Rating:  Summary: A Transforming Book Review: This book is a must read for Christians in general, but most importantly for Catholic lay people like myself. Before entering into the heart of his work, Dr. Hahn presents a Biblical perspective on the presence of Christ in the Holy Eucharist that every Catholic should read and understand. But the most significant contribution of this book is the way in which it exposes the relationship between St. John's Revelation and the Church's celebration of the Liturgy. While Hahn claims that these truths have been held by the Church since the beginning of Christianity, almost all of this information was new to me as a cradle Catholic. This book has truly transformed the way in which I approach every Mass. With the possible exception of some poorly chosen subtitles, The Lamb's Supper is nothing less than 5 stars!
Rating:  Summary: The "re-presentation" is everywhere in this book Review: I'd like to respond to the critic from Drexel Hill. I'm no dogmatic theologian, but I don't need a doctorate to see that the reviewer is wrong -- VERY wrong. Though it's been months since I read the book, I had no trouble finding ample evidence. Several times, Hahn makes the statement the reviewer says he "fails to mention." And he uses, almost verbatim, the language the reviewer uses! Consider this from page 150: "The Mass is the 'once for all,' perfect sacrifice of Calvary, which is presented on heaven's altar for all eternity. . . . There is only one sacrifice; it is perpetual and eternal, and so it needs never be repeated. Yet the Mass is our participation in that one sacrifice and in the eternal life of the Trinity in heaven, where the Lamb stands eternally 'as if slain.'" And this from page 28: "It was the Eucharist: the re-presentation of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, the sacramental meal where Christians consumed Jesus' body and blood." And this from page 36: "Justin . . . explained that the Passover sacrifice and the Temple sacrifices were mere foreshadowings of the one sacrifice of Jesus Christ and its re-presentation in the liturgy." Moreover, chapter 2 is pretty much devoted to the very idea that the reviewer says is absent! I'm amazed that a fellow Pennsylvanian would post such a petty and irresponsible review. Perhaps the reviewer should have a dogmatic theologian read his literary ruminations before he races to the Web.
Rating:  Summary: Renew your sense of AWE! Review: Do you find Mass boring, blase, dull? Then this is THE book for you! Dr. Hahn has written a wonderful, inspiring book that will open your eyes to all the beauty and power of the Eucharist.
Rating:  Summary: The Lamb's Supper: A New but Ancient Prespective of the Mass Review: After reading Scott Hahn's THE LAMB'S SUPPER there are two things the reader, if he is serious about his Faith, will not do again. One, he will not read the Book of Revelation from the same perspective. And two, he will not again assist at the Eucharistic Sacrifice as a matter of routine. Dr. Hahn reunites for us "commoners" these two seemingly unrelated subjects, The Book of Revelation and the Mass. What joy to recognize their apostolic relatedness! Still the great truth is that Dr. Hahn only discovers what was there in the memory of the Church from the beginning and he's not too proud to say so. Dr. Hahn writes for the "commoner" in a lively and engaging style. Yet he is never flippant. The meaning behind what he has to say is profound and rests upon solid evidence. However, he spares the "commoner" the myriad of potentially overwhelming details which, in its turn, results in an easy and exciting read. He writes the way he speaks; in an ever growing crescendo of enthusiasm.
Rating:  Summary: A great book, with nothing essential or orthodox missing. Review: The Lamb's Supper combines solid scriptural scholarship and theological orthodoxy, and delivers it at a popular level. The result is potentially life-changing. It is disconcerting, then, to read some comments made below by the reviewer from Drexel Hill, who managed to squeeze almost as many misrepresentations into his brief review as the puns Hahn sprinkles thoughout an entire chapter. First, the "essential point" that the reviewer says "Hahn fails to mention" is found, according to my count, at least four times (read pages 23-24, 28, 36, 150), and that in a book of only 163 pages! Take heart, Fr. Groeschel, you and Dr Hahn may not be heretics after all. Second, the Drexel Hill reviewer seems to miss (or misrepresent) the essential point of the entire book, that the Mass is a true participation in Christ's high priestly sacrifice, which is the liturgy of heaven. Much like Luther and Calvin, the reviewer fails to recognize how the Apocalypse depicts Christ's heavenly activity as high priestly and sacrificial. Like the Reformers, he reduces Christ being in heaven simply "to adore the Father and intercede for the Church," as he puts it. That misses the essential point of John's Revelation, where Jesus is constantly depicted as "the Lamb standing as though it had been slain," for the purpose of highlighting his high priestly sacrifice, which stands at the heart of the heavenly liturgy, and the Mass. Third, what the reviewer calls Hahn's and Groeschel's "fatal flaw" appears rather to be his own. I took his advice and read Paragraph #1085 of the Catechism of the Catholic Church. What I found is exactly what The Lamb's Supper presents, "the Paschal mystery" is identified with "the Cross and Resurrection," not with Calvary alone. That is why the Catechism goes on in the next five paragraphs to describe how, "in the earthly liturgy... we participate in the heavenly liturgy" (#1086-1090). Fourth, Hahn was careful to run his "scriptural ruminations" by other dogmatic theologians (I was one), as well as liturgical specialists, biblical scholars, and orthodox bishops. Perchance, one of his approving readers has been a member of the Pontifical Roman Theological Academy. Indeed, apart from this churlish review, nobody else has expressed any doubt about the orthodoxy of The Lamb's Supper, or Fr. Groeschel. At the end of the day, some old-fashioned soul-searching may be in order, should there be any professional jealousy or envy. Do not just study, learn from the Little Flower.
Rating:  Summary: Wow Review: Gentle and informative. It deepens and inspires your understanding of Mass.
Rating:  Summary: God bless this author Review: My husband (a Protestant) and I (a fairly recent convert to Catholicism) both read this book this spring. We could not put it down! The sometimes silly chapter headings notwithstanding, this book is an incredible interpretation of both the Mass and the book of Revelation. I was aware that the book of Revelation certainly could be interpreted on four levels (what it says about our personal religious journey, what it says about the world of the Christians living at the time it was written, what it says about the future of this world, and its symbolic interpretation of God and heaven itself), but I had never made a connection between it and what we do at Mass (both Catholic and Episcopal/Church of England) and what the ancient Hebrews did in the Temple. This book is a gift from God. I plan to read and reread it many times.
Rating:  Summary: Must Have! Review: I had to read this book twice just to make sure that I didn't miss anything the first time. This is truly a great book by Dr. Hahn. He is a master at taking something that we have believed all along and teaching it in a way in which we have never thought of. I think this is one of the best books that I've read.
Rating:  Summary: Wonderful insights Review: I enjoyed Dr. Hahn's insights as he related the Lambs supper to so much of the book of Revelation. Silent Witnesses in the Gosples by Allan F. Wright is also recommended for those interested in Scripture insights.
Rating:  Summary: The Mass is Heaven on Earth! Review: After reading this book, Mass is a new experience for me. I've been Catholic for 57 years with 12 years of Catholic school behind me. I thought I understood the Catholic Mass pretty well. I didn't. This book showed me why I didn't understand the sacrifice of the Mass. Scott Hahn has shown that Christ's body and blood incarnated upon the altar take the place of the Ark of the Covenent of The Old Testament. As the angels guarded the Ark, they now sing around the altar as the Lamb of God takes away the sins of the world. For anyone who wants to understand the Catholic Mass and for Catholics who want their enthusiasm renewed for the Mass, I highly recommend this little book.