Rating:  Summary: We need more books like this Review: I only just finished this book this early morning of the new year, so yes i'm behind my three books. Nevertheless, I feel for those who are at my pace in reading this series, or are behind, and even those who've already read it, should know that Appolyon is an awesome book and a true testimony about what the world under tribulation will be like. I've read reviews so far that this series doesn't really witness to people, but frankly, I feel the stunning and detailed depiction of this apocalyptic world is enough for witnessing. Not only is Appolyon action-packed and keeps in line with the prophecies foretold of, but it truly tells us what kind of world we'd be truly living in after the Rapture; that it is not a world full of peace and joy because a leader steps up to take control of the world and fulfill those needs, but that it's a world that is misled and chatoic and that God is trying to get people's attention and lead them back through, let's say, foreful means, as it is written here. I feel Appolyon is so far the best I've read and is full of the intertwined action and drama you'd expect from a grim world depcited here. My only gripe, since I only give it 4 stars, is that there may be a little too much coincidence involving a lot of the characters meeting up and all, but then again: coincidence shouldn't exist if God is acting out His plans now, right?
Rating:  Summary: Not a novel, a sermon Review: Except for missionaries hoping to convert others, there is little to recommend this series of bang-you-over-the-head-with-Fundamentalism novels. Nothing wrong with sermonizing, if that's what you're looking for. But if you're hoping for a little more engaging and spiritually challenging read, this isn't it. Probably the best End Times novel ever written is Kleier's epic, THE LAST DAY (Warner Books). It not only offers a realistic, provocative (and frightening) look at how the religious world might react to Judgment Day, but it does so with extraordinary intelligence, suspense and grip-you-by-the-soul thrills. I will finish this series only because I want to see if the authors have it in them to find some unusually noteworthy way to end all this. I can't imagine an ending to rival the one in LAST DAY. Jenkins and LeHaye should have read LAST DAY before attempting this topic, maybe it would have motivated them to raise the quality of their writing. Let's hope the final installment of LEFT BEHIND isn't as predictable as the rest of the series has been.
Rating:  Summary: Oh no, not another one.... Review: Wasn't this series supposed to be completed by now? When this series first started, it was fast-paced, intriguing, had a great story line and was an excellent read. It was also supposed to only be a trilogy. Well, by the second book it was obvious that it wasn't going to be a trilogy and by the fourth book I don't think anyone knew exactly how many books there really would be in this series. So now we find ourselves at the fifth book, and frankly not much has changed in the past three books. The first third of the book is spent reviewing what happened in the last book of the series, and then the remaining two-thirds is spent dragging along trying to extend the plot so this series can last for what seems like eternity. I liken this series to a great athlete that does not retire until his career falls totally apart. This book had the potential to be "Hall of Fame" material, but with the dragging on of the series the books have lost their edge and I'm afraid all that people will remember are the last set of books in this series. They are no longer fast paced like the first two were, the plot is continually reiterated (probably so people can remember what the whole series is about) and the character development has halted entirely. One wonders whether the authors have any idea how these books are going to end as well! Which might not be so bad if it wasn't supposed to be a trilogy!
Rating:  Summary: The End Times Go On and On and On..... Review: Like so many others who have written reviews of the books in the LEFT BEHIND series, I have my problems with the books themselves. I will not attempt to criticize the authors for the message they are trying to deliver, because I am not competent to do so. In addition, I think the message is one that needs to get out to people everywhere. From that standpoint, these books are great witnessing tools. From my own standpoint, I am what I call a weak Christian. many years ago, I accepted Christ as my Savior. Unfortunately for me, and unlike so many of my friends who are much stronger in their walk with Christ, I am not the type of Christian I would have hoped to become. These books serve as a stark reminder of that fact for me, so I suppose they also serve to convict me of all my mistakes. I have written over 40 reviews here at Amazon, almost all of them on fiction or non-fiction works that could only be called popular and mainstream. This is the first time I have attempted to review on of the LEFT BEHIND novels, the first time I have reviewed a book that is attempting to bring God's message to mankind. To be sure, these books are not masterpieces of literature. They are simply written and initially, I thought the characters were too narrowly drawn. But as the series has continued, I have found myself inexorably drawn back to each and every installment. Like so many others, I want to see what LaHaye and Jenkins will do to and for the Tribulation Force. As other reviewers have stated, there is a healthy dose of scripture in each volume of the series. Some is easily recognizable because the authors use many passages in almost verbatim format. In others, the scripture is somewhat less clear, but deep down inside, the reader knows that they have seen and read God's message. I have not reviewed the other novels in this series because I read each of them too long ago to remember what I liked and disliked about them. I have just finished APPOLLYON and have ASSASSINS at home waiting to be read. These are easy to read and I yearn to see what will happen next. My main complaint is that some of the plot devices just don't ring true. The suspension of disbelief is sometimes, too demanding. My other complaint is the double spacing and the use of EXTREMELY wide margins. I have bought these books in hardcover and feel like TYNDALE is really taking advantage of readers formatting and binding the books the way they do. All one has to do is look at the normal sized (not the trade sized) paperbacks and realize that the books could be shorter and more economically packaged. Despite these minor criticisms, these are uplifting books. Even if one is NOT a Christian, the use of prophecy and scripture throughout this series is compelling and very well done. If I were not a Christian, these books would make me stop and think, much as Tsion Ben Judah's website (in the story lines) has drawn millions of visitors. As weak as I am in my walk with God, these books never fail to remind me of what the end times may bring. I truly hope I am not here to see what these books portray, but all the same, they do act as chilling portents of what mankind faces. These are great books to read if you don't read the Bible on a daily basis. They never fail to remind us that Christ is our Savior and that through him, eternity is not something we should dread. My only caution for this series is this: start at the beginning and if you do, don't start any of these books near bed-time.
