Rating:  Summary: Already finished it and eager for more! Review: I bought The Indwelling at lunch yesterday and could not put it down until I finished it last night! For all of the readers who rated the series negative for lack of action, this book has lots of it. The AntiChrist is dead, Rayford is on the run as the prime suspect, and you don't find out who did kill Carpathia until over halfway through the book. If readers would remember that this is fiction based on the Bible, I believe they would be more satisfied with the series. I am eagerly awaiting The Mark!
Rating:  Summary: Boring! Review: I want the record to note that I am a theologically conservative Christian who in all likelihood shares most of the beliefs of the authors. Having said that, I find their entire "Left Behind" series to be the worst written series of novels I have ever read in my life, and this latest installment is in one word: BORING! I mean, I can not for the life of me understand why Messers. LaHaye and Jenkins feel so compelled to pad this series out to another five books (it's already too long as it is) when we as believers already know how this is going to turn out! This book spent 400 pages of zero action and plot advancement, when a good writer would have kept it moving quick! My patience is now exhausted with this series. I tolerate the audio drama versions of the books because I appreciate quality radio drama, but these books are an insomniacs delight. There is no purpose for even a True Believing Christian to read them any longer as far as I'm concerned.
Rating:  Summary: This series is getting better and better! Review: Wonderful book, nicely written, I couldn't put the book down. It is a page turner. It took me 10 hours to finish the book. It is the best one of the other 6 books. It has a lot of actions, and events. The characters are getting alive in each book. And If you liked the first book of Left Behind series, I assure you that you will adore this one. I strongly recommend it, and wish you the best reading of all.
Rating:  Summary: The Indwelling Will Keep You on the Edge of Your Seat Review: The Indwelling, by Jerry Jenkins and Tim LaHaye, is the best yet in the Left Behind series. Some obvious questions are answered, and now there are new questions to keep us anxious for the next book, The Mark, to be released in the fall. As always, Mr. Jenkins remained true to scripture in this book. The false prophet is revealed when he orders a statue of the antichrist be built. The funeral scenes were very creepy. As with the other Left Behind books, this book will keep you on the edge of your seat as you hope for the best for the Trib Force!
Rating:  Summary: "The Indwelling" recieves "The Mark" of approval Review: WOW! That says it all! Jerry B. Jenkins is a wonderfulauthor, gifted by God! This book has everything fiction writersdream about putting into one story, suspence, action, romance, fear, death, life, and mystery! The question everyone was left asking after "Assassins" was "Who killed Nicolae?" The Indwelling answers that question and more! However, it asks more questions than it answers! Readers will be left spelbound at the power of God, and the evil of satan, who indwells the antichrist after his death. "The Indwelling" will leave readers anxious for Book 8 "The Mark" END
Rating:  Summary: Absolute Best Yet From LaHaye and Jenkins! Review: A wonderful, fast-paced book from start to finish, "The Indwelling" expands less than a week's worth of events to fill the pages of an entire novel. At what will be the most critical point of the entire Tribulation, this novel both answers key questions left hanging in "Assasins" and reveals new depths to the characters every reader has come to know and love. This is definitely a must-read!
Rating:  Summary: Dead or Alive? Review: This book reminded me of a offshore fishing adventure. You start by trolling the bait for something (first 100 pages), then you think you saw something after the bait (next 75 pages), then the creature from the deep hits and the fight is on (next 165 pages)and finally to get to see the catch (last 50 pages) BUT it gets off and you can't go fishing again until November when "The Mark" (book #8) RETURNS.<g> The authors again kept my interest building through the book. The male Israeli's agony of defeat turned into the thrill of victory was memorable. The series is still ALIVE and well.
Rating:  Summary: The Indwelling : The Beast Takes Possession(Left Behind, 7) Review: This book grabs hold of you. The reality of this book is that this can and will happen.I could not put the book down since I got the book at about 11 AM.I finished the book at about 9:30PM that night. When you find out who killed Carpathia you will be suprised. You won't be able to put it down. Some of the conclusions will amaze you.But if you now the subject you won't be suprised.
Rating:  Summary: The Indwelling is LB's Best... So Far! Review: Other than the familiar names and histories, authors Tim LaHaye and Jerry B. Jenkins continue to find fresh storylines and exciting plots they continue their wildly successful Left Behind series with book #7: The Indwelling. This is book is by far better than "Assassins," and it's plotline rivals that of "Left Behind" (book #1) and "Tribulation Force." Unlike "Assassins", which is action-happy, "The Indwelling allows the reader to catch his breath between harrowing scenes. But still, just barely. If you've read thus far, even if you weren't impressed with "Assassins," give "The Indwelling" a read. It reaffirms (as if any was needed) the power of "Left Behind" Jesus is Lord! IXOYE
Rating:  Summary: The Indwelling One of the Best...So Far? Review: Is it really the seventh episode? Other than the familiar names and history, Tim LaHaye and Jerry B. Jenkins continue to find fresh ideas and new plots to fill The Left Behind Series' seventh Installment, "The Indwelling." Unlike "Assassins," which was little more than action-happy, "Indwelling" has a lot of good dialogue, and time to breathe in between adventures. However, it is only JUST enough. The entire story begins just after the murder of Potentate Nicolae Carpathia, and the plot covers only a few days. If you've read thus far, even if you didn't like Assassins, you should appreciate "The Indwelling" Jesus is Lord. IXOYE