hurting instead of running to the the things of this world! And you will find that He may even catch you!
Rating:  Summary: escaping your comfort zone! Review: I was given this book as a gift...and what a life changing gift it was!Revival has become a everyday word and sometimes we use it as a buzz word, but to seek God's glory now there is a new thought.This book reads easily but the instructions in it takes hard work.You have to be an person who likes new challenges and to go where no one has gone before.I pray that each an every person that reads this book will catch up with God!
Rating:  Summary: Not much Review: In review of Mr. Tenney's book I find that this book is incredibly shallow. Whether or not it is the intention of the Author to spark revival fire with cute cliches and "snappy sayings" I do not know. But if you cut away the fat of this book you will not find much meat for the soul. If you are new to the things of God or have never pursued to know God at all and have now became interested then you might well find this book an good solid dose of milk which is needed when you are beginning. Truthfully as I have grown in God I have found that there is really not much here. Now I have nothing against Tommy Tenney. I have seen him in person and really enjoyed some of the things that He has to say. But if you are looking to pursue God and have the knowledge necessary to do so, May I encourage "The Pursuit of God" by A.W. Tozer. Or anything that you can get by Leonard Ravenhill. I think that you find this what you are looking for.