Rating:  Summary: Clear, succinct and straightforward Review: Like he did in the Prayer of Jabez, author Bruce Wilkinson manages to extract striking truths from a passage with which we are all familiar (John 15) in a very clear, readable manner. It's amazing how much truth Wilkinson gleaned from Jesus' final words to His disciples. Secrets of the Vine is encouraging, uplifting, and most importantly, instrumental to someone who truly seeks to reach the next level in their spiritual walk. Looking forward to the next book in this series.
Rating:  Summary: simple, direct, wonderful word pictures Review: Rarely does a book have such a combination of strong practicality and clear Biblical teaching. I plan to give some as Christmas gifts!I am also greatful that the author was careful in his explanation of the Scriptures. Often sloppy Bible students have proclaimed that the cut off vine goes to hell. Not only is that merely an unsupported guess, but it makes either Jesus or the Apostle Paul out to be a liar. Jesus said that vines that don't produce are cut off, and speaks of the fire of judgement of Christians. He does not say hell, that is only one of many possible interpretations of the word "fire." Paul stated that vines with no fruit go through the fire of judgement, the wood, hay and stubble are burned, but the person is SAVED. In fact, Paul speaks of a person who has failed ENTIRELY to produce fruit, but is saved through the fire. This is not an issue of Lordship, but of fruitfulness. Jesus can be your Lord and savior, and you can still produce no fruit worthy of reward. If fruitless Christians are lost, Paul lied and eternal life is gained by good deeds. No, Jesus is not referring to hell. Fire is a word with many meanings, and it is wrong to simply assume one interpretation of a parable before comparing Scripture with Scripture. Thankfully the author was careful to make the distinction between unwarranted assumptions. I do not belief that the author was preaching salvation without Lordship, an accusation that was mentioned. It merely shows that the reviewer has misunderstood the concept of fruitfulness. Confusing salvation and sanctification, justification with fruitbearing, leads to many unBiblical errors. Buy the book, read it several times, and enjoy!
Rating:  Summary: The Better of The Two Review: This book is definitely the better of Wilkinson's two books. While "The Prayer of Jabez" did give me insights into prayer, it did not center enough on Christ. This work corrects that error. He starts right away talking about the Lord and our relationship with him. I think that it is extraordinarily important to any study of Christianity. I would recommend that you read this book prior to "The Prayer of Jabez." If you already have read the other, you should read this one soon. The second thing that I liked about this book is the characterization of discipline. He portrays God and our relationship with him so well. He describes a God that is not out there to SLAM us for the least little error, but a loving Father that is interested in growth. How true! The third thing I enjoyed about this book is that it drew a distinction between pruning and discipline. I agree that there are times where the Lord is trying to correct a behavior in which we are participating and in the other he is trying to lead us on to more fruitful behavior. The fourth thing I enjoyed about this book is the definition of fruit. I read this at a good time in my life. So often we think of fruit as simply leading people to the Lord. In this book he describes fruit as doing things that glorify God. So, we can see things like being a good father and husband, a good employee, and a good neighbor as all things we do to glorify God. This really helped me prioritize some of the things in my own life. I can go on and on about this book, but I won't. You should just read it. What I enjoy most about this entire series of books is that they are brief and to the point. They teach a specific lesson and move on. I see them as having a larger scope than an individual sermon, but not so large that there needs to be volumes and volumes written. I hope to see more books in this series.
Rating:  Summary: Helpful... Review: This book provides excellent insights into the relationship we have with Christ. At times I wished that this theme flowed more continuously through the book rather than as a collection of observations. Overall very helpful.
Rating:  Summary: Three Seasons Review: This book is a sequel to THE PRAYER OF JABEZ which shows Christians how to ask for a life of abundance in service for God. SECRETS OF THE VINE instructs us how God works in our lives to give us that life of abundance if we cooperate with Him to make it happen. We can expect to go through three seasons. In the first one God disciplines us to remove sin and in the next season God does some pruning to allow us to better order our priorities. In the third one we will be invited by God to abide more deeply with Him. The author shows us how to recognize which season we are presently in and how to get the most out of it. The lessons of the book are easy to understand but the prescriptions for growth appear quite difficult to complete. It is important to remember that most worthwhile goals in life are not easy to reach. I recommend this book as a follow-up to THE PRAYER OF JABEZ - especially if you are serious about your walk with Christ.
Rating:  Summary: Defining and clarifying! Review: Bruce Wilkinson has done it again-totally clarified things through his amazing gift of interpretation of the scriptures. What an incredible gift gained through this book! I got this book for my birthday and have been so blessed!
Rating:  Summary: Revealing Review: Was referred to Secrets of the Vine after reading Prayer of Jabez. Secrets of the Vine patiently explains where you are on the "Vine" and you will personally realize why you are experiencing specific life challenges. When you are finished with this book, you will have a concise plan to make your life and the lives of others more fruitful. Don't miss this opportunity to expand your understaning!
