Rating:  Summary: Many will be decived .... Review: I read this entire book in a store while I was waiting for my husband to finish shopping. Enough said.There is much truth to numerical systems within the Pentateuch - Jewish scholars have known that for many years. But with anything, you can force material, data, etc. into basically anything you want - and with computers, we can do it faster than ever! I personally am getting tired of people capitalizing on 9/11 - why wasn't this warning on the front page of every newspaper everywhere? Easy to say he privately warned people in power. Jesus warned his disciples that NO ONE would know the day or the hour - not even Himself - so for people worried about the predictions in this book, be relieved that once any human starts passing around dates, it most assuredly is wrong. Read the bible - the answers are all there and you don't even have to decode it to see how far off this is. The bible warns us that in the latter days, many will be deceived - by bunc like this that has just enough 'truth' to divert out attention away from actuality. He believes in alien DNA but can't believe in God. Again, enough said.
Rating:  Summary: Count Down to Nothing... using your own money! Review: Michael Drosnin's sequel exceeds the overall stupidity of his first writing, concerning the 'Bible Codes', by a quantum factor! The text, Bible Code II - The Countdown, consists of the spurious rambling apocalyptic babblings of a doom-saying false prophet who expects the world to end by the year 2006- unless he can personally find the key to the codes; which were buried near the tongue of the sea, by ancient astronauts who traveled here long ago in a steel ark, and recorded upon two obelisks of unknown specifics. All of this is couched amongst many familiar Bible Codes matrices (rectangular Hebrew puzzle pictures) with few actual Biblical references and mostly devoid of explanation, scientific method, or semblance of reasoning. It's bad, really bad. At more than one point in the book, Michael Drosnin forgets that Bible Codes research only ever involved the Torah; the Pentateuch, the first five books of Moses. His second 'piece of work' actually finds Torah codes in other books of the old testament as well! Amazing-! Maybe they could also be found in 'Moby Dick', or 'War and Peace'? The crown jewel of Drosnin's epic sequel is his self righteous admission that he personally, and heroically, manipulated (or attempted to manipulate) several world leaders with his misguided tea-leaf and tarot-card Torah-codes! Imagine actually scaring the socks off of Arafat- face to face in his own bunker! Astounding! It is classic Drosnin, which is why I can't believe anyone would publish it! I give this book one star, only because 'black hole' isn't one of Amazon.com's options.
Rating:  Summary: Trash!! Review: The Bible code may be real. The conclusions are crap. Read your Bible. It tells you what to do.
Rating:  Summary: Drosnin Megalomania II Review: If the first Bible Code book was bad, this one is even worse. I don't recommend it, unless you actually enjoy reading Drosnin's accounts of how he is using the Bible Code to save the world from atomic holocaust, prove that extraterrestials seeded earth with human DNA, and so on. Drosnin calls his critics "silly," but his refusal to even read or understand what they've found about problems with the Bible Code is far worse than "silly." Have you ever typed the word "generalization" ? If so, congratulations! You've just created a "hidden message" with the word NAZI, using the same ELS technique Drosnin loves: geNerAliZatIon ...P>It's in there, every single word an official Bible Code TM message. In fact, the last word, "HOAX", is STUPENDOUS by Bible Code standards, having a skip of just 7 letters. ...P>Sincerely, Dave Thomas Peralta, New Mexico USA
Rating:  Summary: This Book Should Have Been a Pamphlet Review: This second book does contain some new and interesting information but it is painfully repetative. It was a huge disappointment to plow through the whole book to find that I could have read the chapter summaries at the end and get all the information in a fraction of the time. If you liked the first one you should read this one. My suggestion is to read the summaries first then go back to the actual chapters for more clarification if needed.
