Rating:  Summary: Absolutely Excellent! Review: I absolutely love it...everything about it to this date. Though only a student (not a scholar), I have found it to be very literal when compared to scholarly opinions of those I know personally and others. The most important thing is the "trueness" to the original texts. I have purchased two more for my daughers. I wish the author's daughter's review was still posted. It's a loving, gracious examination of a dedicated man to the Truth & his work.
Rating:  Summary: Title of book a cruel hoax Review: There is nothing Jewish about this book. Jews do not recogize the New Testament as a part of their sacred texts. The title of this book is designed solely to mislead the unsuspecting into purchasing it in yet another attempt to back-door evangelize Jews.
Rating:  Summary: "Excellant Greek Translation" - Rev. George Cunningham Review: As a student (and erstwhile scholar) of Biblical languages I found this author's New Testament Greek translation by far the trueist to the published United Bible Society 4th eddition text than any English translation I have explored to date. The use of transliteration of Hebrew names and key theological terms, while challanging to the Christian Gentile mind, is extremely enlightening. This author, unlike the committes of translators who produced the other English edditions of the Biblical text, does not shy away from translating the Greek correctly when it challanges specific Christian denominational practice. Just one example is the correct translation "immerse" instead of the transliteration "baptize" used since the original KJV. Such transliteration to preserve denominational practice is "dishonest" at best. The negative reviews written by those of more orthodox Jewish faith than the author are completely understandable. To assert approval would demand they approach the person Jesus in a totaly fresh way, ie. as the Messiah that was rejected and crucified 2,000 years ago. The translation of the Hebrew Old Testament (as much as I can check at the level of my present capabilities) is as true to the language and even truer to professed intent as the most recent English translation of the accepted Hebrew text as that produced by the Jewish Publication Society. David Stern's translation is a monumental work that should be read by every person of the planet that is willing to let God's Holy written Word "mean what it says, and say what it means": atheist, agnostic, Christian and Jew alike.
Rating:  Summary: The only goal: to mislead the Jewish reader. Review: This Bible has nothing Jewish in it. It is a Christian Bible (New Testament plus Old Testament) and this translation uses Hebrew names only to mislead the potential Jewish reader. The Messianic Jews (or Jews for Jesus or whatever else) are Christian, not the honest kind but the deceptive kind whose only goal is to convert Jews to Christianity. Let us call a cat a cat. A Messianic Jew (or Jews for Jesus or whatever else) is a Jew who has decided to convert to Christianity but who still wants to keep his/her Jewish culture. A deep dilemna, I am sure. The Jews who convert to Christianity become Christian, no matter the deep connection they still feel to their Jewish roots. Now, if you want to buy a Jewish Bible (with only the Old Testament in it), then a true Jewish Bible that is a brilliant and modern translation of the Hebrew text of the Old Testament, that is both HONEST, FAITHFUL to the Hebrew text, very easy to read, in a MODERN style, and with the Hebrew text added along the English translation is: Jps Hebrew-English Tanakh: The Traditional Hebrew Text and the New Jps Translation [Jps stands for Jewish Publication Society]; ISBN: 0827606567.
Rating:  Summary: Refreshing Review: You ask, "What makes this translation Jewish?" Good question. If you can get past the knee-jerk reactions, I'll tell you. If you haven't noticed most modern English translators have only an accademic understanding of Judaism. This translator is a Jew from an observant, well educated family. Dr. Ben Horin, a Reconstructionis Jewish author wrote, "A Jewish heart can be had quickly. Jewish eyes are the product of 4,000 years of special evolution." Being steeped in the Jewish life gives Dr. Stern a unique view. His translation of the New Testament is idiomatic, similar to NIV. But Dr. Stern's translation starts from the premise that the authors were Jews primarily writing to audiance that was Jews and Righteous Gentiles. (Those were gentiles who attended synogogue and observed some of the commandments, but had not converted to Judaism.)Why should a Christian read this book? Because Jesus spoke to Jewish groups, not gentiles, when He preached. He assumed a familiarity with the Torah that came from a specific set of teachings set in a specific culture. That culture is not always reflected in other translations. Just read Dr. Stern's treatment of Hebrews and compare it to any other English translation. It makes more sense then any I have read. Why should a Jew read this book? Not to better understand Christians. For that I recommend the New King James and the New International Version. If you want to understand the teachings of the Jew whose life has impacted more Jews then any other Jew since Moses, this is the translation for you. You may not agree with Dr. Stern about whether Yeshua is the Meshiach, but at least you will understand what His followers had to say. I should add that this translation was vetted by a number of scholars, including Dr. John Fischer, dean of St. Petersburg Theological Seminary in St. Petersburg, Florida.
