Rating:  Summary: What a lifesaver! Review: This was a wonderful book for me as I am, by nature, a very controlling person. The self test sections made it very clear to me what my offenses were and helped me be able to go to my husband and humbly ask his forgiveness for the areas that I was wrong in. In any marital relationship there will be problems and this book helped me to concentrate on taking care of what I had caused and not just point out how my husband had hurt me. Whether the Proverbs 31 woman is scriptural or not doesn't really matter. She gives us insight into the things we should be doing. Christ is perfect. We know we can't be perfect, be we are still to immitate Christ. This book is Excellent and has helped me to be better and helped my marriage to be better. I am not perfect, nor will I be here on earth! But this book really helped me to get a little closer to the goal!
Rating:  Summary: If you want to be DEPRESSED, this book is for you. Review: SAVE YOUR MONEY....You'll need it to get a divorce lawyer if you follow it's teaching. If this is what God requires of the married woman, you might as well stay single.I must say that I never finished the entire book. After several women at my church recommended this book, I purchased it. I started reading and thought it might be one that I could use to help be a more supportive helper to my husband. First, there is no such thing as the excellent wife. I think being a humble, quiet, gracious, God glorifying helper for your husband is what we should strive for. It isn't in our power to "Change". God is the only one that can change us. We can only study His word, pray, apply it to our lives and let Him do the rest. Instead of this book, read "On The Other Side of The Garden; Biblical Womanhood For Today's World" THIS BOOK IS NOT WORTH GLANCING THROUGH. I wouldn't even sell you my copy...I recycled it to the trash.
Rating:  Summary: wonderful! Review: i was given this book from my mother in law and at the time my husband was not professing christ and i was. that time was tough until i started this book. At first i loved it could not put it down, then it got deep. it begain to get personal something i didn't want to deal with. with the grace of god this book hepled my husband and i communicate.all i can say is that first put no trust in man but in god. this book was a new beginning for myself as well as my husband on my part. today my husband is saved and what a blessing this book on my part played. it is not just for believers or wives. i share it with eveyone i meet. they want to know what it is about me and i tell them turn your tv,radio,the girlfriend chit chat off and read this.this book is wonderfull, it touches all areas of a relationship with your spouse, your friends, family, with god.
Rating:  Summary: God says you should make me a sandwich. Now. Review: As Dostoevsky wrote, a gilded cage is still a cage. If you buy this dreck, I have an offer for you -- come work on my plantation picking cotton all day. There's no paycheck, but don't worry, you'll be provided for! Besides, slavery's in the Bible!
Rating:  Summary: Exposes rebellion in women Review: Most of those who dislike this book feel that way because they are rebellious. They have been influenced too much by anti-Christian feminists and secular ideals. Yeah, now women can vote and even practice reverse discrimination, but they have these things at the expense of their womanhood. I want to exhibit the best female characteristics such as quietness, gentleness, patience, wisdom, etc. -- and still have equal rights. Feminists have equal rights, or even superior rights now, but are they still female? No, they are men -- have you heard some of them? My guess is that they have pumped testosterone into their bodies in order to get that way. So, read this book, and stop rebelling against God!
Rating:  Summary: A formerly abused wife Review: My husband used to beat me, but thanks to this book and its righteous teaching of submission, I was able to repair my marriage and walk with the Lord. I understand that I owe obedience to God, and God has made me an help meet to my husband. I can only obey God by obeying my husband. God's will and my husband's will are the same. It worked, too. My husband no longer beats me. It is Jesus who is hitting me now.
Rating:  Summary: Start with yourself Review: I am still in the process of reading this book, and I find it challenging. After a spiritual renewal two years ago, I'm reading exclusively religious materials at this time. Parts of this book are difficult for me to grasp, but that's something the Lord is guiding me through. I think the most useful aspect of this book is if you want to change your relationship with your husband, you have to start within yourself. That sounds like common sense to me. Let us say prayers for those who don't understand this book, who find it offensive, etc... in the hope they will see things as God does, not as man does.
Rating:  Summary: Real Light in a Dark World Review: This is a wonderful book with hard truths that can bring real joy in marriage. The study guide and book together done in study groups can be a blessing. Outstanding Author, greatly used of God.
Rating:  Summary: Okay as a starting point Review: This was not the first book that I have read on biblical submission and far from the best. I think it is a fine starting point (or even just intellectual background information) for women who are searching for God's plan in their marriage. However, Martha Peace is too heavy handed with with wife as the only one responsible for the marriage and heavy on the guilt. She is married to a Christian which I think distorts her view. Her methods CAN help all marriages, but I put down the book feeling ... put down. She has great ideas, but there are other MUCH better books out there if you are looking for a guide to biblical submission. And those books are more about being the best Christian you can be - which will lead naturally to being the best wife you can be.
Rating:  Summary: "A New Wife in Christ" Review: I was given this book about a year or so after my conversion, at the age of 40 1/2. This book, along with the Holy Spirit and the Bible, caused me to become a new wife in Christ. I had been married since the age of 18 and my way of thinking was based on the "world's way" of thinking, thus I treated my husband accordingly.(with the utmost disrespect: unloving, uncaring, unkind) I had a wall built up so I would not get hurt. It wasn't very often that the wall would come down. The minute I started reading this book I was convicted. My wall has come down, I love my husband, I am loving toward my husband, I listen to him, I respect his role as husband, father, friend, lover, etc. He is not a Christian, yet I know the Lord works on each one of us separately and he will be accountable to the Lord as I am. Last year, 1999, our church conducted a study group based on the Excellent Wife book. I've met new women who are wonderful examples of Christ and who appear to care about their husbands and their marriages very much. If you are struggling with your marriage, this book is excellent... heed what you read and put it into practice. I have and my husband totally sees a new wife and loves it. He has never received as much love from me as he does today and he says he would never want me to go back. The Lord is good and will richly bless those who are obedient to His word. Remember, the word of the Lord is right and it is truth. We are accountable to the Lord for our own actions....not our husbands. Whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord, that He may be glorified through Christ Jesus. More than anything the Lord has our best interest at heart and He wants us to show love to Him by showing love to our husbands. It is then that He is glorified. Listen to what He tells you through the Holy Spirit, do not ignore it and you will be blessed. An excellent wife I will be. (try to be) For His Name Sake,