Rating:  Summary: Secrets of Intimacy with God Review: "Secrets of the Vine" offers readers another uplifting dose of Bruce Wilkinson's positive preaching. You come away from "Secrets" and "Jabez" invigorated by God's grand vision for your life, desiring to do more for God and be more in God. This is a wonderful gift Wilkinson offers to readers, both Christian and others. I have some major theological critiques of "Secrets" when placed beside the Greek text of John 15:1-17, the portion of John's Gospel from which Wilkinson draws his secrets of the vine. 1) Wilkinson empasizes a distinction throughout the book between "discipline" and "pruning". This distinction is not found in the Greek text of John 15. Raymond Brown, the great John scholar writes in his definitive commentary on John, "Verse 2 describes two different actions of the vinedresser. The first, that of cutting off branches that cannot bear fruit, takes place in February-March. Sometimes the vines are so completely cut back that one sees in the vineyards only the stalks bereft of branches. Later (August), when the vine has put forth leaves, comes the second stage of pruning, as the vinedresser pinches off the little shoots so that the main fruit-bearing branches get all the nourishment" (The Gospel According to John, Vol.II, pg.675). Both verbs describe pruning activities of the vinedresser. 2) The imperative (command) word in the Greek text is NOT "Bear Fruit!" Wilkinson places his major emphasis for our lives upon bearing more and more fruit, upon producing. This emphasis is not in the Greek. The word, "abide" or "remain" (Gk:menein) is found 10 times in the Greek. Fruit is found 7 times. Twice the word for abide is a command, "meinate"! Here is the true emphasis of Jesus' teaching: not upon production of more and more fruit (good works according to Wilkinson), but upon simply abiding in the Vine (intimacy with Christ) and having the Vine abide in us. You must read through 88 pages before this central teaching on abiding from John 15 is found in Wilkinson's writing. I would recommend readers to skip over pages 1-88 and go directly to "More with God" on page 89. Fruit is a by-product of remaining in Jesus and having Jesus remain in us, not the goal of our lives. 3) I don't know where the 4 baskets come from. They are not found in the Greek text of John 15. There is enough in John 15 to interpret without adding in more imagery to distract readers from Jesus' teaching. 4) Fruit for Wilkinson equals "good works", both outward and inward. The context of John does not favor this understanding of fruit. John's gospel emphasizes the fruit of Christlikeness, eternal life and being filled with grace and glory, NOT mere good works. 5) Even in Wilkinson's teaching on "Abiding" there are some disconcerting human-centered viewpoints which are not found in the Greek text of John 15. He writes on page 95, "In abiding, it's always our move!" No. Both Christ and Christian can move. In fact, Jesus emphasizes his choice and appointment towards the end of his parable when he says, "It was not you who chose me; it was I who chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit--fruit that will remain" (John 15:16). Wilkinson also offers a dangerous understanding of "abiding" on page 122 when he states, "If you are in a season of abiding..." Abiding is never a mere "season" in the life of a follower of Jesus Christ but the vital relationship which keeps us alive and growing. Wilkinson envisions three seasons in the believers' life: a season of discipline, a season of pruning and a season of abiding. This is a forced interpretation of the Greek text. Abiding is a lifelong, intimate, growing relationship with Jesus, the Word become flesh, full of grace and truth. Apart from these textual concerns, I found "Secrets of the Vine" a refreshing, uplifting sermon on fruitful living in Christ. I'm delighted to see millions rediscovering the life-changing person of Jesus Christ through such writers as Bruce Wilkinson. For two more books on the life-changing person of Christ and fruitful living for parents, look into "The Family Cloister: Benedictine Wisdom for the Home" (New York, Crossroad, 2000) and "The Christian Family Toolbox: 52 Benedictine Activities for the Home" (New York: Crossroad, 2001), both by David Robinson.
Rating:  Summary: Secrets of the abundant life Review: "Secrets of the Vine" is a sequel to Bruce Wilkinson's best selling "The Prayer of Jabez". In this book he uses grapes and vineyards as analogies for our lives and the fruit we are called upon to produce. He tells about 3 "secrets" or stages in life where God can intervene and help us to bear more fruit. He details the stumbling blocks we can come across in our Christian life and shows us how God can rescue us in any stage of despair or period of life when we are not bearing fruit. As always, Wilkinson has a way of encouraging the reader to look deeper into himself and shows how we can live life more abundantly in the way God intends us to live.
Rating:  Summary: Shallow approach to pain Review: To boil down the sufferings of Christians to sin or pruning or abiding is a very simplistic approach to the problems of sin, suffering and evil. This book would be of no consolation to those who have suffered deeply, experienced a great loss, or who have witnessed a great evil. If the explanation is one of 3 (sin/pruning/abiding)--then why do baptised children and babies suffer illness and death? Why do Christians go into comas, become living vegetables attached to hospital tubes, or come down with alzheimer's disease? And what of the suffering of the mentally ill, mentally deranged, or suicidal? Christ commands "pick up your cross and follow me," as the Body of Christ, we are part of the Redemption that Christ gained for us through suffering. We will suffer also. Those Christians who have uttered as Christ did: "My God, My God, why hast thou forsaken me?" may find this book just skims the surface of why Christians suffer with simple answers that are not satisfying explanations for intense suffering, grief, or shock. Christians follow a crucified, innocent, and suffering Lord Jesus Christ. As the Head of the Church suffered, so shall the Body.