Rating:  Summary: apollyon Review: this book was too long and had barely anything good in it, the book mostly consists of speeches by nicolae and it was boring. the only good psrt of the book lasted only 25 pages.
Rating:  Summary: Sensationalism Review: Actually, I give this book, and the series, no stars. The best that can be said is that if you enjoy science fiction, you could read it in the same sense that you would read Buck Rodgers.If you are looking for a Biblical view of Christian eschatology, this series is helpful in that it informs you of everything that the Bible doesn't say on the topic. If you are looking for something sensational to read without it being accurate, then here is your "Christian" Buck Rodgers.
Rating:  Summary: Apollyon is amazing! Review: Apollyon has to be the most exciting book yet in the Left Behind series. Telling about the Trumpet Jugments, this book tells about the Bible and what is to come in the future. It has a lot of excitement and drama in it, and this book is not like all Christian books, because it is more of a novel than a Christian story about the Bible. I think that Apollyon is amazing and exciting, a book that you can't stop reading until the end!
Rating:  Summary: The Destroyer Brings Excitement Review: Apollyon is the first book in the whole Left Behind series that really kept my attention. The Witnesses show their fearful powers at the meeting in the stadium. The Witnesses interest me the most and they are talked about a lot in this fifth book. As the book progresses the fifth Trumpet Judgement is released. Scorpion like locusts are released to bite and sting non believers. The stings are so painful that men want to die, but are not able to commit suicide. This book is full of chases and excitement. it is the best yet in the series and I hope they continue to be this great.
Rating:  Summary: Jack Nanney: Book Report Review: Apollyon is another suspenseful book in the series.Hattie Durham, the former airline attendant and girlfriend of the antichrist, Nicolae Carpathia, is confusused about what to do with her illegitimate child. Rayford Steele, the airline pilot who flies Nicolae's plane, is distraught about the mounting evidence that his late wife, Amanda, may have been a false believer and spy for Nicolae. Buck, newspaper reporter, and Chloe, his wife, are debating whether to have a child when the future of the world is so uncertain. All of the thousands of believers are gathering in Jerusalem for a stadium rally, which will lead to a showdown with Nicolae Carpathia. Believers are increasingly relying on the Internet for underground communication and sermons from their mentor Rabbi Tsion Ben Judah.The Destroyer releases the demon locusts which are a divine plague to attack those who do not have the seal of God on their foreheads. This plague allows the believers to prepare for the future without the interferance of the non-believers. All of will keep you attached to the book until the last page.
Rating:  Summary: Excellent Review: This is the best book in the series so far. It left me in complete suspence. The best part was when the Tribulation Force was escaping from Jerusleum and Buck fell out. Another great part was when the locust from the Destroyer was attacking and only the "sealed ones" were spared. Nicolae is always trying to turn everything in his favor and lie about it. For example, when the power is reduced around the world do to the loss of 1/3 light, Nicolae puts on a fur coat to make it appear it is cold where he is even though he has heat there. It is good even to then end when it seems Chloe's unborn baby may die, but it lives This book is a definate read for anybody.
