Rating:  Summary: Who can Find The Excellent Wife? Review: The Bible clearly states the value of a Virtous {Excellent} Woman {Wife}. Martha Peace tells you step by step how to beome that Virtuos Woman. In the most comprhensive book possibly ever written, the author takes you step by step to each characteristic of an Excellent Wife while pointing out the road blocks along the way. As a wife of a seminary student/pastor/counselor, and a seminary student myself, this book has been priceless. I strongly encourage any woman to purchase this book and several more as you can.... read this over and over for yourself and then use the others as a witnessing resource. This book is an absolute must for any pastor,elder, or counselor.
Rating:  Summary: You can truly be an Proverb 31 wife Review: This book has shown me that I can be a Proverbs 31 woman. It's not doing everything, but the things that God desire for us to do. First, I wanted to get my life in order God's way, so I read this book. It showed me where I was at fault and how I was not allowing my husband to lead our home. It showed me my sin in a big way. Thank You, Martha. The Bible say's that we perish for lack of knowledge, but with this book on the shelf there is no excuse. I bought 4 copies and gave them to friends. I want every family to be blessed with an excellent wife.
Rating:  Summary: Truly magnificent Review: My Biblical Counselor at church recommended I read this book and it has made a difference in my life. It truly shows how to be an "Excellent Wife". When I was done studying it, I purchased a copy to keep to use. It is very down to earth and easy to read. This is a book that every woman should read and refer to. It has a good Biblical basis for handling all of life's situations from the good to the bad and has come in useful on more than one occasion. It is something that I will pass onto my daughters as they grow older.
Rating:  Summary: Aside from the Bible, this book is second place! Review: Each and every woman should have this book beside their bed. Ingest as much as you can and as often as you can. Get together with other women and hold one another accountable for actions that God intends us to take as "women of the Word". Someone gave it to me as a gift and it could not have been more timely. Ask the Lord to help you be an obedient servant even though satan will do his best to hinder you. He doesn't even want us to read it! "No weapon formed against us shall prosper!"
Rating:  Summary: Biblically sound, spiritually encouraging! Review: A precious "Titus woman" in my church shared this book with me. My heart raced as I thumbed through the pages of this wonderful study. Our poor husbands live in a world of feminism and male-bashing fed straight from Satan. I am always seeking ways to encourage my spouse and ways to encourage other women to look to God, not the world, for the "how-tos" of being a truly good wife. This book is an absolute manual for seeking God and examining your own heart. It is of such integrity and so honest! I am going to sk my Pastor if we can use this in a ladies Sunday School class in January. I cannot imagine a better way to start a new year than learning to love our husband more and obeying God better!Thank you Martha Peace. God bless you!!!!!
Rating:  Summary: We marvel at the popularity of this book! Review: It is a challenge to keep this book in stock. It has sold over twenty thousand copies in two years by word of mouth alone. God is speaking to women who read this book in a convicting manner. If you want to learn how to live in the center of His will, read The Excellent Wife.
Rating:  Summary: "The Excellent Wife" is biblical, practical, and convicting. Review: God has done a marvelous work of grace in my life by changing me from a rebellious, sinfully aggressive, feminist woman to a woman whose great joy is serving her Lord on His terms. The process of change began when I became a Christian in the early 1980's at age 31. Since then, I have studied the Scriptures, taught many verse-by-verse book studies and received biblical counseling training. Because of my eight years experience as a counselor to women at the Atlanta Biblical Counseling Center, I was able to anticipate and answer many of the questions and concerns of Christians wives. Because I could not find a book to recommend to women that contained a thorough enough and truly biblical view of godly submission of the wife to her husband, I wrote "The Excellent Wife" book. This book is practical and thoroughly biblical. God has used it to convict many women of their sin, to draw others close to him, and even to save some marriages. There are many unique features of "The Excellent Wife" one of which is the chapter on "Resources to Protect a Woman Whose Husband is Sinning." Another is the chapter on oneness. There are chapters on what the wife should do if she is lonely, angry, fearful, or in a difficult marriage. Many women are teaching and studying "The Excellent Wife" using the "Study Guide" that is now available in the student's version and teacher's versions (with the answers). The book contains twenty-one chapters and the study guide twenty-four lessons. Therefore, a class could meet for twenty-four weeks or by doubling up, for twelve weeks. If you have any questions, please E Mail me at marthapeace@mindspring.com. May God Bless You, Martha Peace
Rating:  Summary: this IS NOT a biblical approach to being a Godly Wife! Review: How disheartened I was when I read in Peace's book that women do not glorify God but ONLY their husbands! As a seminarian and someone who is doing thorough research on the Proverbs 31 woman as a mentor for us Christian women (young), I was, simply put, outraged about the misuse of scripture--what one would call prooftext-ing (when someone uses random parts of scripture to prove a point not necessarily made by the context of that passage). With the emphasis on "by your will" you can become this excellent wife, I would like to state that this is in accurate. It is not by will but by the grace we become better Christians. In Galatians we read what the fruits of the flesh are and what the fruits of the spirit are, Paul also informs us that it is the Spirit working in us. When reading Proverbs 31:10-31, we have to read it bottom up. We have to start with Proverbs 31:30: "Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised." (ESV). For this is the verse that shows us what a Proverbs 31 woman is and guides us--as women--as to how we become this woman; it is not through the works that she does, it is through her trust in, fear and reverence of the Lord. It is only through this fear in the lord that we can become Godly woman, thus, Godly wives. It is by no act of our own will that this transformation will occur. It is through Fear of the Lord that we are transformed.
