Rating:  Summary: Solid and encouraging Review: I've read several secular books on how a woman can build her marriage up, and have found them overwhelming and depressing--the gist seemed to be that unless the wife is 100% perfect, 100% of the time, then any problems in the marriage or with her husband are entirely her fault. Martha Peace adds the necessary encouragement in her step-by-step guide to changing your negative thoughts, and her backing from the Bible. Especially encouraging is the whole section on the basis and resources for the wife's protection. Her book also includes the necessary motivation: do this not because it's going to make your husband buy you jewelry and take you to on fancy vacations (because he won't, despite what many secular books seem to imply!), but because it's what God asks of us. I've found that following the advice in this book has been invaluable in my own peace of mind and spiritual growth. We can let go of trying to control our husbands, and just act in a loving manner and trust God for the rest--and watch as He comes through! When I stopped nagging my husband about taking out the garbage, it built up in the foyer for almost 2 weeks, while I bit my tongue. Then God sent a large bear who tried to tear apart the door to get in the house to get at it...it's been taken out much more promptly since--and I never had to say a word! Submitting to our husbands is a concrete way to put into practice our submission to God.
Rating:  Summary: It's tight but it's right... Review: This is what my pastor says when something he's saying is a little tough to swallow, but completely right. So it is with this book. I think those of us who have a problem with what the book suggests are taking them out of context and dealing with submission issues. Martha Peace is not saying that women are inferior or that women don't matter. She is setting up the structure of a marriage and a woman's role in a biblical way. Scripture is provided on almost every page of the book and supports every statement that she makes. I was a little skeptical when first reading this book...but I allowed the Holy Spirit to help me see the truth. Excellent book! I high recommend it.
Rating:  Summary: Excellent Reading for both wives and husbands Review: Both my wife and I have read this book together and will soon be reading the Exemplary Husband. These two books combine to provide a biblical view of marriage. What it does not do is take women back 300 years! What it does not do is teach women to be doormats or to simply sit quietly by while their husbands physically or mentall abuse them! It does not teach wives to be second class citizens to their husbands! Anyone that states any of these conclusions from the book did not read it closely or with an open mind.What the book does do is explain to wives (and husbands if they take the time to read it!) is that there is a biblical structure for households in which the husband is the spiritual leader and the wife is to submit to her husband's lead. It does express a view that there is a hierarchy outlined in the bible for a household. The book very clearly states that husbands and wives have equal worth in God's eyes. However, like any institution, marriage runs better when there is one leader - in the bible's view this one leader should be the husband. My wife and I have had a strong marriage that without realizing it followed fairly closely to the traditional role of husbands and wives. However, this book opened our eyes to ways in which we can improve our relationship. My wife is not a doormat. She has her opinions and I love her and respect those opinions. However, this book combined with our friendship, love, and respect have improved our marriage. Read it with an open mind and you will come away with a renewed marriage.
Rating:  Summary: Biblical Submision empowers not supresses Review: I first read THE EXCELLENT WIFE BY MARTHA PEACE 3 years ago. The excellent advice and guidelines helped me transform `our marriage'. I still read this book I have bought several copies as gifts it is an excellent gift for a new Christian Wife. The book is challenging, and it s a little like moisturiser for your skin takes awhile to sink in but through the years you reap the benefits. I am involved in a group that studies this book there are many of us we are all from different walks of life and different countries different ages and different denomination and yet we have each enjoyed the good teaching in this most excellent study book. Did I become an excellent wife well not yet but I am more excellent now than I was last year. Happy reading.