Rating:  Summary: A great Christian Read Review: After having read all 8 of the left behind series books over the last 3 weeks I can only say with a short word, WOW! I have read some people reviews criticizing the books for being to bland and written for a young audience. Most of what is written in these books comes from a book that is often referred to as bland and not very exciting, this book is affectionately known as the Bible. Do I have problems with these books I would have to say yes, consider if you would the cost of jet aircraft and jet fuel for said aircraft would be astronomical. Planes somehow being able to fly great distances (Israel to Illinois is over 5000 nm) without refueling stops add to the disillusion of the story. But this is why this work is referred to as fiction and not non-fiction, if it were based on more factual data the story would have more realism yes but it would be no less entertaining. There are portions of the books that do seem to drag along but for the most part books keep a good pacing and a wanting from the reader. I read from other readers that there is no cussing and other sins committed by these new believers, for this I can only state that sometimes people can radically change with God in their lives and perhaps that is something that these writers are attempting to convey with their writings. One thing that does bother me is the fact that the writers have now decided that 1 book a year will be all the put out for the series, is there a guarantee that there will only be another 4 books in this series? After all the first 42 months of the tribulation consumed 7 books and anyone who has read revelations will tell you that the next 42 months of what will be known as the Great Tribulation will be twice as intense as could every be imagined in the first 42 months. So is it possible that without an increase in the size and material explored in these next books that the series could become 15 or more books? If that is the case the rapture may occur before this series is every completed. I personally think some people are taking these books to replace the bible, instead of what these books are intended to be. And for those who still consider these books so poorly written let me point to you two of the most poorly penned books I have ever had the misfortune of reading. The author of these two books is Dr. Robert Davis, they are titled; The Plutonium Murders and the Doomsday Kiss. You may follow this link to The Plutonium Murders: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/1890248002/qid=982641815/sr=1-2/ref=sc_b_2/107-4919486-4567762 You may follow this link to The Doomsday Kiss: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/1890248029/qid=982641674/sr=1-1/ref=sc_b_1/107-4919486-4567762 Do I think the likes of Stephen King, Tom Clancy, John Grisham or others I will not list here have something to be frightened of by these authors the answer I am ashamed to say would be no. The vast majority of people in the world will never know these books as great writing or entertainment. I give the books a 5 star rating although in actuality I would say for character and plot development it would receive a 1 Star, for writing quality a 2 Star, for a reasonable plot and research a 2 Star (this being generous) but for overall being something I would recommend to others for the pure entertainment of everything I give the books my full recommendations.
Rating:  Summary: Unfortunately, good intentions don't excuse poor talent Review: I have no doubt whatsoever that the authors have the best intentions with this novel. Unfortunately, those intentions do not make a good read. This is a very poorly written novel. The message is wondeful, but I found myself turned off by the lack of talent. There are many ways to spread the Lord's message, and I quite simply don't feel that Jenkins and LaHaye are suited to doing so in a fictional novel. I understand that these novels are very popular, but I think that the message has been better served fictionaly by more competant novels such as We All Fall Down by Caldwell. The Bible tells us to make sure that our actions never appear to be anything other than holy, so that those who are looking for the truth will not be put off by our outward actions. The same holds true for novels. The messege is often judged upon the messenger, and badly constructed novels do not do the message of God any good.
Rating:  Summary: Real Thriller Review: In this fifth book, God's Judgment continues to pound the earth and the faithful band of believers are forced underground when Global Community Potentate Nicolae Carpathia declares them international fugitives. Hattie Durham, the former airline attendant and mistress of the antichrist, ponders what to do about the approaching birth of her illegitimate child. Rayford Steele continues to pilot Carpathia's plane, and questions the mounting evidence that his late wife, Amanda, may have been a false believer. Buck and his wife Chloe debate whether to have a child when the future of the world is so uncertain. Believers increasingly rely upon the Internet for underground communication and for following what's happening. Many contemplate violence as a way of combating the forces of evil that are overtaking the world. They gather in Jerusalem for the Meeting of Witnesses and showdown with Nicolae Carpathia. They gain a little bit of time to resolve their respective personal crises when demon locusts are dispatched as a divine plague to attack those who do not have the seal of God on their foreheads. Apollyon is a thriller that will keep you riveted until the last page. It is one of the better written of the series. One can't help but feel emotionally involved with Buck, Chloe, and Rayford and the events they are experiencing ... the excitement at the stadium, the decisions of faith made, and the agony of the non-believers enduring the bites of the locust. An exhilarating read that will keep you in suspense as it realistically characterizes the horrors of the tribulation.
Rating:  Summary: Offending Propaganda Review: The author uses this book to, aside from make money, express all of his far right ideas. He shoves the message of "Christianity is best" every few pages, and also shows his anti-abortion status. As a "non-believer" (who LaHaye and Jenkins were kind enough to tell me would be tortured by demon locusts by their loving God of kindness and mercy, just because I didn't believe in their religion. Question: What religion was Jesus, Moses and Abraham?) I found this book offensive propaganda. Furthormore, it is very badly written. You get the impression someone just read Revelation, strung a few stereotypical characters, and tried to fill the pages that weren't filled with "Christ is Great" propaganda with monologue scenes.