Rating:  Summary: "A Profound Study of Revelation and the Mass" Review: Scott Hahn, a professor of Theology and Scripture at Franciscan University in Steubenville, Ohio, and also a frequent guest on EWTN, has written a scriptural based work which brings to light the similarities of the Mass with the book of Revelation. Along with Scripture, Hahn authoritatively cites from the works of the Church Fathers and the Catechism of the Catholic Church. In reading this work a variety of new insights, with regard to the book of Revelation, will stand out to the reader and leave new and interesting impressions about the mysterious book; and these insights will no doubt compel further study. Hahn also briefly overviews the order of the Mass and draws striking comparisons with elements found in the book of Revelation. And at last, Hahn challenges the reader to enter the Mass wholeheartedly with humility, conscience, enthusiasm, and love for our brothers and sisters. Anyone who reads this will certainly have a more profound understanding of Revelation and more intimate conception of the Mass.
Rating:  Summary: Eye Opening Review: With his deep knowledge of scripture Scott Hahn is able to explain the book of Revelation in a way few of us have ever had the insight to see. The early Christians used Revelation to describe the different parts of the Mass - its beauty, its worship, its unity with the eternal worship taking place in Heaven. Reading this book was such a pleasant surprise. Its a must read for Catholics and Protestants alike.
Rating:  Summary: The Mass is really Heaven on Earth!!! Review: I found the book to very informative and eye-opening. The Book of Revelation was always, to me, a book about the Last Judgement. It's much more. I see how the Mass we celebrate is what is celebrated in the Heavenly Jerusalem. It also brings new insight into other forms of worship such as Benediction (The Lamb who was slain upon his throne). I highly recommend this book for everyone to get an understanding of how Mass should be viewed.
Rating:  Summary: Laudetur Iesus Christus (Praised be Jesus Christ) Review: The above refrain is truly all I could utter after reading "The Lamb's Supper". The profound way with which Dr. Hahn explains the mass to us commonfolk is truly a great service. His connection between the book of Revelation and the Mass is startling. But even more importantly, they are not his ideas, but simply a REechoeing what the Church has always taught regarding the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. But he does it in a fresh, in depth style, and always with a welcome tinge of humor. To our Eastern Catholic bretheren, the concept of the mass as truly and literally Heaven on Earth is a common understanding. But for us Westerners, it is not so generally understood, and so I thank Scott Hahn for his revitalization of Western worship. This book has made me a greater and more devoted Catholic, especially when I go to mass, for my whole perspective has changed, and no longer is the mass a merely human thing, but the most divine and transcendent thing we take place in. Thank you Scott Hahn. EVERY Catholic needs to read this book!!! Dominus Vobiscum (The Lord be With You).
Rating:  Summary: Excellent book on Revelation! Review: As a protestant I totally enjoyed Hahn's work. His interpretation of scripture is primarily the preterist view, depicting most of Revelation as past. By the way, I hold on to the full preterist interpreation of Revelation. So, I'd say his view of Revelation is close to Gary DeMar's partial preterism, in that Rev 20-22 is yet to be fulfilled in DeMar's perspective. But Hahn seems to acknowledge that Rev 20-22 is a reality now, yet there's still a future final 'end'.Also, Hahn explains the significance of Revelation in that, it wasn't only about end times stuff, but rather a picture of Mass on heaven and earth. It may sound strange but Hahn does a wonderful job explaining how Revelation is to be understood and leaves the reader with an idea of how Revelation is to be APPLIED in the Christian life! As for the user commenting about David Chilton, at the end of the book, David Chilton appears as a reference (p. 170). And I don't see what's the big deal with that, since scholars/teachers tend to quote or borrow from one another, expanding on other people's ideas to explain biblical truth. In anycase, I would highly recommend this book, for anyone wanting to get a better grasp at understanding perhaps the most 'mysterious' book. After all, the word 'revelation' in greek is 'apokalupsis' (which is where we get the word 'apocalypse')...but in the greek it means, a disclosure or revealing of something. So what kind of disclosure is this? Jesus Christ. Need proof? Check out Rev 1:1 :) Perhaps this'll give readers a better understanding of what Revelation is about: a revealing of Jesus Christ. God bless!