Rating:  Summary: AMAZING!! Review: I have never considered myself too much of a christian and all that stuff kinda bored me but I started reading this series and I spent all night reading book after book and something huge always happens at the end to draw you in for the next book in line. I think they are clearly amazing! the description is unbelievable and very good plotting TRY THIS SERIES!!
Rating:  Summary: Two steps forward, three steps back Review: After reading the fifth in the Left Behind series I guess I should start with the positive. LaHaye and Jenkins manage to keep the momentum moving that for me really just started with "Soul Harvest." The action kicks off in Israel with a religious summit that culminates in a breakneck escape for Chloe,Buck, & Tsion. This is what these guys do best; Write great action sequences. Unfortunately even these feel strained with unbelievability this time out.To have Buck Williams fall off an ascending plane and only wind up with scratches and abrasions in almost laughable. There is on the other hand a detailed and suspenseful sequence when the destroyer, Apollyon, unleashes his demon locusts to attack the nonbelievers. The interesting thing about all the books is how the authors are going to dramatically handle what the book of Revelations has prophesized. And now that the seals and trumpets are being opened and sounded, there's plenty of obsticles for the protagonists to battle. Still, the problems I've had with the earlier books have maintained their annoying aspects. Dialogue still sounds like a bad 1940s tv show, and characters and relationships are still one dimensional. Hattie still remains the most deplorable victim of this, making her so annoying I wish they'd knock her off and put all of us out of our misery. Not to mention,who knows why the authors chose to make mention of her one remaining relative who's also unsaved and just happens to be working in an abortion clinic. (Cause that's where bad people would work.) It had nothing to do with the plot, and the character never turned up again. Gee, had they found her in the last book she could've arranged for Hattie to get that abortion she wanted and be rid of the Antichrist's baby sooner. Whatever. Again, as I've said at the end of my reviews of the other books in the series, I'll continue to read the rest of them. Despite their abundant flaws I still want to see who makes it to the end.
Rating:  Summary: APOLLYON ROCKS! Review: I have been reading the whole left behind series and i'm only 14! Its takes ALOT for a 14 yearold to read books that are about 400 pages long in length! I could not put any of these books down! the longest it took me to finish a book from the left behind series was 1 week! Read them! They are awesome! I cant wait to get #6!
Rating:  Summary: By far absolutely the best one yet Review: I get nervous every single time there's a confrontation with the two witnesses. I got nervous the first time I read of their story in Revelation, and Jenkins' storytelling has given me the same feeling while reading these books which has really make these books that much more enjoyable and fun to read. This book topped all expectations. I read all it in 8 hours. I only wish I had Assasins right now because I could probably finish it tonight too.
Rating:  Summary: Apollyon Stays On The Roll.......Great! Review: I have whizzed right through Apollyon, book # five in the series. As I've stated before, each book keeps getting better and better. In Apollyon the Tribulation Force goes to Jerusalem for the Meeting of the Witnesses, which is led by Tsion Ben-Judah. Rayford and Ken Ritz end up having to rescue Tsion, Buck, and Chloe from Jerusalem, since Nicolae and the GC forces are after them. This event proves to be very exciting and full of drama. The locusts also comes in this book. They start stinging all non-believers, and they have to suffer for 5 months. In such pain many try to kill themselves but cannot die. Apollyon stays with the beat of the rest of this series. It keeps you in suspense and pushes you to hurry and finish to find out what happens. As with the rest of the series....so far, so good!
Rating:  Summary: Jenkins and LaHaye do it again Review: Book Number 5. and their still on the best selling list. That has to say something for the authors to have their 5th book hit the top sellers list. There is such a following for this series, it's every where you turn. If you haven't read these books yet get busy....make sure you plan out some quiet time without interuptions because you will not want to put them down.