Rating:  Summary: An must have version of the Holy Scriptures Review: This is a must have version of the Holy Scriptures for allChristians. This version gives the Hebraic (and Jewish) nature of theBible like no other version (with the exception of the Stone Edition Tanach which is Old Testament only). If you are a serious student of Bible study this is a must have version. If you are looking for one version to own, this would be my first recommendation. While I do not agree with all of the Author's commentary, his translation of the scriptures is for the most part free from bias. The author is a Messianic Jew, and I am a Messianic Israelite not a Christian. Yet this is the Bible I have recommended to all Christians that I know. Those that have obtained this Bible have all stated that it has deepened their understanding of the Bible and of Jesus. Isn't that what we read scripture for? A must have for all believers!
Rating:  Summary: WARNING: this is a Christian book Review: This book is not for Jews. It includes the New Testament, the Bible of all believing Christians. Only a dishonest person would market it as Jewish.
Rating:  Summary: An excellent work! A well thought out, readable rendition! Review: Dr. Stern's rendition of the Scriptures should not to be overlooked. His fresh adaptation of the Hebrew Tanach, based on the old JPS version, is scholarly, yet easy to read! And his own translation of the New Testament is a must for every scholar and layman alike! This work is thought provoking, and challenges alot of theological biases and convictions held by both Judaism and Christianity! A must for every reference desk, bookcase, cofee table, or the merely curious!
Rating:  Summary: The Jewish Bible was _already_ complete. Review: Hmm. On the one hand, it's tempting to praise David Stern for providing a fresh translation of the Jewish scriptures (adapted from the JPS version) and also rendering the Christian New Testament in a form that may make it more intelligible to Jews who want to learn more about the roots of Christianity. Still, on the other hand, it's hard to ignore the fact that Stern is engaged in an impossible task: presenting Christianity as an option for Jews who wish to remain Jews. That's why I have to give this work just two stars. While I am very much in favor of promoting understanding between Jews and Christians, I'm opposed to any and all efforts to present Jesus (call him "Yeshua" if you like) as the Moshiach and Christianity as the "completion" of Judaism. Jesus was not the Jewish messiah -- period. And there is no way anyone with any "Jewish learning" could think otherwise -- period. Orthodox rabbi Pinchas Lapide has written what may be the sanest book ever written on this topic, and I highly recommend that readers of David Stern's work try to scare up a copy of it: _The Resurrection of Jesus: A Jewish Perspective_. There is certainly ample foundation in Jewish tradition for regarding the resurrection as a possibly historical event and at least as a Jewish "faith experience" of some kind. On this view, it's possible to see Christianity as part of a divine plan to bring redemption to _non_-Jews. But as Dr. Lapide correctly notes, this doesn't make Jesus the Moshiach for Israel. And all the nifty quasi-Hebrew translations of the Christian New Testament won't change that. Anyone tempted to think otherwise should visit the website of Jews For Judaism. And then buy some _real_ Jewish books. If every individual Jew took the trouble to fill in the gaps in his/her Jewish education, the "Messianic Judaism" movement would cease to exist.
Rating:  Summary: becoming real Review: I never enjoyed a Bible as much as this one. Though the language might be a bit too 'casual' the prose flows so clear and understandable that it breathes. Though I do not hold the view of the Messianic community--(the position of Yeshua as held by the translator) this does not in any way take from the CJB-- i think it is important for Jews to at least know what Christians believe and why.