Rating:  Summary: The name of Yeshua rise again...can't be hidden too long!! Review: We are glad that the translation of the name Yeshua which was buried for centuries has risen again. Reason : Many are not aware the name Jesus is a mysteriously given name or a mistransliteration which have the secret code. We take the number 666 and we assign the number 6 and adding 6 to every subsequent alphabets. For example, A = 6, B = 12, C = 18... and so on Z = 156. By assigning the above values to J(60)+E(30)+S(114)+U(126)+S(114) = 444 and L(72)+U(126)+C(18)+I(54)+F(36)+E(30)+R(108) = 444. Now we turn the number 6 around and we get the number 9. Again we assign the number 9 and adding 9 to every subsequent alphabets. J(90)+E(45)+S(171)+U(189)+S(171) = 666 and L(108)+U(189)+C(27)+I(81)+F(54)+E(45)+R(162) = 666. Conclusion : The above calculations clearly shows that JESUS is another name for LUCIFER which have the same numerical values of 666. Even in Latin it is proven the name Jesus carries the number 666. Jesus in Hebrew has a numerical value of 666 using Kaballah and it is also proven in Greek the word CHRISTOS has a numerical value of 666 if we use the above example number 6 for the alphabets. The reason for the low rating (1 star) is that the name Messiah should have been replaced with Mashiach which is the original.
Rating:  Summary: Horrible translation of the Greek Review: While Dr. Stern's grasp of the Hebrew is erudite and developed, his translation of the Greek text is horrible at best, and at worst, arguably heretical. I am a NT scholar and his translation of the B'Rit Hadashah is irresponsible. To have one man translate scripture as opposed to a committee is always an exercise in folly and this is a perfect example of reckless scholarship.
Rating:  Summary: This is **NOT** a Jewish Bible. Review: To those looking for a legitimate source for a Jewish Bible, this is not the place to look. From the outside, this may look like any other Jewish Holy-Book. Yet, what is revealed inside is anything but a thinly veiled attempt to convert Jews through what is known as the lifeblood of Judaism, The Torah. If one is truly looking for insight about the Tanakh (The Hebrew name for the entire Jewish bible), please check out the Artscroll Tanakh. This is one of the most thorough Jewish bibles out there, and it contains both Hebrew and English. This is not a Jewish bible, and nor is the author of it a practicing Jew.
Rating:  Summary: Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness Review: I have been a denominational Christian for over 30 years. What I have learned about the heart of G-d, the depth of what it means to be a believer has surely been increased maniforld times by having read this translation. It fills in all the missing peices, the things I have struggled with are now at rest. Thanks for a very timely book, hopefully more Christians will be open to this truth. DDN
Rating:  Summary: Yeshua is Lord!! Review: As a new convert from Assemblies of God--Pentecostal, I find this translation the most accurate and pleasureable to read. While I would like to see this in leather bound, the translation is so accurate. It takes its translation directly from the Hebrew scrolls. For those of us born gentile and adopted into Messianic Judiasm, this translation really is a must. Our Rebbe uses this translaion. Shalom.
Rating:  Summary: Very Pleased Review: I must admit. I have been very blessed by this translation (about 2 years I have had this translation). Let me add some advise. The Jewish New Testament Commentary should be a required companion for this translation. David Stern takes care to explain why he translated the way he did for the New Testament. This Bible is not translated by a committee, such as other translations are done, you have the added advantage of understanding why he translated the way he did plus even alternate translations. He took care to do this effort in a systematic and consistant way. Without a doubt, by the aid of the Ruach HaKodesh (Holy Spirit). Thank you LORD and thank you for your humble servant David Stern! BTW - I do not know him personally - I will let his work speak for itself.
Rating:  Summary: The Bible was written by Jewish authors Review: David Stern did a wonderful job with this Bible. His translation of what is commonly called the New Testament is a wonderful gift to all who love God. Like every other translation it is not perfect. Unlike most if not all other translations it is written to provide the reader with a better perspective of the message the NT authors were writing. We met a Christian recently that did not know Paul was Jewish. Anyone reading the CJB will gain a better understanding of the "Jewishness" of the faith.
Rating:  Summary: Typical example of Missionary Trickery to Catch Jewish souls Review: This book was titled 'The Complete "JEWISH" Bible' in order to entice innocent Jews who may not no better to buy it but inside is the Christian New Testament. This is typical - dressing something up as regular Jewish in order to catch Jewish prey
Rating:  Summary: A Jewish Perspective to Jewish Writings Review: In this translation of the Bible, David H. Stern makes every effort to be as accurate as possible and provides an introduction to the Bible and this translation which is over forty pages long. Additionally, the books of the tanakh (Old Testament) are arranged in the original order and the Hebrew names of books, people and places have been transliterated rather than translated. For example: The first book of the tanakh is titled, B'resheet; sub-titled (Genesis). To help with understanding the translitered Hebrew, Mr. Stern includes a glossary. Also, there are weekly readings which coincide with Torah readings in synagogues world wide.
Most translations of the Bible come from a Greco/Roman world outlook. David H. Stern is a Messianic Jew and provides a Jewish perspective in this translation.
Example Text:
Acts 20:7 -- On Motza'ei-Shabbat, when we were gathered to break bread, Sha'ul addressed them, Since he was going to leave the next day, he kept talking until midnight. [Motza'ei-Shabbat - going out of the Sabbath. Most Translations (using a Greco/Roman understanding) tend to imply that the meeting took place on Sunday morning rather than Saturday evening as a Jewish/Scriptural world view would dictate.]
Rating:  Summary: This is NOT a Jewish bible. Review: For those individuals looking for a Jewish bible, this is not the place to come. This is a blatent attempt to convert Jews to christianity through a means that "Judaizes" the New Testament. This book is published by a group called Messianic Judaism. This group is a Christian movement that began in the 1970s combining a mixture of Jewish ritual and Christianity. There are a vast and growing numbers of these groups, and they differ in how much Jewish ritual is mixed with conventional Christian belief. One end of the spectrum is represented by Jews For Jesus, who simply target Jews for conversion to Christianity using imitations of Jewish ritual solely as a ruse for attracting the potential Jewish converts. On the other end are those who don't stress the divinity of Jesus, but present him as the "Messiah." They incorporate distorted Jewish ritual on an ongoing basis. So if you're new to Judaism, or looking for a "complete" Jewish bible, then go elsewhere and not to this rubish.