Rating:  Summary: Dare we risk ignoring this book? Review: I have read both of Michael Drosnin's Bible Code books and am left unconvinced and full of questions. Even if one can accept the theory that the Hebrew text of the Torah was given to Moses by an alien being from a far more advanced culture, who not only gave us information that would change according to our technical advancement, but altered human DNA to give us the genes for speech, among other attributes; even if one can accept that Dr. Frances Crick (the Nobel Prize Winner who, with Dr. James Watson, discoved the double-helix structure of the DNA molecle) firmly believes the alien genetics theory, it is still hard to believe. After reading both books with a very critical eye, I ended up still skeptical, but unable to dismiss the information as presented. I would like to know what President Clinton thought about the Bible Code when he read it. (Actually, the author states that President Clinton had the book with him at Camp David; he does not say whether Mr. Clinton read it or not.) It would be very helpful to ask someone who has studied the Torah in its original format if he thinks the results exhibited in this book are simply statistical sleight-of-hand, and that these arrays of Hebrew text could be manipulated to say anything one wanted to say; or, if it does seem to be the case that the "decoded" words are actual messages. The author frequently repeats himself and often overdramatizes events, even though he identifies himself as a "reporter", not a novelist. If the facts are strong and clear, he should not need to use such methods. Thus, I am aware that my somewhat negative reaction may be a response to the personality and writing style of the author, and not the substance of the book itself. It is my personal opinion that many, many people ought to takes this book seriously enough to do more investigation about it, because if the warnings and messages are even partly true, our species and our planet are in deep, deep trouble. It seems irresponsible of us not to take it seriously enough to study these theories, however implausible they may seem. I would be delighted if we survive long enough to look back in 20 years and laugh at it, but this book leaves me wondering if anyone will be here then.
Rating:  Summary: Keep Searching Review: For those readers worried about the end of the world and the end of New York, be comforted by the author's revelation that the word "airplane" appears as a key word in the Bible.
Rating:  Summary: Bible Code II - From Fact to Fiction Review: The original Bible Code, though not well written, was a tribute to the mathematician who discovered the code and provided the reader with enough facts and information to ponder the implications of the findings and desire additional information to validate a fascinating theory. Accordingly, one would assume that Bible Code II would provide additional refinement for cracking the code. Disappointingly, that is not the case. In this Book Drosnin has turned this important discovery into a farce by inserting himself as some kind of a messenger and hero of a "fictional" story which he tries to make a reality. Instead of additional facts, there is only a description of the author's quest to provide world leaders with his distorted interpretation of the messages decoded by the Bible Code. Sadly the messages are clouded by the author's liberal social and political biases, causing the loss of any credibility Dr. Rip's original discovery may have had. The book is the fictional ramblings of an ego driven author that has little literary appeal and lacking scientific substance, the book provides no redeeming value to the reader.
Rating:  Summary: KUDOS TO DROSNIN FOR HIS COURAGE SAYS LAUREN TRATAR Review: In the not too distant past, people like Drosnin were killed. "Blasphemous" people would cry. For by doing away with the source of irritating knowledge we don't have to face our deepest fears: Change. There is more to life than what we now believe. The Wright Brothers, Copernicus, Socrates, all possessed knowledge that challenged the prevailing beliefs of mankind, until it didn't. The result? We, as mankind, evolved. One aspect of life that is certain: Evolution. It is innate to human consciousness says Dr. David Hawkins. That being said, what if the Bible Code and its supposedly outrageous claims were but one source that conveyed the same message? What if thousands of years ago mankind possessed knowledge that would be critical for those of us living right now? What if ancient scribes from many different civilizations across the globe painstakingly tried to convey that critical knowledge in any form they could conjure? What if vast amounts of evidence existed from many diverse realms that corroborated what the Bible Code says? Would you be more apt not to cry "death to the messenger?" Overwhelming evidence does exist that corroborates the Bible Code. The prophecies of Hopi