Rating:  Summary: Apollyon is incredibly good. Review: Like the four books before it Apollyon is like sitting watching a really supenseful movie: you are on the edge of your seat. Each page leaves you hanging for the next, because you now know these people and have to know how they end up.I have read prophetic books before, but it has taken the fictional story of Rayford, Buck and Chloe to bring understanding of what Revelations is saying. These characters and their Tribulation Force give a clear picture of what it is going to be like for those left behind. Ben-Judah teaches the prophecy in way that even the bibical densed, which I consider myself, can begin to connect the verses in Revelations to how it can be played out in the 21st century. In Apollyon when the Witnesses are challenged and no one can kill them , I feel a sense of pride in my God. When the demons come and torment the non-believers I have compassion on them. It is sometimes hard to understand why such a loving God will allow this to happen. Buck's explanation to Chaim in chapter sixteen about how God had blest Chaim with "wealth of friends, education,"etc. and couldn't get his attention, "what else can He do?", answers my question well. I thourghly enjoyed Apollyon and am looking forward to next in the series. I hope Mr. Jenkins and Mr. LaHaye won't leave me hanging too long.
Rating:  Summary: OK at best. Grossly over-rated. Review: I've read all five in the series. "Left Behind" is still the best, but even that book rates no better than a four. I found myself skipping sections to get to the point. This series is not nearly as scriptural as the bulk of the reviews suggest. A good read for the kids. But for serious reading, I suggest Michael O'Brien's "The Eclipse of the Sun".
Rating:  Summary: Very well-written Review: I'm only halfway through with "Apollyon" at this point, but it's very hard to put down. I have NEVER read any book as fast as I have been reading this series! They are so well-written! I've gotten a lot of my family members reading the books as I finish with them. I am anxiously awaiting the NEXT book!!
Rating:  Summary: Not up to par Review: I agree with at least one reviewer ("a reader from USA"). Left Behind was great. Tribulation Force was mediocre. Nicolae and Soul Harvest were very good and exciting. Appolyon was pretty bad. The only interesting part of the book was the end and the interaction with the 2 witnesses. If I had to read one more page about how much Buck missed Chloe I was going to give up on the whole thing. Hattie is tiresome. In fact, Nicolae and the witnesses are the only interesting characters. I found myself being totally turned off by these totally predictable boring characters. The biblical prophecy and the excitement of the truth of the coming appearance of the Lord Jesus is what makes these books. Stick to that and maybe the next book will be readable. The margins are wide, the print is large and the filler is immense. The book could have been done in 100 pages.
Rating:  Summary: One of the best out of the series! Review: Once you start this book, you can't put it down. It's also a great witnessing tool for unsaved loved ones. My sister has read all five and she isn't saved. I know these books are causing her to think about the truth without me beating her over the head with it. If you are saved, it truly makes you look at your walk with Jesus.
Rating:  Summary: yuck Review: I was practically forced to read these books by my relatives, who think they're great. If you ask me, I've seen better writing on the back of shampoo bottles. Some people have accused Lahaye and Jenkins of using scare tactics -- that's true, but the scariest thing is their complete lack of talent.
Rating:  Summary: The point is not whether you are pre-trib or not! Review: It is disheartening to see Christians arguing about the validity of the author's interpretations of the end-times scriptures. I personally feel that the interpretation offered by Tim LaHaye and Jerry Jenkins is very valid, however. The issue at hand is that Jesus is coming back again, and soon! Whether or not His Saints are "raptured" is not the important issue, nor is this argument to the benefit of Christians. No matter where you stand on this debate, you can't deny that these books force you to examine yourself and to ask yourself if you are ready to meet your Lord! We cannot control God, nor can we fully understand His prophesy. Therefore we should not argue, instead we as Christians should unite and use these days that we have for the glory of God by reaching lost people. When we bog ourselves down with heavy theological debates we lose sight of our duty, the Great Commission. We should recognize the truths in these books and pray that they influence lost people to investigate the Bible for themselves instead of arguing or decrying the authors if they don't necessarily agree with our every OPINION.
Rating:  Summary: The Left Behind Series -- NOT just a marketing ploy Review: God is using these books to touch lives. Its a fact. The "prose" and verse should not be the primary concern of the reader of these books, but rather the underlying theme and unwavering truth that Christ will, with out a doubt, return for his people when the final hour draws near. One question still leaves a permanent impression in my mind. "Will friends and family face the tribulation because of my selfishness? If (and rather when) the times of tribulaton come, will I be willing to take a stand for Christ even if it means loosing my life for the sake of the cause?" I'm ready. Are you? J.C.-K.O.K.-L.O.L.
Rating:  Summary: You'd better be ready Review: I have just recently finished the fifth book in the Left Behind series, and can hardly wait for the next one to come out in six months. I was very upset to originally find out that these were planned for one a year, but was very happy to find out on the Left Behind web site that we will be treated to two books a year until all twelve are released. How can anyone say that these are not based on the Bible? Go, run, do not walk to your nearest Bible and read for yourself these accounts in Daniel, Ezekiel and Revelation. If that does not have you praying for salvation, you may be lost for sure. And remember, at the time of the Revelation given to St John the Divine, there were only two groups...Gentile and Jew. I didn't see the books are so much anti-Catholic, as much as anti-ritual over gospel based religion. The best addition to this fifth book is that Dr. Lahaye is adding the actual scriptual references so that we can read them for ourselves. I have hoped that they would include references in the back for readers to hunt the scriptures to prove the accuracy of the writing. I pity any who do not feel that these things will come to pass. After all, the Bible relates several times when God wanted to destroy the entire house of Israel but Moses stopped Him. Well, let's face it, the world is much worse now than in Moses's time, and the judgment is coming. Yes, I believe in a loving God, but I also believe that He will come to judge the earth and send evil-doers to their just reward. I know that after reading these first five books, I definately do not want to be around for God's wrath to be poured out on those who refuse to accept His saving grace. The message is clear, get right or be left behind... no pun intended.
Rating:  Summary: This book was a disappointment! Review: I was truly hooked by Left Behind. However, I thought Tribulation Force was a bit long winded. Then I was caught up in Nicolae and Soul Harvest. I thought a streak of excellent story lines would be coming. Alas! Then came Apollyon and I found myself wanting to skip pages. The "fillers" had returned. I know about the character's pasts, I read the books. Moreover, I really do not need each book to go over the same personal details again and again when the story could be moving on. I simply found Apollyon boring. I do not plan to give up on the series yet, because the overall story is interesting. I am not religous, but this series made me think about the meaning of the Bible. However, even with this in mind, if the next book in the series uses old details as "filler", I may see this as a ploy to make more books than necessary (meaning more money to be spent by readers). I would find this truly sad considering the impact of some of the earlier books.