Rating:  Summary: Just poped in Review: Well, I just wanted to say something towards this particular issue. The bible does have a rough start, but I think it's unfair to say that it was "manipulated." Basically, when you read the bible, you're reading the purest form of scripture towards that religion. That's because there was tons of heresy while it was being assembled. They didn't want the bible to get "passed around." So they left out books, such as the book of Enoch, because it was too strange, or unorthodox, or contradicting, to be place in with the holy scripture. Yes, I totally, TOTALLY, agree with you "Charles Hannum, Jr" I hate it when Christians won't look at the other side to things. And yes, I accept that Christianity especially is not perfect, that I mean, we are quite extreme with the rumors that America was built off the bible, which it wasn't. how could it be? We were killing Indians and slaves. The word of God dictated so arrogantly by corrupt men. -shakes head- But when you read something like this, you first have to understand that evolution and religion are both flawed in their own ways. If you don't put science and religion together, both sides are screwed. You have to agree, at least to some extent, that evolution is true. I mean, how could we be talking about days in the bible if the sun wasn't even created after the first so-called `day?' Jesus Christ himself spoke in parables, he told stories that had deeper meanings, which is the way I think people should view the bible itself. Did Jesus really walk on water? Probably not, it was probably just a story about how losing faith will cause you to drown, but with it you can do miraculous things. Now I just wanted to point to something said by "rob11111" not to disparage him, it was a very poignant review, but just this one part: "I defy any Christian fundamentalist to find anything in the 10 commandments that espouse freedom of religion, freedom of speech, right to bear arms, right to trial by jury, and right of The People to freely elect their leaders" Yeah, true, but I guess you have to understand that they were probably saying "freedom of Christian religion, freedom to preach it, right to protect yourself from someone like the king who just tried to take us over, right to a witch trial, right to elect non-Christians but don't plan on winning." It's sad, I know. And yeah, look at Islams, Jews, and Christians, all three worshiping the same God. Really, I mean, what's the point to these walls? What did Jesus ever say besides "be nice to people?" All three will go to heaven folks. So why do scientists need the bible? Well, let's say you find out the Grand Unification Theory, let's say you find everything you ever wanted, our origins, our past, our future. Let's say you find all that. Well, now what? Science tells us what the universe is, it doesn't tell us why. Why do we even bother going on existing at all? What breathes fire into these scientific theorems? Religion, any little belief in it, is the pursuit of the question "why?" and science covers all the rest. I believe that out of all of the religion that goes for the bigger picture, that the bible holds the greatest. Science is man's undying thirst from knowledge, the beautiful passion we obtained from the Tree of Knowledge, which we took from the Garden of Eden. Religion plays in the other sense, the Tree of Life, which we lost. Science is the power of everything we can measure in this world. Religion is the power of everything we can't. How do I know there's a God? Because I have a soul, I can feel it, and by no means possible can I explain it. Well, I've rambled on quite enough now, I'll be expecting the "no" button for the review helpfulness lol, so don't worry about my meager feelings. I only hope to contribute to the show of ideas. Thank you for your time.
Rating:  Summary: Just poped in Review: Well, I just wanted to say something towards this particular issue. The bible does have a rough start, but I think it's unfair to say that it was "manipulated." Basically, when you read the bible, you're reading the purest form of scripture towards that religion. That's because there was tons of heresy while it was being assembled. They didn't want the bible to get "passed around." So they left out books, such as the book of Enoch, because it was too strange, or unorthodox, or contradicting, to be place in with the holy scripture. Yes, I totally, TOTALLY, agree with you "Charles Hannum, Jr" I hate it when Christians won't look at the other side to things. And yes, I accept that Christianity especially is not perfect, that I mean, we are quite extreme with the rumors that America was built off the bible, which it wasn't. how could it be? We were killing Indians and slaves. The word of God dictated so arrogantly by corrupt men. -shakes head- But when you read something like this, you first have to understand that evolution and religion are both flawed in their own ways. If you don't put science and religion together, both sides are screwed. You have to agree, at least to some extent, that evolution is true. I mean, how could we be talking about days in the bible if the sun wasn't even created after the first so-called 'day?' Jesus Christ himself spoke in parables, he told stories that had deeper meanings, which is the way I think people should view the bible itself. Did Jesus really walk on water? Probably not, it was probably just a story about how losing faith will cause you to drown, but with it you can do miraculous things. Now I just wanted to point to something said by "rob11111" not to disparage him, it was a very poignant review, but just this one part: "I defy any Christian fundamentalist to find anything in the 10 commandments that espouse freedom of religion, freedom of speech, right to bear arms, right to trial by jury, and right of The People to freely elect their leaders" Yeah, true, but I guess you have to understand that they were probably saying "freedom of Christian religion, freedom to preach it, right to protect yourself from someone like the king who just tried to take us over, right to a witch trial, right to elect non-Christians but don't plan on winning." It's sad, I know. And yeah, look at Islams, Jews, and Christians, all three worshiping the same God. Really, I mean, what's the point to these walls? What did Jesus ever say besides "be nice to people?" All three will go to heaven folks. So why do scientists need the bible? Well, let's say you find out the Grand Unification Theory, let's say you find everything you ever wanted, our origins, our past, our future. Let's say you find all that. Well, now what? Science tells us what the universe is, it doesn't tell us why. Why do we even bother going on existing at all? What breathes fire into these scientific theorems? Religion, any little belief in it, is the pursuit of the question "why?" and science covers all the rest. I believe that out of all of the religion that goes for the bigger picture, that the bible holds the greatest. Science is man's undying thirst from knowledge, the beautiful passion we obtained from the Tree of Knowledge, which we took from the Garden of Eden. Religion plays in the other sense, the Tree of Life, which we lost. Science is the power of everything we can measure in this world. Religion is the power of everything we can't. How do I know there's a God? Because I have a soul, I can feel it, and by no means possible can I explain it. Well, I've rambled on quite enough now, I'll be expecting the "no" button for the review helpfulness lol, so don't worry about my meager feelings. I only hope to contribute to the show of ideas. Thank you for your time.