Indians, the ancient Mayans, the ancient Egyptians, the Lakota-Sioux native American tribe, the Jewish Kabhallists, the Hindus, the Essenes, all have a common thread: Humankind would arrive at a precarious point in its collective evolution around the year 2000. By that time we would have attained vast technological abilities but at the same time, lack critical information as to how life operates at the most fundamental level thereby creating very dangerous conditions that could lead to the annihilation of mankind and earth. However, at this pivotal moment in history, referred to as the "Shift of the Ages", ancient secrets were to be revealed which would allow us to EVOLVE -- if we heeded them. You don't need a degree in rocket science to see that "something" is happening today. All you have to do is to tune into the news or pick a newspaper. Indeed, we have arrived at a pivotal point in our evolution. Historian Arnold Toynbee studied the fall of 26 ancient civilizations concluding that each met their demise because they refused to evolve. Furthermore, Albert Einstein tells us that problems are created at one level of awareness but the solutions lie at the next level -- thereby impelling our evolution. If we continue to "take an eye for an eye" we will only perpetuate going through the motions on the hamster wheel resolving nothing. If I kill you and you kill me, we're both dead. A 4 year-old can understand that. Lest your logic and skepticism have the better of you, the new science of Quantum Physics also supports the underlying premise in the Bible Code which states that a number of "possible futures" exist simultaneously and that we actualize one possibility over another, or "choose" our future, based on what we focus on. Furthermore, noted physicist Henry R. Stapp, in his paper entitled "Knowings" (targeting important physicists who were expert in Quantum Theory) states: It is our "knowings", or that which we believe, which are the "basic irreducible building blocks of life." To translate that into something comprehensible, think in terms of a game of Nintendo: Every time "Mario" arrives at a "choice point," he must choose one direction over other possilities, each resulting in a different "future." We are now "choosing" our future based on our past: What we currently "know" and believe. What the Bible Code and Dead Sea Scrolls (the library of the Essene Brotherhood who secreted their critical knowledge in many different places around the globe lest we not fail to dig up the Dead Sea Scrolls...) tell us is that we have the ability to consciously choose the future, or play the game of life as we would play a game of chess. Essentially, we possess the ability to "actualize" one possible future over another by focusing our dominant thought upon the preferred choice. We can choose to experience "Eden" where war no longer exists, or "oceans of blood and the annihilation of mankind." It is our choice. We have indeed arrived at a critical juncture where we must now choose, state not only the Bible Code, but many documents of antiquity. And if, as Einstein stated, we choose not to find our solutions at the NEXT level of awareness, we can only mimic those "brilliant" civilizations of the past that met their demise. The Bible Code tells us that we must do SOMETHING before 2006. Israeli intelligence has confirmed that by 2006 every fanatic in the world who wishes to destroy someone will have access to nuclear power. Visionary Jean Houston asks: "Will we grow or die?" Ask yourself that question. Do you have the courage to grow, to step outside of your "comfort zone?" For evolution begins at the end of your comfort zone. Kudos to Drosnin for having the courage to step outside of his comfort zone and try to do something before it's too late. He's my hero!
Rating:  Summary: KUDOS TO DROSNIN!!! Review: Michael Drosnin is a courageous man who has put his reputation on the line to bring us important information. While some may ridicule this book, it is only because they lack knowledge. As an author (September 11: A Case for the Higher Purpose) who has researched ancient prophecy from many cultures around the globe, the Bible Code provides further validation that we are now undergoing the "Shift of the Ages" - a time when the consciousness of Humankind would reach a precarious point: one where we had attained tremendous technological abilities, but at the same time, not understand how life operates at the most fundamental level. This critical lack of knowledge would threaten both Earth and humanity. The good news? The "secrets" would be revealed during this pivotal moment in history allowing us to resolve the myriad issues that have long plagued Humankind in a whole new manner. The Bible Code points the way to the tangible "proof" so many of us need to begin questioning our deeply entrenched beliefs. Kudos to Drosnin for his perserverance in trying to locate the "key" to unlock the Bible Code despite incredible odds.