The proverbs 31 woman is not a mold to fit each of us into; she is a glimpse of restoration--the glimpse of restoration of God and Woman...Since the fall and before Christ, woman and God were separated, their relationship severed. Women were, according to the curse in Genesis, put under their husbands. Yet, let us rejoice! For Christ has restored our broken relationship. We can dance and sing and know our freedom to sit at God's feet, to learn torah, to commune with the One and Holy God, YWHW...with Our Lord and Savior. We can, because of Christ's life, person and work, grasp the Word and inwardly digest it, allowing It to transform us and reshape us. Read Luke 10:38-42, see how Mary is praised for sitting in the position that is reserved for a disciple. The long reign of woman restricted to the domestic life was ended at that moment. Yes, I believe that women should not neglect their wifery or mothering duties--if God has so blessed you, heed the words of Paul, the great Apostle; yet, know that this choice is out of freedom, is out of Grace bestowed upon you by Christ!.
Why does her, the P31 woman, husband have full trust in her? Not because she is submitted to him but because she is submitted to God! A submitted Christian Woman is a beautiful gem in deed; she is Eve restored--yet, not in full...we've still have to wait...Thus, no one will ever be, without the Second Coming, a full P31 woman.
And, YES THERE IS MUTUAL SUBMISSION! Ephesians 5 clearly states, in English and in Greek, that we are to submit one to the other...Submission is a requirement for all men and women branded as Christian. We are to be, each of us, least of all. Husbands are to submit to their wives by laying their life down for them as Christ laid His life down for the Church; and, they are to love their wives as their own body. Women are to submit to their husbands by respecting them and allowing them to be men--yes, he is in authority, but it's a loving and cherishing authority...as he has authority over his own body. They love us as their own body and we respect them. We need to read the historical and cultural context of the "submission" passages and know why Paul was writing what he wrote to those specific churches. One cannot and should not randomly select texts and passages to prove one's point. This is what this book does. Thus, it becomes discredited.
Also, the book jumps to conclusions and uses basic Christian life scripture and twists it to form to the use in wifery.
My heart grieves for all women who are trying to be a Godly Wife by their own will; failure is imminent.
Rating:  Summary: a wonderful book! Review: i bought this book just before Christmas and I am now working my way through it a second time. Mrs. Peace does a great job of explaining what a Godly wife's role is and she gives the scripture to back it up. I am getting a copy for all of my sister-in-laws because I can't bear to let my copy go. It is a tough standard to aspire to and I am sure to make many more mistakes but I am so thankful to have this book for direction. After I bought it I found out that several of my friends had used it for a Bible study at their church and they all loved it also. I bought "The Exemplary Husband" by Stewart Scott for my husband at the same time I purchased this book. They go great together! This book will teach you to be a Godly, submissive wife. It is NOT a book that teaches you that you should be a victim or a wife that is trampled on.
Rating:  Summary: Take this book with a grain of salt Review: Martha Peace's book "The Excellent Wife" explores the Biblical guidelines for being a Godly wife. I did learn a great deal of the Scriptural backround behind the need to be a submissive wife. And I have no problem with responding to God's word appropriately. I think her intentions are the best.
What bothered me at times was Peace's tone. I felt that if I even slightly questioned anything she wrote, I was (according to Peace) being a willful and sinful woman. At times, I felt like a not-so-bright child being told how to behave and if I made a mistake, I would be spanked.
The one thing I disagreed with Peace about most strongly was her idea that ALL women should not work outside of the home. I understand her reasoning and I agree that this is the preferred way. When I have children, I plan to stay at home with them. However, in some cases where both spouses are of limited education and skills, there are times when both spouses may have to work in order for the family to stay afloat. She also seems to forget about single mothers with children who must work to survive.
Since Mrs. Peace lives in Peachtree City, Ga., where most husbands make six-figure salaries and most women do not work, I can understand why she would expect this to be the norm. However, it is not always possible.
The image Peace suggests that unsettled me most was her comparison of a wife and husband to a solider and a superior officer. Peace says, "You are like the soldier who stands at attention, salutes and says, 'Yes, sir!' to his superior officer." I do not agree with this.
I think this book is a good jumping off point for a study of the role of a Godly wife. But that's about it.