Rating:  Summary: Rediscovering John's Apocolypse Review: An absolute Christian Classic. A great book for Catholics, Orthodox, and Protestants alike. Hopefully this book will at last put to rest some of the contrived twentieth century interpretations of the book of Revelation. Since reading it, the Mass has become ever more powerful to me. I--unlike many Catholics--knew some of what Hahn presents concerning the Mass. However, the book was an enriching experience that really hit home the power of the Lord's presence (parousia) in the Blessed Sacrament.
Rating:  Summary: A great book could have been so much more! Review: Loved this book. It definitely was helpful in my continuing struggle to fully appreciate Mass. My four star rating is analogous to the teacher who criticizes a top student for a ninety percent because he or she knows they could have gotten a hundred. I feel a great book could have been so much more had it continued parallel the Mass and Revelations throughoutStill, this work along with Romano Guardini's "Preparing Yourself for Mass" are great antidotes for those who have become lackadaisical to the power of the Mass.
Rating:  Summary: Hahn at his absolute best Review: By connecting Scripture and the Mass, this book makes both more understandable and exciting than ever. I want to recommend Scott Hahn's other books too, especially "A Father Who Keeps His Promises (particularly chapter 12, "The Fourth Cup"), where he carefully lays the foundation for everything that he does in "The Lamb's Supper".
Rating:  Summary: What Are You Waiting For? Review: This book should be on every Christian's bookshelf. Chances are, it is unlike any you've read before. Whether you are simply fascinated with the mysterious language found in the book of Revelations or just looking for a deeper knowledge of the Bible, this book unlocks doors. Moreover, it connects the dots of Scripture and leads you down an all but forgotten trail to a deeper, more exciting understanding. Best of all, it's an easy read; one you'll enjoy reading again. Now, what are you waiting for?
Rating:  Summary: Biblical explanation of worshipping in truth and spirit Review: I first was introduced to this at the seventh annual Long Beach family conference when Dr. Hahn gave a talk entitled "Command Performance: Our Participation in the Liturgy" (available in St. Jospeph Commincations, "Heaven's Mass: What St John Really Saw in the Book of Revelation", Vol. 2). This book expands on that talk and even more importantly puts Dr. Hahn's view in print for the first time. In this book Dr. Hahn shows how the early church understood that when we take part in the Divine Eucharistic Liturgy (Mass), we are taking part in the true worship that goes on in heaven. Any other form of worship then becomes at most just mere imitation - no better than a false copy. A must read for Catholics. Orthodox Christians will find his ideas useful in understanding why they worship in the Liturgy as well. True Christians everywhere will find it hard to put down, I keep reading it over and over.
Rating:  Summary: A Sense-ational Triumph! Review: To see, to hear, to taste the goodness of the Lord... Thissums up in large part, I think, what every Christian longs for. Thisbook really drove home for me the reality that He desires to give us our hearts' greatest desire -- in the Mass. This book has challanged me to exercise my faith: to really see with eyes of faith what I believe, not to just believe what I do not see -- and then share that reality with others. Readers of Revelation who have had the experience of hitting certain passages (especially in Chapter 12) and being forced to say, "Well, I really don't understand that," or "I don't see how this fits with my theology," or "This is worship? How come I don't do this, feel this way, or see this when I worship the Lord," should pick up this book. Hahn provides many insights into scriptural passages which frankly to many Christians seem bizarre. If your understanding of the Apocalypse is at the level of "it says we win in the end, and that's all that matters," you owe it to yourself, you owe it to the Lord, to do more advanced study. This book provides that added insight. As St. Jerome said, "Ignorance of scripture is Ignorance of Christ."
Rating:  Summary: Nothing But the Truth Review: As usual, Dr. Hahn brings new insights to Catholics and non-Catholics alike about the Church as the fullness of the faith, by enlightening readers about the meaning of The Mass. As I read, I remembered a passage from Nothing But the Truth, a book written by Karl Keating, that described how the Church survived the longest and most horrific persecution in history in Old Japan. The Lamb's Supper helped me to understand how these Japanese Catholics could have endured so much for their Church. Both books were captivating. I couldn't put either down until I finished.
Rating:  Summary: apologetic ammo Review: As a long admirer of Scott Hahns' work, I found the book an excellent summation of certain biblical "lessons" I learned through other tapes and books written previously by Scott. When a protestant friend began a dialog with me on his interpretive meaning of the book of "Revelations", I simply handed him Scotts' book and asked him to read it. Since I have not heard from him for some time, I assume he is a little disturbed by what he found. I pray he is reevaluating his former interpretation. As always, Scotts' work has deepened my faith. An excellant read start to finish.
Rating:  Summary: typical scott hahn Review: I don't think the intent of the book was to evangelize the Catholic faith,but it certainly will. It would send a Catholic basher in a tail spin. When you read about the book of Revelations it just grabs you, shakes you and yells "the Catholic church is what God wants" It is all in the Mass. I don't understand how Mass could be boring in the first place (Jesus is present) but if you read this book and ask God to lead you the Mass will be energized from now on. Some parts of the book are little wordy, but the section on Revelation is worth the price of admission alone.
Rating:  Summary: AWESOME! Review: This book is a must read. I first heard of it on Catholic Answers Live (December '99), and it has revolutionized my thoughts on Revelation. For anyone who thinks mass can be boring, read this book and never be bored again! Note, it will be very helpful if you read Revelation prior to this book for familiarity with the content. You owe it to yourself to read this book!