Rating:  Summary: Let's Be Honest, This Viewpoint ISN'T NEW!!!! Review: OK, I like the concept of the book. I'm putting it in my shopping cart to purchase on my next order. In fact, I think EVERYONE should understand the Book of Revelation and the Lord's Supper in this way. But let's be honest. This information isn't new. In fact, I first read these views from a PROTESTANT MINISTER! Where? In David Chilton's book DAYS OF VENGEANCE (http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0930462092). Chilton got it from a number of ANGLICAN sources as well. Another interesting fact is that both Chilton and Hahn would have known each other I suspect through the PRESBYTERIAN circles they both ran in. Also both were fans of Presbyterian Theologian Norman Shepherd. So I'm wondering just how long ago Hahn was exposed to Chilton's thinking on this subject? Chilton's work was published in the 90's around the time of Hahn's "famed" elevation to Roman Convert Poster Child. If I were a betting man, I'd bet Chilton's spade work played a major -if unacknowledged- part in this work. The thing I'll want to see is this - is Hahn honest enough to acknowledge Chilton's work? Or will he make this look like some truth that only Roman Catholics are party to? And something he "discovered" on his own without the help of the nasty Protestants he's shunned on his path to enlightenment! This truth is the inheritance of all Christ's people...not simply the preserve of a Roman Apologist as witnessed to the many Anglican works besides Chilton's discussing the topic. But if the Anglicans and Chilton did such a good job, why is this book being hailed as a bombshell of sorts? It's because 1) Chilton is dead and didn't get to popularize his views and 2) the Anglican works were dusty, not popular. Hopefully this work will spread these concepts to a broader audience than Chilton was able to reach before his untimely death. Any popular approach would be better than the Anglican scholarly material on the subject. For that reason, may God bless it.
Rating:  Summary: It is good to see a common sense view of Revelation... Review: ...rather than the insane interpretations floating around today. Other than that, Dr. Hahn does explain why the mass really is heaven on earth. After reading this book, you will never view the mass in the exact same way. I highly recommend anything by Dr. Hahn.
Rating:  Summary: One of the greatest Catholic books of our time Review: Dr. Scott Hahn is one of the very best minds in the Catholic Church today, and a very fine writer and speaker. "The Lamb's Supper" is superb; indeed, it is one of the greatest Catholic books of our time. He is a truly great teacher. At the Christendom College summer program in 2000 he gave what was literally the finest lecture I have ever heard in my life -- and I have heard some great ones. Everyone should get every book and tape of his that they can afford.
Rating:  Summary: A very refreshing scripture-based interpretation of the Mass Review: Those who read Scott Hahn's "The Lamb's Supper" will enjoy a discourse/meditation on the importance of the Mass itself, and one that encourages Catholics to take interest in the most important actitivity of their lives. After giving an overview of the origins and history of the Eucharist, Hahn compares the Mass with the imagery in the Book of Revelation, which he discusses in great detail. Each Mass parallels the worship offered to God by the choirs of angels and saints, Hahn observes. At Mass, heaven and earth meet before the eyes of the faithful Catholics throughout the world. Hahn's Scripture-based interpretation of the Mass is refreshing, especially in our time, when the sacred character of the Mass is often neglected, if not ignored outright. Exploring the New Testament "eschaton" in order to explain the Eucharist not only reinstills in readers some knowledge of biblical imagery and symbolism, but also, more importantly, connects these images with the liturgy. An understanding of this relationship between the liturgy of the Eucharist and biblical motifs can develop one's awareness of the cosmic and eternal dimensions of Mass, since, as many Catholic liturgies emphasize today, the Scriptures reveal an eternal God working in and through time. As Hahn points out, the celebration of the Mass turns the images about which we read into the realities that we experience first hand. Hahn also establishes a connection between an authentic understanding of the liturgy and an authentic practice of the liturgy. Faithful Catholics need to hear that the Mass is "heaven on earth"; but they also need to see this in the manner and disposition of the priest, the music selected, and in all other elements in the celebration of the liturgy. Hahn's book, with its strong emphasis on the biblical symbolism as realized in the Mass, is highly recommended, particularly for prospective converts, and for Catholics re-learning their faith.
Rating:  Summary: The Lamb's Supper : The Mass As Heaven on Earth Review: I found this book to exciting and illuminating. The relationship of the Book of Revelations to the Mass was a new concept for me and brought an entirely new dimension to my thinking. The clear statement of Mass, literally as Heaven on Earth has brought a new dimension to my Mass attendance. As an added bonus Scott has put together one of the clearest most concise descriptions of the oparts of the Mass with a godd description of why. I am giving this book to several friends, my highest recommendation.