Rating:  Summary: The God Chasers will change your life Review: One of the greatest books I have read in the past 20 years. Tommy Tenney has captured the essence of what it means to truly chase after God. He explains that we can no longer be a gimme, gimme bunch of Christians running around asking what is God going to do for us. In the Last Days we have to die to self if we are to ever receive His Presence in our lives, families, churches and cities. Please read this book and then study it with someone who REALLY wants to know the heart of God. Excellent Old AND New Testament Bible study material of the symbolism God presents to us in His Word.
Rating:  Summary: Excellent Book! Review: One of the problems in modern day America is that we chase God the wrong way. As Tommy points out, we chase God with Christain formulas, programs, seminars, classes, and many other man made things. Mind you, these things are okay. But in using these things, we've created a "system" for finding and following God. In doing so, we become very smart about God and many God-related issues. But in the end, our hearts aren't any closer to God. In fact, these man-made things can actually pull us away from God if we've been doing them too long and don't already have a decent relationship with God. In this book, Tommy Tenney tells how to "Chase God" the right way. In short, he says that nothing else is needed but a broken and sincere heart before God and a prayerful life. Every thing else, and I mean everything, is secondary. If you've recently become a Christian or if perhaps you're an established Christian who seems to have drifted away from God, read this book. If you're in the latter catagory, I'm sure that the Holy Spirit will tell you exactly why you're in the shape you're in. This book certainly isn't the "cure-all, end-all" to all of the problems a Christian has. But it'll certainly give you an excellent starting point if you're trying to get back on track and how to stay there.
Rating:  Summary: To the person who wrote heretical teacher! Review: I dont recall tommy tenney preaching oneness doctrine particularly in this book, I have read it, and I took it to mean, that we should not be satisfied, with just warming the church benches, and just going through the motions of going to church, and following traditions and rituals. I agree that to many people want to stick to the church programme, like a timetable, and are not willing to stray from the programme to allow the spirit of god to lead, or his presence to enter. Also if you want to talk about the trinity, catholic, dogma formed at the council of nicea in ad 325, by contantine, etc there is no trinity in the bible, Jesus himself said the most important commandment is deuteronomy 6-4, the lord thy God is ONE lord, and the second most commandment is to love your neighbour, the holy spirit is not a person, but the indwelling spirit of god, and jesus is God made manifest in the flesh. The trinity may teach that there is three eternal, co equal, distinct persons, in it, but God said "there is none else besides myself, I know not any". There are no three gods just one, he does need any help, the bible says God was made manifest in the flesh, God put on flesh and became humanity. Do the maths, they cannot be three yet one, , as three into one cannot go. I agree with some who say, that to call gods word old dusty love letters is taking it to far, as I myself look to the dusty love letters for guidance, and gods word is the same today as it was in the beginning, but one should not take the writer literally, as it was probably where he was at in his christian journey, where the hunger and frustration for God overcame everything else. It is also true that one can be saved without being baptised, as salvation comes from repentance, and a changed heart, however the bible teaches spiritual, and water baptism, and if you choose not to adhere to it, then you dont adhere to god.
Rating:  Summary: Tells It Like It Is! Review: This is the most scriptural book I have read on Christian living. Tenny reveals exactly what is missing in today's lukewarm Church. For too long we have been like the church of Laodicea. We are content and believe ourselves to be rich and increased with goods, and have need of nothing. We have no idea that we are "wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked." (Revelation 3:17) We know there has got to be more. Does it make sense that there is no bread in the house of bread? Can a living man see the face of God? It is time to submit to God's way of living. God wants a personal relationship with us. Crucify the flesh! Get out of your comfort zone! Let your soul follow hard after God.This book appears to be written from a Pentecostal (or Charismatic, if you prefer) point of view, but it speaks of all Christians today. We must seek a deeper relationship with God. We must seek His face, not his hands. Don't let Satan blind you any longer!
Rating:  Summary: Thought Provoking Review: MR. Tenney sums up the entire book when he writes "A God chaser is an individual whose hunger exceeds his reach." If you hunger after God, if you love Him for who He is not just what He does, then purchase this book.
Rating:  Summary: Bad Review: My wife grew up in the United Pentecostal Church. This book gives me the reasons why she still has problems when dealing with church and authority within it. Tenney twists the Bible switches translations when it suits him. Mostly KJV and then twists the scripture to match his beliefs. Typical Oneness Heresy. Unfortunately, people buy this stuff and treat like the Gospel itself. Sad really. I am glad I got it at a book sale for 50 cents I still paid too much.
Rating:  Summary: God chaser or God catcher? Review: Have you ever reached with your appetite for something you saw on television? Tasted a meal so vividly and you get home to find it was eaten by a sibling? Do you want God? Not the history of His path but Him? If so then you might be a God Chaser according to the author. Maybe you can find your scenario in one of the above situations. Tommy Tennney is a God chaser, I thought I was when I first picked up this book and began reading it. After reading a few pages I began to wonder what God is Mr. Tenney chasing? Early on I felt that the autor wanted us as Christians to do away with our bible and chase something else. As a Christian I need my bible it is my defense, it is my friend and most importantly it is the words of my Father. I would not recommend The God Chasers to a newborn Christian, but one who is seasoned with the word certainly will be able to separate this from that.
Rating:  Summary: Heretical Teacher Review: I purchased the book at a revival, and thought it was good, but after much thought, it kind of makes you wonder about someone who calls the Bible a bunch of "dusty old love letters"...The fact of the matter is is that Tommey Tenney is a Oneness Pentecostal preacher trying to sell his books in mainstream Christianity. What Oneness Pentecostalism teaches is that the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are 3 manifestations of the same God, not 3 eternal, co-equal, distinct persons as the Trinity REALLY teaches. That's the main heretical teaching in Oneness Pentecostalism. They also teach that baptism should be done in the name of Jesus only, and that baptism IS required for salvation, which I do not adhere to at all, backed by Scripture. If you want to have a deeper Christian life, then GO DEEPER...just not with heretical teachers like Tommey Tenney, T.D. Jakes, and Joyce Meyer.
Rating:  Summary: This book will stretch you Review: Tenney uses powerful instances and examples to challenge the reader to expand their faith. If you are willing, this book will help you towards that goal. It is a powerful book that doesn't take long to read, but is highly beneficial to spiritual growth. I'd highly recommend this.
Rating:  Summary: A Sad Indicator of the Times We Live In Review: Unfortunately the centrality of this book is man-centerdness. It elevates experience above truth, and trades in the Glory of God for a whimsical experience of man. Tenney talks over and over again about being hungry for God, and how our hunger is the only thing that will cause God to move in our lives and bless us. He goes on to say that if we aren't hungry, God won't move. A problem with this thinking and theology: it puts ALL responsibility on man. I'm glad that God still chases me and moves in my life inspite of my lack of hunger and sinfulness. That's the point of Grace. As evangelicals, we need to move away from the thought that God's Word is optional in our pursuit of communion with God and realize that it is essential. Truth is NOT experiental. It is objective, and it is outside of fallible, fallen man. We need to come back to objective Biblical Truth.